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Same-sex marriages - Flock of Moosen - 03-04-2004

What is your take on this whole same-sex marriage debate? Do you think it should solely be between a man and a woman, or should homosexuals be allowed to live their lives like everyone else?

Personally, it doesn't bother me one bit and as far as I'm concerned they should be allowed to marry. The way I see it, who the hell are they hurting? Why are those against this so adamant about it being only man and woman? Please don't use the old "It's in the bible" excuse. To me that's nothing more than a copout.

Also, on a side note, with Bush being so strongly against this, do you think this helps or hinders his re-election chances? Is he banking on the fact that a majority of Americans would back him on this issue since there are probably more homophobes out there than not?

Same-sex marriages - Crackle - 03-04-2004

The whole thing is just a Red Herring. Who cares. If homos want to get married, let 'em. Wait until the first gay divorce. They won't be so hot to get married then. When they'll be legally bound to pay support and alimony, it won't be as attractive to them.

Same-sex marriages - header - 03-04-2004

The big fear is that it will lead to nambla pushing for man boy marriage or Utah pushing for polygamy marriage. I can see the fear on a legal standpoint and I'd agree with the notion of the obligatory civil union instead. Hell if someone wants to spend the rest of their life with someone else they should have some sort of compensation or access to benefits or next of kin rights etc.

Same-sex marriages - Kid Afrika - 03-04-2004

I couldn't care less if people of the same sex want to get married. And, if you think about it, it's actually kind of fucked up that simply living with a woman for an extended period of time can be considered as a "common law" marriage. This is absolutely against anything in the bible and yet is recognized by the government.

When I think about the government saying whom can get married to whom, I can't help but think of 1984. What's next? Thought crimes? Precogs?

There's people starving all over the country. Jobs don't pay shit anymore. Welfare mothers are having 10 kids, and you're worried about Bob marrying Joe? This country has some seriously fucked up priorities, if you ask me.

Same-sex marriages - Rooner - 03-04-2004

Why should gays be denied the misery that millions of straight people enjoy everyday?

Same-sex marriages - JimmyBlueEyes - 03-04-2004

Rooner has a good point. I am all for civil unions, or domestic partnerships or whatever the fuck they call it. However I am gonna go with the law here that states it's a union of male and female. It's going to go too far like header said. Is a constitutional amendment necessary?? No. Federal law prohibiting it yes. The domestic partnership thing is just the same and those who do it can pretty much have the cake and eat it too. Or for the lesbians out there the Kate and Edith too.

Same-sex marriages - 60FeetUnderWater - 03-04-2004

Quote:Originally posted by header

The big fear is that it will lead to nambla pushing for man boy marriage

What?? Please tell me you were joking.

If you were actually serious then this is, by far, the stupidest thing I've ever seen you post. (first time for everything I guess)

Last time I checked, homosexuals are human beings who deserve the same inalienable rights that heterosexuals deserve. That's the bottom line; end of discussion.

All of you bible bangers; take your religious slant and shove it.

Oddly enough, I decided not too long ago that I was finally going to participate in the voting process in this upcoming presidential election and when Dubya announced his stance against giving gays their right to marriage, he lost my vote right there.

Dubya, I don't give a fuck what your God thinks or says about homosexuals...I mean, Hello??? Seperation of church and state, douchebag.

Same-sex marriages - header - 03-04-2004

Quote:Originally posted by 60FeetUnderWater
Quote:Originally posted by header

The big fear is that it will lead to nambla pushing for man boy marriage

What?? Please tell me you were joking.

If you were actually serious then this is, by far, the stupidest thing I've ever seen you post. (first time for everything I guess)

I listen to conservative talk radio and these are the fears expressed over the airwaves. I do think it's kind of silly honestly. But in a completely legal standpoint if you go against the law of the land in this realm others will try and take it the extra mile.

Same-sex marriages - 60FeetUnderWater - 03-04-2004

I just don't see how legalizing gay marriages can possibly manifest into nambla approval.

This is not an issue of "if the gays can marry then all of the sudden, the moral fabric of this country deteriorates to the point where we'll actually approve of man/boy unions"

It's preposterous. The children are our future; teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the know what I'm saying. Children will never be put in harms way by our laws. If so, I'm out dis biznatch.

Nevermind the fact that it should be left to the states to individually decide, not the federal government.

Put in more CDs, tapes or 8-tracks when driving around town my friend; conservative talk radio is rotting your brain.

Same-sex marriages - header - 03-04-2004

Music blows. Howard sucks. Conservative talk radio is so popular because it's entertaining. Mocking angry liberals is fun.

I never said I agreed with the nambla thing nonetheless. I do agree with the idea of civil union good marriage not. Just my opinion. At the same point I don't think there should be a constitutional amendment on the matter. Most laws cover this and some people are already being punished for letting these things go forward (thus breaking the law).

What else follows when gay marriages are allowed?

Discrimination suits against...
Businesses (for not recognizing the marriage and giving proper benefits).
Churches (for refusing to perform said marriages)

Jurisdictional problems between a state that recognizes and a state that doesn't recognize.

There is so much needless stuff that follows that just ties up the court system and eats away at the tax dollar. A civil union whether it's a compromise for some or not is essentially the same thing (from what I gather) without that scarey tag of marriage. Might result in less of a tie up.

Another thing that pisses me off about this is some of the folks going to san fran to get hitched are calling their actions like that of Rosa Parks. Give me a break.

Maybe I'm a brainwashed right-wing conservative wacko but hey I know you'll love me just the same.