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Changes coming to Live365 and the O&A feed
I want to let people know that changes are finally going to take effect tommorow on Live365. Listeners will find that the first 50 listeners will be able to tune in free, but after that the station will only be accessible to people who are signed up to Live365's Preffered Membership. The membership is 4.95 per month. As much as this sucks this is what Live365 has had to do thanks to all the new goverment regulations on internet radio. I do have some options available for people who want to listen to the feed:

1. Donate thru Paypal so I can pay for a higher listener cap

I have a Paypal Account (email me for info) where people can donate so I can afford a higher listener cap. Right now thanks to the help of some O&A fans, I have been able to buy the package that gives me 50 peak listeners for free at $31.95 a month. I bought the package for 4 months, but I can upgrade it at any time, so please donate so more people can enjoy the feed. After the 4 months are up on this deal, I can only afford the package that gives access to 10 free listeners.

2. Sign up with Live365's Preffered Membership

Clicking to sign up for the membership thru my site helps offset costs of the feed too. For every person who subscribes thru the link on my site or thru my station's homepage, Live365 discounts $1.50 off the monthly charges.

Right now Live365 is the best and most reliable way to broadcast the feed to a large amount of people. Shoutcast might be free for now, but I would be the server and I can only support no more than 20 listeners. Peer to peer programs are too unreliable at the moment to be a viable option as well.

Thanks to everyone who has tuned in to the feed for the last couple of months. The station topped over 20,000 Total listener hours in 30 days for the first time since O&A were cancelled in August! Thank you for the continued support.
[Image: 855.jpg]

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