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I've got some me with a little experiment
In “My puss thread”
 did you look as good as that model does?
 that picture is making me feel things. man things
define nice, and more importantly to whom?
 red x. corporate firewall foils me again.
 the world can be separated into to universes: Those who get me; and idiots

“If I became a mod”
 How many of you would leave?
 they're already gone. Arpi's a headcase. I don't know about Ken.
 You could? Or you couldn't?
Not much thought there. Or are you one of those nimrod's who always says it the wrong way.
 My point is: saying that you COULD give a rat's ass is like saying that you could care. Saying that you COULDN'T give a rat's ass is implying that you don't care.

Very similarly, people often say "I could care less". Literally, this means that they care. One would assume that they really meant to say, "I couldn't care less" and purvey their actual feelings.

I learned this in 2nd grade.
 Actually, I was a star hockey player until I was in about 5th grade. Then I just stopped improving, and my dreams of pro hockey were smashed. I was still pretty good. Played division 1 hockey in high school in the hockey bastion, Massachusetts. Luckily, I always got great grades in school, honor society in high school. Dean's list in college, Graduate with honors from Grad school. But your statement was regarding my attention and family life I assume? Great family. Parents still together. Two brothers and a younger sister. We all get along famously. I actually live with one of my brothers currently. I'll be flying to Cape Cod tomorrow to see them all, and I'm quite looking forward to it.

Next question? I'm sorry if my response aren't filled with the biting wit and intelligence of your one line replies
 You should have gone to a Falmouth high school hockey game. That's where the entire town is on Saturday nights.
 There's like 10,000 people in the town during the winter. The hockey games have probably 1,000 people. The football games during the fall have even more
 Once again, you were able to fit your post within your 20-word limit.

I hope you don't hurt a brain muscle reading some other peoples' two line posts.
 yeah. I wasn't. But I could have. Christ, if The Jays ever came here, 75% of the words on this board in a given day would come from one of his posts.

 How long can a topic title be
 Go back to before the Great Depression. The market has averaged a 10% ROE. Show me a pension plan that does that.

Sure. I might lose 10% or 50% in a year. But over the course of my working life, the market is an incredibly safe investment vehicle.

Boo hoo hoo. The market is volatile. I'd say the volatility in Enron's pension is a little worse.

 well then. I am all wet.

As I mentioned, I don't know anything about this industry and it was just shown to be the fact.

However. I would prefer (though I'm not in consulting or IT) a 401K plan over a pension as an employee and a stockholder.

From an employee perspective, it gives me the freedom not be locked into one company.
From a stockholder perspective, it gives the company much greater visibility into their costs
 I think that would help people with lower income. As you make more money and you can get about $15k a year (pretax + matching), plus a very conservative 10% return annually. Definitely more attractive than 5% pay in and 8% interest.

Seriously though. I honestly don't know anything about the 401k vs pension to really do the math
 I'll try to do better, cock.

Originally posted by diceisgod
Stupid, I didn't say one word about your pics nor have I ever TRULY harassed anyone who's dumb enough to post pictures of themselves on this or any board. Don't make me have to get nasty, cow tits.

How can you people not beg and plead for more posts like this?

 all I want is to abuse mod powers for a few weeks.
 make it so I could view this board without pics without having to disable pics in explorer all together.

Then: dodgeball tournament.

 If Alkey posts again in this thread it's a sign between us that he desperately wants me to continue posting on this board.
 If moosen posts another whiny post then it's a sign that I am his God and he worships me.
 hoo hoo hoo

Bush bullshit thread
 to be fair, all the kurdish guy said was that the US had him. He didn't say that the Kurds had him first, or even say, "we turned him over". Nor did he allude to any of that either.
 I'm just saying. It's not completely unreasonable to think that the US came in based off a tip and grabbed him. word leaked out to people they were working with in Iraq since they were so overjoyed about it.

It took a while to get everything officially confirmed, the proper announcements written and what have you. maybe the administration delayed things for a certain splash, whatever.

But it's not completely unreasonable to think that this story merely supports the official one.
<img src=>

Messages In This Thread
I\'ve got some me with a little experiment - by The Man - 12-24-2003, 03:53 PM

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