
Full Version: Ken's Lunch Thread........
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We'll be GENITAL. It's a promise.
can I ASS you to be conGENITAL as well?
Quote:Originally posted by Suzie
would Metal like to join us for said lunch?
You me and GIP could do it today.....

Is GIP in NYC as well?
we both work near Penn Station.
its all about midtown baby!
LOL....Midtown does have its advantages
What if I get lost,
I am not familiar with the AREolA.
it's not that SPHINCTERticated. we can meet at an easy get-to place.
Shelle's crotch.....

(just like her crotch it's worn and a bit tired, but I still love a good shelle Boink joke)
If we're really doing this it has to be right at noon cuz I must be back in the office by 1.
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