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weird crap on Ebay
Anybody seen some weird crap on Ebay? I just found this stuff but come on!! I have seen the Star Wars car. But has anyone seen anything else?

Pimp dog

Ugly Chick Cure

Is this the video O&A talked about?
<table><TR><TD><img src=""></TD>
<TD><IMG SRC=""></TD><TD></TD>

Messages In This Thread
weird crap on Ebay - by Ronin - 07-18-2003, 01:50 PM
weird crap on Ebay - by Raven - 07-18-2003, 02:57 PM
weird crap on Ebay - by SeeYouNextTuesday - 07-19-2003, 03:24 AM
weird crap on Ebay - by bigdikblack - 07-25-2003, 11:25 AM
weird crap on Ebay - by vampchick - 07-28-2003, 12:48 AM

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