
Full Version: Guess Where I am!!!!
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True radio shack story:

Way back in the day, because the fuckers pissed me off, I had them running around the store looking for zmodem blocks.

That's l33t hax0r stuff right there.

The equivalent of this would be making them look for "IP Packets"


matty lost me with the geek talk...frame...heeheehe


My eyes are grey.

Ok doesnt rhyme but i cannot take the blame!


what a fucking shame
Ninny, Amy....may I just say, that you'll both shall rue the day, if you ever reprimand anyone else for being in a thread and chatting away. Wink

and damn it - I needed a three way splitter from the Shack!!

thanks for telling me you guys were going there. deeks.

I mean, geeks...


I'm dah rhymin' mastah! you can't stop me, you can only hope to contain me. YEAH! :bouncy:
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