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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - FU to RAP ARTISTS who feed the white stereotype

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: FU to RAP ARTISTS who feed the white stereotype
posted on 09-26-2001 @ 4:11 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Am I the only one getting fed up with rap artists perpetuating the commonly accepted stereotype amongst blacks that white people are pussies? I just saw the new TRICK DADDY video, "Im a Thug". It's basically Trick Daddy being all hard walking into upscale restaurants and punking out rich white people twice his age...taking food off thier plates, throwing chicken bones in thier champagne. How about the Gwen Stefani/Eve "Let Me Blow Your Mind" video? Eve and her sellout cohort save the day by bringing their brand of riotous fun to a seemingly hokey and mundane party held by rich white people.

How about the new BUBBA SPARXX video, "Ugly"? How about the fact that his name is ubiquitously redneck...and wouldn't you know it...he's rolling in mud with pigs as his friends play with rats and spray shaving cream all over themselves. Gotta love those white people...they're so goofy.

So let me get this straight. You're a "thug" if you pick on old white people trying to have a quiet social gathering? Why must every party conform to the "thug" definition; that of a raucous dance extravaganza....bass thumping, people grinding, crystal flowing?

Look, I understand that a rap artist can only make it if he comes from a life if hardship. You need to endure pain and persevere, it gives you something to write about. (I doubt will be accepted as white middle class jew rapping about how daddy didn't buy you a car this year.) Never the less, you can STILL be a white rapper and show your people some fucking respect instead allowing us to be portrayed as rodent loving rednecks who spend thier time rolling in mud and holding beauty pageants for ugly women.

Chief Engineer of the Starship Foundry. (NCC 1841-A)

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Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 09-26-2001 @ 4:43 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
We all know that the only way to perk up a boring white person party is with three white guys and a cream pie.

[obscure reference]Kill wealthy dowager...[/obscure reference]

"I didn't realize how tragic it [the WTC attack] was until the celebrities told me"- Ron Bennington

This message was edited by IkeaBoy on 9-26-01 @ 4:44 AM
posted on 09-26-2001 @ 4:52 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Simpsons...can you be less obscure...

Chief Engineer of the Starship Foundry. (NCC 1841-A)

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posted on 09-26-2001 @ 4:53 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70

I doubt will be accepted as white middle class jew rapping about how daddy didn't buy you a car this year.

Well what about the beatsie boys, but i agree with what you are saying. My problem is the new song "shaniqua don't live here no more" or whatever it is called, how the fuck is this considered a song? The same phrase over and over to a computerized backbeat.

What the fuck happened to playing your own instruments? Plus most of these "thugs" are so full of shit you really want me to believe you can say in a song "i feel hunger in the morning so i gotta snatch a purse" you got a watch that cost more than most peoples yearly salaries, hell some of em got watches that cost more than most people can make working 10 years, your ass ain't hungry. Then there are the ones who pretend to be gangstas "don't fuck me over or i'll blast you ass with my 9 milli." Yeah will you hold the gun sideways too? Why must rap be filled with violence, lude sex, and such hate? I don't mind hatred between rapers like diss wars like between tupac and biggie and eminem and whitey ford. But just plain hatred is boring. What about music that perpetuates peace and betterment like tupacs "changes"? Don't tell me about that "they talking bout the hood and the violence in the ghetto" Last band that actually lived up to that was NWA and Public Enemy.

But i agree with jeff show a real white person that would whip your preppy ass.

"For all we have and are, for all our children's fate,
stand up and take the war, the Hun is at the gate!"
--- Rudyard Kipling

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Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 09-26-2001 @ 4:58 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
i could sure as hell try next time. (give me a break, it's late and i couldn't think of an obscure reference response to this).

EDIT: And Gonzo, playing your own instrument went out years ago and isn't just relegated to rap. It's pop and others too. You don't need talent you just need to be marketable. as far as "Shaniqua don't live here no-mo" all those songs basically just hit a certain segment of the population who have gold teeth, don't use proper English and still say "talk to the hand" to show that women don't need that couch sitting, daytime show watching, momma's boy. Get your groove back stella! And as far as Destiny's Child singing, making it seem amazing that women are independent and can buy their own shoes and rings- good for them, stop wasting my money bee-yotch.

"I didn't realize how tragic it [the WTC attack] was until the celebrities told me"- Ron Bennington

This message was edited by IkeaBoy on 9-26-01 @ 5:05 AM
posted on 09-26-2001 @ 5:00 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Why think of one at all? How about contributing to the topic at hand?

Chief Engineer of the Starship Foundry. (NCC 1841-A)

Visit FoundryMusic & Chat
posted on 09-26-2001 @ 5:01 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Let me also add this

You all know me i shoot from the hip and don't pull any punches. It is an unfortunate fact but most white people do fear black people, some cause of racial stereotypes and some cause black people come off as just preadators at times. Why is it i can not go to coney island without being stared at as prey? Catch one they will not say shit get a group all of a sudden it's "hey white boy, what you doin here punk?" I am not being racist nor saying ALL black people do this but give it up. And playing videos stereotyping all whites ass tight ass khaki wearing pussies in your videos ain't gonnna help.

"For all we have and are, for all our children's fate,
stand up and take the war, the Hun is at the gate!"
--- Rudyard Kipling

She-Mail Me Here

Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 09-26-2001 @ 5:06 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
it's true Gonzo regarding white people being scared of black people because they do stare at you. Even if you're doing nothing and just walking, if you happen to catch a black person in the eye you literally feel (and often you do catch him) staring at you until you're out of site.

As far as the black people who like the "thugs" the reason they do like the "thugs" is b ecause, simply, they are brought up with the philsophy that "old white people' are the devil. "They oppress us, they make us poor, they're responsible for us being in the ghetto" and by showing some black man rising up and taking "revenge" on these demons then it sort of makes them feel good.

"I didn't realize how tragic it [the WTC attack] was until the celebrities told me"- Ron Bennington
posted on 09-26-2001 @ 5:13 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Hey no offense but to quote a fellow jew, "my people were the white mans nigger when blacks were painting their faces and chasing zebra's" Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years. Jews we're persecuted from the days of the egyptians, romans to the nazi's and palestinians. I am proud to be a jew as most black people are proud to be black, any man who is ashamed of his name or heritage is not a man. But i am not out to put down germans, it's the past people oppress people what can you do? People opress people cause of many things cause people are fat, ugly, short, bald, black, jewish, arab, cripple, retard. It's not just you get with the times and heal your wounds already, it was a horrible part of histor but it is over. You will be hated by people i hate people cause most people are just assholes, but perpetuating the wound by demoralizing people in music and movies isn't gonna help.

I am in NO WAY saying it should be written off and forgotten, you must remind people of the past as to not repeat horrible mistakes. But to use it as a crutch for all your problems is not the way to go. People need to be reminded of slavery, of the holocaust, and even with recent events i was astounded how any people did NOT know americans had camps on our own soil for japanese-americans during WW2. These things must be always in our minds. With movies like roots, amistad, schindlers list, etc etc and in books and school. But stop using it as an excuse no one is keeping you down but you.

"For all we have and are, for all our children's fate,
stand up and take the war, the Hun is at the gate!"
--- Rudyard Kipling

She-Mail Me Here

This message was edited by GonzoStyle on 9-26-01 @ 5:21 AM
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 09-26-2001 @ 5:18 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
but gonzo for some reason they're allowed to do it because they were oppressed. Instead of trying to make everything equal and non-demoralizing, they're sort of getting revenge on what white people did back in the day by makign white stereotypes like we made black stereotypes. white people can't complain because if we do, we're racist. white people can't stereotype blacks because if we do, we're racist. It's part of the entire "if you had power in the past, you have no right to make fun or demean any other group but if you didn't it's free reign for you."

"I didn't realize how tragic it [the WTC attack] was until the celebrities told me"- Ron Bennington
posted on 09-26-2001 @ 5:19 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
i think we're getting off the point a little bit...i dont wanna focus on the larger issue...this is one specific aspect that i believe to be really fucked up...why don't you show the hundreds of white rap fans in your videos? why can't your videos be a POSITIVE thing...showing one race...humanity...under one

Chief Engineer of the Starship Foundry. (NCC 1841-A)

Visit FoundryMusic & Chat
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 09-26-2001 @ 5:22 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
it's about getting ratings and requests. black people enjoy seeing whitey "get" his so they want to see the video more. They enjoy it more. They laugh at it more.

"I didn't realize how tragic it [the WTC attack] was until the celebrities told me"- Ron Bennington
posted on 09-26-2001 @ 5:24 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
i agree jeff one love, one heart like bob marley said.

but when you have people like lauryn hill whose music i like saying she doesn't want white people buying her music or she'd rather play to one black person than a sold out stadium of white people i get pissed. But like you and i discussed imagine if a white musician stereotyped black people in a video. MTV would never air it in the 1st place. But imagine if they showed a video of white guys beating up a bacl guy or punking him out without even touching him. Or even showing blacks eating watermelon, there would be an uproar i think it is bullshit.

It goes back to the old argument why can a black comedian spend a whole set doing jokes about white people. Yet if a white comic does one joke about a black person he better run his ass off, and fast.

"For all we have and are, for all our children's fate,
stand up and take the war, the Hun is at the gate!"
--- Rudyard Kipling

She-Mail Me Here

The Painter
1/2 a bottle of Jack Daniels... it's a cure-all
posted on 09-26-2001 @ 5:47 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00

why can't your videos be a POSITIVE thing...showing one race...humanity...under one

One word:.....Marketing

posted on 09-26-2001 @ 5:53 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Well i agree marketing is partially it but not all of it. How come bands that have music with great content like staind sell millions of records yet they do not demoralize anyone what about radiohead, bands of the past even. Chuck berry in my opinion is the king of rock n roll he never smacked up a ho, well not in a video anyway, lol

"For all we have and are, for all our children's fate,
stand up and take the war, the Hun is at the gate!"
--- Rudyard Kipling

She-Mail Me Here

The Painter
1/2 a bottle of Jack Daniels... it's a cure-all
posted on 09-26-2001 @ 6:12 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Different genre. Each genre is marketed differently. Rap comes off as angry music, no flowers and lolipops there. The marketing works. They get the white teenage boys to buy it. Marketing that works for Rap, would not work for Celine Dion, and vice versa.

posted on 09-26-2001 @ 6:25 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Well i will agree with you to a point painter.

Look at it this way

I enjoy certain rap music, and i like music that stirs up emotions hell all music stirs up a certain emotion. When i am pissed i do not wanna listen to the beatles i wanna hear some agression music and a diss song will do or a song like break stuff by bizkit. But when it is just demoralizing music i cut the line.

Now rap of the 80's was pure rap bands like run dmc and artists like kurtis blow and LL cool j and the sugar hill gang rapped what most do today is garbage. I may enjoy the sporadic outkast song, but for example Jay-Z just pisses me off. Rap is not hate music it was made hate music by gangsta's whatever the fuck that means.

"For all we have and are, for all our children's fate,
stand up and take the war, the Hun is at the gate!"
--- Rudyard Kipling

She-Mail Me Here

posted on 09-26-2001 @ 8:33 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I still think we're losing focus. I'm not focusing on the music here...or even the lyrical content of the songs. I'm talking about the specific imagery used in some rap videos to portray the artist as being a "thug" by portraying white people as either rednecks or hokey rich people with no soul or rythmn. Where are all the white people that buy their albums and make them rich? The ones that go to thier shows? Do thier websites? The ones that can KICK THIER ASSES. NO...we pick on the old and the frail..."cause im a thug".

Chief Engineer of the Starship Foundry. (NCC 1841-A)

Visit FoundryMusic & Chat
Official Homo
Nothing makes me harder than the thought of my lips wrapped around a pulsating cock, awaiting that one second when it will explode with semen, flooding my throat and nostrils until I choke. Jokes on you... This won't be here much longer... BTW: me and Ants have had sex multiple times and I ALWAYS catch.
Look who's laughing now, fuckers!!!

Is It In Yet? JYD-4-LIFE
[Sarcasm]Subzero316 fan since day one!!1!![/Sarcasm]
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posted on 09-26-2001 @ 9:57 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 01

I'm talking about the specific imagery used in some rap videos to portray the artist as being a "thug" by portraying white people as either rednecks or hokey rich people with no soul or rythmn. Where are all the white people that buy their albums and make them rich? The ones that go to thier shows? Do thier websites? The ones that can KICK THIER ASSES. NO...we pick on the old and the frail..."cause im a thug".

You're answering your own question Jeff. A "thug" in these videos is seen as someone who can punk out another person plain and simple. Most times in the videos like you mentioned it happens to be dopey ass whites, cuz like whoever before said, that's what the target consumer of the music or the avid watcher of the videos WANTS to see. Also, concerning your main point about where are the portrayals of the regular, non-goofbag white kids that are also listening and appreciaiting the music, whether you realize it or not, these artists do give respect to those kids even though it isn't as visible as the trashing. I've smoked blunts w/ Redman in Newark, he's a down to earth mother fucker and appreciates all fans, not just the black ones. These artists don't have a 100% say as to what their video turns out to be...again relating back to the marketing. Also, if you ever listen to some skits in a rap LP, a shitload of them deal with a group of black "thugs" fukin up some other "punk" black guy and even shootin his ass, so the "punk you out" stereotype isn't only directed towards whites, it's directed towards blacks too! Bottom line, white fans are for the most part appreciated and respected (I have first hand knowledge of that), marketing is a BIG factor, and a thug is a guy who will fuck with anyone, not just whites, even though it's usually portrayed that way...hence Jeff's post! :)

Edit: Almost forgot, do you think these fukin ghetto ass thugs that live on their porches realize that alot (not only) of white people are a major part of this industry, such as the producing, directing, financial, and web-handling for these artists. Hell no, they think Jay-Z does it all...they, unlike us, are clueless...and sometimes that's why the imagery portrayed is clueless...simple shit for simple minds.

Freedom is worth fighting for.

Austin U. Graduate...can't ya tell?

This message was edited by IrishAlkey on 9-26-01 @ 10:11 AM
red rocket
Secret Sex Chat
posted on 09-26-2001 @ 10:26 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01
I totally agree with you Jeff. If a White person tried to put something about a black person in there video it's racist. I am sick of the double negative. Black people can say what ever they want and white and other races have to keep there mouths shut or were racist and trying to keep them down. Fuck that. They are keeping themselfs down.

God Bless The USA.
Kid Afrika
posted on 09-26-2001 @ 11:41 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
What you people don't know about the world would surely dumbfound you. Do you think that you saw that video on MTV because nobody likes it? You can be sick of seeing these types of videos as long as you want, but as long as they get airtime, they'll still get made.

I don't particularly agree with the content of these videos, but I think you may be missing the point of them. To me, Trick Daddy going into a boushy(sp?) restaurant and eating greasy chicken is a statement that he has the money to eat in a pretentious restaurant, but he doesn't want the food. He's saying "I'm like you, but I'll never be like you." For years people have looked down on rap artists as mindless thugs, I submit that you can not be totally mindless and have a million dollars. Getting rich and famous does take some small amount of intelligence (Carrot-top is the exception that proves the rule).

I don't think there is an attack on white people in these videos, more on snobby people who look down on others.

Some people are stupid.
Some are full of shit.
Some people are FUCKIN' nuts.
Most people are all three.

SLASH's New Buddy, but shhh...
I am not allowed to tell anyone.
posted on 09-26-2001 @ 12:06 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01

I don't think there is an attack on white people in these videos, more on snobby people who look down on others.

Good point Kid...
Maybe they should've put Bill Cosby in it to kinda level the field...

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posted on 09-26-2001 @ 12:14 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Ok, let me chime in here, first of all:

...with rap artists perpetuating the commonly accepted stereotype amongst blacks
that white people are pussies?

first of all, that is not a commonly accepted stereotype amongst 'blacks'. sorry that these rap videos
have offended your 'sense of whiteness' there jeff, but you know what? it's corporations not black
'thugs' who decide what the next rap single will be. if they think that people will buy it..they'll put it out.

As far as the black people who like the "thugs" the reason they do like the "thugs" is b ecause, simply, they are
brought up with the philsophy that "old white people' are the devil. "They oppress us, they make us poor, they're
responsible for us being in the ghetto" and by showing some black man rising up and taking "revenge" on these
demons then it sort of makes them feel good.

Whaaaaaaaaaaat?? that is such bullshit, I won't even dignify that with a response. it seems you've
gotten your psychoanalysis of the black community from watching spike lee's 'Malcolm X' and talking
to a few 'five percentas'.

Now, gonzo, i've noticed in groups- people do alot of bullshit they never do alone. I went to a white
high school and went through alot of the same bullshit racism you might experience when you go to
Coney Island. even worse probably. but, whatever- that's the beast. (if a pack of white guys see a
black guy with a beautiful, and i mean BEAUTIFUL- no 'trailer park trash'- but BEAUTIFUL
white girl- they'll comment or THINK something negative about the girl, the guy or both and vice-versa
-if a pack of black guys see a black girl with a white guy-same thing! this whole race thing is so fucking

but gonzo for some reason they're allowed to do it because they were oppressed.

Noone's "allowed" to do shit, ikeaboy. People do whatever they want to and some people, on all sides,
do stupid shit.

it's about getting ratings and requests. black people enjoy seeing whitey "get" his so they want to see the video
more. They enjoy it more. They laugh at it more.

IkeaBoy...the more you post in this thread..the more it becomes blatantly obvious that you have
no fucking clue about black people, do you? don't get offended..i'm just making an observation
based on what you've said throughout this post.


It goes back to the old argument why can a black comedian spend a whole set doing jokes about white people. Yet
if a white comic does one joke about a black person he better run his ass off, and fast.

.......::clears his throat..waits a few seconds-hopes 'g-diddy' realizes what board he just posted that
statement on:: ok, maybe he didn't realize, so I'll be glad to point it out..
This is the OPIE and ANTHONY Message board, they make jokes about black people
ALL THE FUCKING TIME! come on gang, let's take a stroll down memory lane:

-"IMAGINE if there were no more niggers..."
-Anthony reminiscing about the black cheerleaders for the team his school played against making
"tribal chants, grunts and noises"
-The CONSTANT references to black people being monkeys. if there's a news story featuring any
prominent black person, there will invariably be a "monkey" or "ape" joke.
-the 'stereotype' (Jeff's big pet peeve here) of the black dialect ('ask' vs. 'axe', etc)
-the tooling on black earl (who IS a tool) not just on his 'toolism' but on his being a monkey or on
his big lips, etc, etc
...All "jus jokes folks!" so okie doke, fine! You never hear -outside of 1 or 2 people - any of the black
listeners of O&A bitching about any of this the way some of you have to this honestly picayune gripe
with rap videos.

fyi, there are great groups like black eyed peas, the pharcyde, the outsidaz who focus on concepts
and lyricism and you never hear or see race-bashing. rakim, canibus and eminem- all three greatly
respected (by that part of the black community who like hip-hop) for their LYRICISM. the fact is,
the 'gangsta' genre of rap is supported mostly by both young innercity black and suburban white folk,
as jeff said- but that genre is the least artistic, wackest side. the same with the timbaland, missy eliot,
lil bow wow, jermain dupri factions- who are all wack and also supported by mostly young audiences.
black people do have to take ALL the credit though for supporting idiots like the 'cash money clique'
and 'master p' -all non-talented..but again, i return to my original point- the artistic side of hip-hop,
which is mostly lyrical and conceptual- since most rappers don't sing or play instruments (with notable
exceptions like The ROOTS, etc)- is not fully visible since it is NOT supported by the major corporate
outlets for videos:e.g., MTV, radio:e.g., HOT97 or large record labels.

and lauryn hill never made those comments- i saw the BET interview and read the MTV transcript-
she DID NOT make those racist statements, period. that urban legend was spread as she was reaching
her commercial apogee in a weak attempt to splinter off her demo and make her less palatable to a
cross over audience. it was done maliciously and/or unintentionally by certain media outlets.
but the story was bullshit.

But back to you jeff, sorry dude- you're way off in this argument.

Never the less, you can STILL be a white rapper and show your
people some fucking respect instead allowing us to be portrayed as rodent loving rednecks who spend thier time
rolling in mud and holding beauty pageants for ugly women

"your people"- damn! ok, i see. well i can't speak for "your people"- i can, however speak for human
people. most rap videos nowadays are wack and contrived like the music itself because of corporate
domination of the genre. if you go back to the non-minstrel form of hip-hop- you had white rappers,
everlast, beastie boys, the van halen appearance in run-dmc's video who were what they chose to be
and not stereotypes...nowadays it's just ONE BIG STEREOTYPE..not just for white folks.

and for the rec, maybe me and jeff..jeff and i are agreeing here- because I'm sick of the stereotypes too-
but not so much the bubba sparx type since that one doesn't appear as much overall. I'm just sick of this
whole bullshit 'thug' shit period. god damn-that's the 'watermelon eating' stereotype of the modern era.
someone said earlier that if they showed videos with black people eating watermelons- we'd get offended
and wouldn't stand for it. well I proffer that, this IS the watermelon eating video - I'm so sick of these
black men all on TV claiming to be thugs, etc- just pure, 100%, unadulterated BullShit!!! god dam- the
few that were thugs are dead or were incarcerated. shit when a real one camealong- i.e., suge knight, the
entire industry ran with it's tail behind its legs until he was locked up. the whole thug thing is so fucking
played..and it's just a marketing tool..another way to sell an 'image' to a young audience that'll eat it up.
and there are plenty of actually talented young black artists out there- but they won't be the one's to get
signed- the 'trick daddy's" and the "lil bow wow's" will! when the mainstream sees a young black hip-
hopish artist who CAN play an instrument they go crazy. you see how the industry went Apeshit when
alicia keys came out and could actually....drum roll a fucking piano! god damn, they made her
95 lb ass drag out a fucking full Grand Piano EVERY TIME she appeared on TV, like,"LOOK! the little
black girl can play the piano..aaawwwwww ain't it cute-look- she can actually play the 'classics'...
WOWWWW!" - what bullshit. i mean , and then it's embarassing- at an awards show or whatever-
you'll see all the young white bands rocking-playing instruments and everything..then JAY-Z comes out
with a bunch of guys dribbling a basketball!!.......WHAAATT????? fuck- it's just so fucking over the top...
THAT's the stereotype that pisses me off!

and, btw, I-Alk and jeff- there are plenty of black firms handling the ancillary legal, media,
web-hosting/design, public relations and investment concerns of these rap artists and entertainers-
it's not always the white 'coach' vs. black 'player' paradigm that you see in real life.

....oh..and red rocket...Shut Up!

This message was edited by ThatTerribleAwfulNegro on 9-26-01 @ 12:26 PM
Official Homo
Nothing makes me harder than the thought of my lips wrapped around a pulsating cock, awaiting that one second when it will explode with semen, flooding my throat and nostrils until I choke. Jokes on you... This won't be here much longer... BTW: me and Ants have had sex multiple times and I ALWAYS catch.
Look who's laughing now, fuckers!!!

Is It In Yet? JYD-4-LIFE
[Sarcasm]Subzero316 fan since day one!!1!![/Sarcasm]
"my mod powers are on temporary hiatus"
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P®oJë©T M@¥hέm
posted on 09-26-2001 @ 12:33 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 01

Almost forgot, do you think these fukin ghetto ass thugs that live on their porches realize that alot (not only) of white people are a major part of this industry, such as the producing, directing, financial, and web-handling for these artists.

Don't mean to quote myself Negro, but I agree with that and I did make it clear in my reply. Unfortunately, not too much of the target audience realizes half the shit you just said, which was, in my opinion, on the money. Nice insight. I'm gonna go listen to some System of a Down now, anyone wanna join me?

Freedom is worth fighting for.

Austin U. Graduate...can't ya tell?
posted on 09-26-2001 @ 1:01 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00

I'm gonna go listen to some System of a Down now, anyone wanna join me?

Oh hell yeah- Chop Suey Rocks! The whole TOXICITY album rocks!

on heavy rotation with me right now:


..not all new but that's what i'm playing right now. besides all the basic shit you hear all the
time on the radio anyway.

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