Why I am going to hell.... again - Printable Version

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Why I am going to hell.... again - Ronin - 09-05-2003

Quote:Originally posted by JimmyBlueEyes
I mean the guy is old enough to be your dad.
He had to be 17 when she was born. That's alittle far fetched, considered it was 20-some years ago..

Why I am going to hell.... again - GaryWyze - 09-06-2003

Look at it this way, when you eventually break things off with him, you're actually get to say this

Inside jokes make my penis happy.

Why I am going to hell.... again - vampchick - 09-07-2003

the age thing is insignificant, im dating an older man not nearly the same gap as in your case but still its enough. but like many others have said age is a number and nothing more, its how you interact with each other thats important. but the whole thing with him being your boss is so risky, be uber careful because that sounds like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode if ur not careful. much luck and much happiness.

Why I am going to hell.... again - Silera - 09-08-2003

Age is very important especially if you're dealing with someone under 25. There are serious power issues at play, particularly with such a big difference, and in this case the guy is also her boss.

Unless you're completely sure of yourself and aware of what you want, you will end up becoming what this guy wants in a partner because he has all the advantage, as a man, as an adult and as a boss.

Age is less of a difference when both parties are already grown up and have fully become the people they are going to be.

And, let's please not throw the word "man" around so lightly.

Being a man has nothing to do with age.

Why I am going to hell.... again - IrishAlkey - 09-08-2003

I can't wait until I'm a man.

Why I am going to hell.... again - The Brain - 09-08-2003

Quote:Originally posted by IrishAlkey
I can't wait until I'm a man.
Frankly, if Silera hasn't made a man out of you by this point, abandon all hope. :nod:

Why I am going to hell.... again - Drunken GW - 09-09-2003

Quote:I can't wait until I'm a man.
would you settle for a lil man in yah?

Why I am going to hell.... again - AshleysTheGoer - 09-10-2003

well, i guess there's no need to be disceet about this person's identity (gary and alkey)... i think word is kind of out, especially at bar 9. i will answer some questions though:

is it serious?

it wasn't when this thread went up, but more recently it has become serious. it's become... official.

do you 2 go on dates and such?

yes. no need for elaboration.

or just F on the desk after hours?

no, this stays O U T of the workplace. there is no need to compromise his or my reputation. the folks we work with all have their own takes on our relationship, but we do nothing to fuel the fire.

how long as he been divorced?

only a few months.

did you 2 start before the divorce?

no. as many problems exist, he is a good man and he wouldn't do that to her.

anyway, i guess that's about it. for some strange reason this man (yes, i am using that word) makes me happy. i guess that's all that matters.

-leslie j.

Why I am going to hell.... again - Toronto Hottie - 09-10-2003

Quote:Originally posted by AshleysTheGoer

did you 2 start before the divorce?

no. as many problems exist, he is a good man and he wouldn't do that to her.

Tsk tsk tsk ash, your nose is gonna grow. Wink

Why I am going to hell.... again - GaryWyze - 09-10-2003

You're a home wrecking skank, There, I said it!!!

Oh yeah, don't forget to call me later.