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Richard Clarke - Keyser Soze - 03-25-2004

I really wasnt advocating not going to war with anyone. I was pointing out how the Bushes have been in bed with Iraq and Bin Laden for a long time.

Most people already know this, but not in such detail.

Richard Clarke - header - 03-25-2004

Yeah, but who's Kerry in bed with?

Richard Clarke - madmick - 03-25-2004

Some African American.

Richard Clarke - JimmyBlueEyes - 03-25-2004

I just find it funny that we supplied Iraq with a lot of chemical weapons which they used agains Iran and their own people and now we can't find any of them?? interesting don't ya think???

Richard Clarke - header - 03-25-2004

Evidence points to the fact that he got rid of them disposed of them destroyed them whatever in 1991. However they spent 12 years with UN resolutions and pussyfooting around inspectors letting them in kicking them out letting them in kicking them out Why? What for? If they didn't have them if they destroyed them? Hussein got what he wanted. A war.

Whether we supplied him with shit or trained bin laden during the cold war is totally moot at this point. Besides I think it's better to kill our monsters than to let them roam free.

A chomp a chewy chomp.

Richard Clarke - The Brain - 03-25-2004

Quote:Originally posted by header
Evidence points to the fact that he got rid of them disposed of them destroyed them whatever in 1991. However they spent 12 years with UN resolutions and pussyfooting around inspectors letting them in kicking them out letting them in kicking them out Why? What for? If they didn't have them if they destroyed them? Hussein got what he wanted. A war.
Damn, this is pretty much what we've been arguing about around here for the better part of the past year.

I don't think it was so much that Hussein wanted a war-- he sure as hell knew that without a massive pre-emptive strike against us, he had no chance of winning, and he sure wasn't going to get any backup from other Arab nations. I think it was more a show of force.

Remember, among Middle Eastern countries especially, force equals respect. If he tipped off his hand to the U.N. that he <i>didn't</i> have nuclear or chemical weaponry, he couldn't keep Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and-- this is major-- Israel, afraid of him.

Richard Clarke - JimmyBlueEyes - 03-25-2004

Yeah it is kinda of fucked up that how quickly people who were our allies so quickly turn against us. All about what's convenient for them, or us. I think over the past few yrs since the 11th, the message we have sent is pretty clear, as fucked up as this country is, do NOT fuck with us. Oh yeah, and most politicians are scumbags. Oh, and BTW, nice to see you Brain.

Richard Clarke - Kid Afrika - 03-25-2004

The rest of the world laughs at our incompetence.

Richard Clarke - The Brain - 03-25-2004

Quote:Originally posted by JimmyBlueEyes
All about what's convenient for them, or us.
Well, let's be fair, we play the exact same game. That's not a knock on us, because it's the only way that we <i>can</i> play this game. We have to look out for American interests first, the same way France has to look out for herself, and Germany, and Russia, Britain, etc.

It's why the allies of 20 years ago-- Iraq, Afghanistan-- are the enemies we face today... and the enemies of 20-some odd years ago (like Russia) are our closest allies today. Times change, situations change, interests and needs on our part change. Such is life and politics.

(And nice to see ya too, Jim-Jim).

Richard Clarke - Black Lazerus - 03-25-2004

I have to throw every conspiracy theory out the window after this shit, I have never seen the government turn on each other like this since Regan was in office.