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Time Together & Space
When dating someone, is there a limit of time you can spend with said person? Everybody needs their space and sometimes you just want to be alone. So the question is, do you have a maximum amount of days a week you can see the one you're with? Personally, i need about 3 days to myself a week.....not that i don't enjoy the company of my spouse(or person i am dating thank you very much Amy i am NOT married!!!!! :lol: ) i just need time to myself and i know he feels the same way.
spouse????? what the fuck happened while i was sleeping.

anyway...i like to spend as much time i can with someone because i know what its like to hardly ever see the person i care about. i dont think i could put a set time on it because every case is different.
3 days a week to yourself will not bode very well if you ever get married...
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Quote:Originally posted by FollowThisLogic
3 days a week to yourself will not bode very well if you ever get married...

I'm 18 I'm sure that by the time i decide to get married i won't be needing 3 days a week for space.
I pretty much agree w. Amy. Every case is different and also, the relationship often goes through stages.

At first, all I want to do is spend time with my girl...but after a while, I do want to spend time with my boys and such.

I think it is something that you should try not to set up. Don't make a definitive rule or anything...just take it as it comes.

if you enjoy being with that person 24/7, so be it...if you need time for yourself, that's cool too.

There should be enough security and trust within the relationship that whenever one says "hey, I'm gonna go hang with my friends tonight" the other should be like "cool, we'll talk tommorrrow, have me when you get in IF you want to. otherwise, we'll talk tommorrow"

at least, IMO. Wink
Quote:Originally posted by fhore twentee
There should be enough security and trust within the relationship that whenever one says \"hey, I'm gonna go hang with my friends tonight\" the other should be like \"cool, we'll talk tommorrrow, have me when you get in IF you want to. otherwise, we'll talk tommorrow\"

There definetely is that, we respect eachother enough to know and understand when one needs to just have personal time. I didn't mean it necessarily as "oh ok we'll hangout monday wednesday and saturday" i meant it more of when(if it does because certain people are different inr elationships) does it get to the point where you're almost feeling smothered and just need to take a time out.

If my bf ever reads this i think he will shit himself. :lol::lol:
personally i do whatevers comfortable, normally i won't be with my signifigant other more than 5 days a week. I gotta be able to hang out with my freinds, or just take a break. This being said, if there is a time when she needs me when i'm doing stuff without her,i'll be there in a heartbeat.

and the cliche is true absence makes the heart grow fonder, if you truely love the person your with.
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