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inventory sucks
i swear taking inventory fuckin' blows. i have never ever done it before and my company was instituting a new system of doing it and it was pure hell. thursday and friday i was at work from 7-6 and today was there from 7 till 4 ish during a fucking blizzard.

anyway, i'm getting drunk now, yep. i just felt like bitching somewhere. carry on.
Inventory does suck unless you work at a brothel.
I can play ND football if you would only give me the chance.
why would inventory at a whorehouse be fun? you only get to count them.....

Talent coordinator and Quality Control Manager would be fun positions to have.....
<center>[Image: grumpsig.jpg]</center>
Best job at a warehouse is actually security. Depending on the location of the warehouse you may be talking about a no pressure job there. Sit on your ass and play with hidden cameras.
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Note to self: wear trenchcoat, dark glasses and baseball hat when visiting headers house.....
<center>[Image: grumpsig.jpg]</center>
There's no such thing as a "best" job. Unless you're a pornstar, musician, or professional athlete, you're a fucking slave.
[Image: hurricanecharley.jpg]
Awwww, something tells me somebody says "Would you like fries with that" a lot in the day.

Chin up bucko, you can turn this thing around.
<center><img src=></center>
[Image: hurricanecharley.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by diceisgod

I can hardly express.
<center>[Image: FOM.jpg]</center>
Quote:Originally posted by diceisgod

Yes boy?
&lt;center&gt;&lt;img src=;&lt;/center&gt;

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