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Rush Limbaugh
he said he thought McNabb was overrated, and wondered if the media, in the desire to have a successful black quarterback, overhyped him. it's a fuckin valid point, even though he's off base. the media HAS been pushing black quarterbacks b/c the NFL promotion dept has been pushing it to them ever since Jesse Jackson's coalition lambasted them on Black coaches, which still has not been rectified. Unfortunately Rush, who is a blithering idiot, mind you...did not realize that the media has been salviating to tear down some punidt sitting in the sports chair..espcially one who calls them out on sucking the NFL promotional teat. Is McNabb overrated?????? Hardly..there he is wrong. Philly as a team, however Rush is wrong...but how many columinists, sportscasters get shit wrong??? All the time. What Rush did do is bite the hand that already hated him...sports media hates someone who they think doesn't belong...and by Rush slamming them, he gave them weapons to slam him.

All this leads to the pussification and PC-sensitivity of new America...where you can not even ask if the media is glirifying black athletes...or say something that he had every right to say. It's funny how liberals rally to the cry of free speech, but shy away from those of Rush, John Rocker, and the ilk that doesn't promote their own cause. What the moron hosts on ESPN should have done is debate the point and bring it into discussion...but they are like cattle. Is Rush wrong...i think so. But he had every right to say his opinion, and i think it is a shame that people cannot disagree in this nation anymore...and where even the word "race" makes pussies freak out.

Jimmy The Greek spins in his grave, his thin ankles and all.
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]

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Rush Limbaugh - by JimmyBlueEyes - 10-04-2003, 04:36 AM
Rush Limbaugh - by GreasyItalianPrincess - 10-04-2003, 04:50 AM

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