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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - FUCK YOU to the sniveling cunts who have made america nothing but one big cuntry of pussies, and people who oppose execution..

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: FUCK YOU to the sniveling cunts who have made america nothing but one big cuntry of pussies, and people who oppose execution..
posted on 06-11-2001 @ 3:02 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
I am not opposed to the death penalty but do we have to be such pussies about everything? I love anti-death penalty cum guzzling whores arguments, "Killing someone is barbaric." No what is barbaric is your father touching you as a kid and making you so afraid as an adult you became a happy faced crusader to help the people of the world cause your childhood sucked so you wanna save animals and murderers. So you wear paper shoes and a members only coat and eat tofu and oppose the death penalty you fuckin sniveling pathetic waste of skin. Go watch deliverance 50 times and sit in a pile of your own shit and slit your wrists and free up some space for someone useful you fuckin pathetic piece of shit. Wah wah wah cry me a fuckin river you cock swivveling douche fuckers.

"Killing is Wrong?" gee what a novel idea einstein, gee and why is he being killed? Cause he killed someone and in the case of mcveigh he killed 168 people women children and men. sons and daughters, grandchildren, wives, husbands, friends, family. He killed 168 people and ruined the lives of thousands of family members and you are protecting him? Fuck that shit then let mcveigh go i think we are killing the wrong motherfuckers. Let mcveigh go and i hope he finds one of his supporters who is opposing the death penalty and i hope he rapes your entires family with sticks of dynamite before he shoves c-4 into your wifes cunt and throws her into a wall.

But i am all for the death penalty but dont be pussies. This lethal injection happy horseshit. Shit they have all these shots they administer. To put him to sleep to make him comfy to stop his heart yadda yadda. And to execute him costs thousands. Please you could OD him on heroin for a tenth of that.

I say go back to midevil times and torture them none of this nicey nice killing shit. Put me in charge i'll come up with some torture. Look what i consider to be pleasurable, i wrap my cock in barbed wire for fun.

People say that I'm a bad influence
I say the world's already fucked, I'm just addin to it
You probably think that I'm a negative person
I don't promote violence, I just encourage it
Fuck it, you only live once you might as well die now

She-Mail Me Here

posted on 06-11-2001 @ 3:08 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70

phew i feel better, so what's up?

People say that I'm a bad influence
I say the world's already fucked, I'm just addin to it
You probably think that I'm a negative person
I don't promote violence, I just encourage it
Fuck it, you only live once you might as well die now

She-Mail Me Here

Doc Smith
I Love Anthony Zinni
posted on 06-11-2001 @ 3:21 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Damn, I have to say, this place saves us all a lot on therapy bills

Seriously though, if someone kills 168 innocent people, was not crazy at the time, and shows no remorse, people will still say he shouldn't be put to death.
That makes me sad to call myself a member of the human race

Now looking over That Is So Lame and beau69 as of 06/09/01
If they screw up, let me know
posted on 06-11-2001 @ 6:49 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
fuck heroin...he might enjoy that one too much. Why not use Mcveigh or any other death row inmate for military target practice. Maybe on the mortar range. See how they like being shot and left to bleed to death.

Or we can create a pay per view death row survivor, only no one survives. We take death row inmates, put em in one on one battles to the death, or maybe recreate great military battles in history but with live ammunition. Maybe the last man standing gets his sentence reduced to life without parole. You charge $10/day to watch...I'll make billions.

You're not gonna take my hair and plant an evil Dewey are you?
The Cunt-Twat is my WORLD!
The Great Pumpkin
posted on 06-11-2001 @ 7:19 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

So you wear paper shoes and a members only coat and eat tofu and oppose the death penalty you fuckin sniveling pathetic waste of skin.

David Hasslehoff is running for the hills as we speak!

Seriously, I am all for an eye for an eye type justice. If you know without question that someone has commited such an atrosity, how can you justify keeping them alive? Did any of the victims have a say? And enough of this "humane" shit. Nothing about the death penalty is humane to the condemned, nor should it be, so why not go all out and torture the sack of shit first? So we can feel better about ourselves? Horse shit. I have no qualms whatsoever about ending the life of a murder or a rapist with EXTREME prejudice.

Now two, TWO! spots open!

DevonGetTheTable is the newest graduate of the Slackjaw School of Attitude Adjustments! Report any transgressions to me..... screw that...he's YOUR problem now!

onehung lo434
posted on 06-11-2001 @ 7:26 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
(due to time restraints this reply will be shortened)
Lab rats! Turn em all into fucking lab rats!

posted on 06-11-2001 @ 7:30 PM      
Registered: May. 01
Gee, Gonzo, tell us how you really feel. I agree. BUT, I
am not opposed to the death penalty, but I AM opposed
to capital punishment. Fuck the goddamn bitch-ass
government. Why should THEY get all the fun? I say let
every angry member of every family stab this mother
fucker a couple of times each. What would be great is if
they keep McVeigh in jail, and one member of a family
hurt by him gets to stab him a couple of times, maybe
even within an inch of his life. They quickly operate on
him, saving his life. Then, when he is fully healed, he
gets the same treatment from another family member.
This goes on until every person hurt by this prick gets a
shot. And on the last time, everyone gets to stab him at
once, risking stabbing someone else AND IT ERUPTS INTO
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!! oops, got away from
myself a little. This I think should hold particularly true
for rapists. The woman who has been victimized should
be allowed to enter a room with her assailant with any
weapon of her choice. The criminal would be strapped
to a chair and not able to defend himself. She would
then be able to do whatever it is she wished until she
was satisfied, even if he dies. Anyone agree with me

Trying to be a good
little newbie since 5-31-01
The Painter
1/2 a bottle of Jack Daniels... it's a cure-all
posted on 06-11-2001 @ 7:50 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
I support the death penalty in certain cases. This one does apply. I also think lethal injection is the best method. The most humane. The death penalty is a serious matter. Not to taken lightly. It does reflect on us as a society. There should be no sadistic enjoyment from it. If that were the case, then we should just build a Coliseum and let the lions eat them, and repeat history, to our own demise.

posted on 06-11-2001 @ 10:04 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

then we should just build a Coliseum and let the lions eat them, and repeat history

History has a way of repeating itself...why fight it? I'll be the first in line to buy a ticket

You're not gonna take my hair and plant an evil Dewey are you?
posted on 06-11-2001 @ 10:06 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Mar. 01
i would love to see criminals getting ripped up by lions and bears....The new attraction during summertime at Giants Stadium (It would draw better than MLS)

I think the time is right to bring back public executions..let the lil ones see what happens when you do unspeakable crimes

posted on 06-11-2001 @ 10:13 PM      
Registered: May. 01

I also think lethal injection is the best method. The most humane.

If they've done something to warrant receiving the death penalty, why should they receive "humane" treatment?


If that were the case, then we should just build a Coliseum and let the lions eat them,

Sounds like a good option to me! :)

Proud graduate of the Brokenjaw school for newbies
posted on 06-11-2001 @ 10:43 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Let me preface my statement by saying this. I completely support the death penalty. Not only am i pro-death penalty, i believe in public executions. Let people get the full message of a execution.

That being said, i dont think McVeigh should have been executed. The fact that he wants to die says something. He wants to become a martyr for his cause, just like he believes David Koresh before him was. The only reason he recently appealed when the documents showed up is because he wanted to embarrass the gov't again. He did this act of cowardice to bring attention to his "Mission", and he wants to bring more with his "Matyrdom". In this case, i would give him life with no parole. Let him and his message waste away in a cell forever, while he guards his cornhole from 400 lb brothers looking to make him his bitch. To me, a lifetime of torture and imprisonment is much more horrific than a 4 minute sodium-penthol induced death. For christ sakes, he took a fucking nap. He blew a crater in a large american city and they gave him a fucking nap. If they were gonna kill, they should have give him the rack, like William Wallace or something.

"With just a touch of my burning hand
I send my astro zombies to rape this land
Prime directive, exterminate The whole human race
And your face drops in a pile of flesh
And then your heart, heart pounds
Till it pumps in death
Prime directive, exterminate
Whatever stands left"
-The Misfits

Have any anime questions? Send me a E-mail or IM me at AIM:Hitokiri182
I have adopted SilentHill2 and NAMBLA Prez as my newbies. Any and all problems should be reported to me.

I've Got A Vagina With Teeth.
Dragoon Battalion
My friends call me Weed
posted on 06-11-2001 @ 11:22 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

Look what i consider to be pleasurable, i wrap my cock in barbed wire for fun.

And I thought I was the only one....

Seriously, I couldn't agree more GS. This country has become so full of itself with being the "morally right" country. You go to one of these middle-eastern countries, and if you so much as look the wrong way, your ass is pounded with stones. Everything today is so white-washed and nicey-nicey, its no wonder we have become the most laughed-at super power. You can't show a nice rack on TV, but its OK to show grisly scenes of death and destruction on the news so long as you preface it with "the following may contain graphic images - kids leave the room". This asshole goes and blows up a building to make a statement and how do we react? We treat him as though he still has rights, to the point there was talk that evidence wasn't presented, and there was a slim chance he might not get to meet the maker! On top of that, he gets star treatment, making headlines in papers, magazines, and I'm sure there are a few screenplays in the works for a goddamn movie of the week (check your local listings). This jerkoff should've been made an example of in the worst way - fry his ass. Sure, we'd love to see him torn apart, shot, whatever your poison, but realistically thats not gonna happen. What happened to using old Sparky??? They should've made him suffer like the families of those who died will have to for as long as they live without their loved ones. If we did that, we might actually put the scare into a few people to not pull this shit again, and avoid people doing it to become a martyr or a saint to their cause. Wake the fuck up America!

"I'm learning all about my looking through her eyes...."

Feel free to drop me a line, and have a nice day!

posted on 06-12-2001 @ 1:53 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
Though I am a republican and my conservative views do lead me to believe in the death penalty I was against McVeigh's execution and still believe, even at this time, that it did not serve any iota of justice. My reasoning behind this is because I do not feel he should have been allow to leave this earth in the manner he has. He should have been sentenced to death by firing squad. I don't see anything inhumane about that. How could you do something inhumane to something that isn't human? As for the assholes who are against the death penalty most of them are bleeding heart liberals who have no problem or remorse in killing a 2 or 3 month old fetus.

Not to defile, but that is why I jumped ship from the democratic party and joined the republican party. I took a good hard long look at the issues and realized that, for me personally, being part of a party that had contradicting views on the issues was pointless and only made me a non-productive member of society.

Tony Metropolis
posted on 06-12-2001 @ 3:18 PM      
Registered: Feb. 01
There is a double standard when it comes to government operated deaths. The removal of a fetus is okay and justified all around the United States while some states don't carry the death penalty. I agree with the death penalty and am opposed to abortion and I believe thre are many double standards. An innocent fetus can be killed but a proven guilty murderer can't? Animals practically get more rights than humans in this case. Protect the animals and covicted murderers and kill the babies because of a woman's right to choose? Fuck anyone who beieves that mantra. And in McVeigh's case, even if you are against capital punishment this is what it's for.

"I am a sophisticated sex robot sent back in time to change the future for one lucky lady." - The Shermanator
posted on 06-12-2001 @ 5:22 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
...powered by Opie & Anthony, owned by Rush Limbaugh?

I'm still waiting to hear a "mega dittos" in here or something, but it's good to see that most people in this thread have their head screwed on right.

Other than bending the speed limit from time to time, I like to make a habit of NOT breaking the law. I do that because breaking the law is generally wrong, and I really have no interest in participating in any of the punishments that come along with breaking the law.

Am I going to do something that could expose me to being put to death by the state? FUCK NO! So why shouldn't this apply to everyone else?

Bleeding hearts want us to know that society is responsible for every twisted fuck out there who decides that he wants to shoot a cop in the face, rape a 6 year old girl or blow up a fucking day care and office building, killing 168 people.

Sorry, I'm not buying what they're selling.

And FUCK the countries (like Canada) that won't extradite US criminals back here so that they can face a trial where the death penalty is an option.

That's a fucking shame, if you commit a crime - face the fucking consequences!

Everyone could rant away on this, but most people support the death penalty, even in countries that don't have it!

It's a shame that we as a state are forced to "stoop" to the condemned's level by killing them, but that's a damn shame.

And THEN we have people who were trying to go to court to tape McVeigh's execution because it's CRUEL and UNUSUAL? The onlything unusual is that it wasn't cruel enough!

State and federal governments should basically hire Christopher Walken to commit our executions for it - the more twisted the better.

Adopted by Rone on 6/6/01
The sky is blue
posted on 06-12-2001 @ 5:23 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00
I'm spent in talking about the death penalty but heres what I think

Dna testing is a must

Fry the bastards if the DNA test shows (DNA testing can't always be used)

Spying does not warrent death.

See My Sig Pics!

Faceman, what is this 'sok-ar' you speak of?

If you want to be adopted by me IM me at fezoanda and email me at [email protected]

Currently I've adopted meatballnip
The Painter
1/2 a bottle of Jack Daniels... it's a cure-all
posted on 06-12-2001 @ 7:36 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
I never said I was against the death penalty. I was talking about the method. Firing squad was more humane than hanging. The Guillotine was more humane than an axe. The eletric chair was more humane than a firing squad. Lethal injection is more humane than the eletric chair. To be barbaric in our methods would reduce us to level of the criminal we execute

posted on 06-12-2001 @ 8:04 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00
Tie a fucking 20 pound weight to his balls, wait for thm to ge saggy enough and then choke him with his own yam bag

posted on 06-12-2001 @ 8:08 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00
I think we learned from the Simpsons that any criminal can get out of jail, Sideshow Bob did it many many times and if it wasn't a fucking comedy Bart would have been killed.

Fuck off to those Pastey White Whores who think that the death penalty is wrong. I'm going to kill your relatives Ted Bundy-Style and hear you change your mind you GOD DAMN HYPOCRITES.

AS FOR TIMMY you fucking douche bag, how were you involved in anyway at Waco or Ruby Ridge? Huh? It had no affect on your life...LET IT GO! Your a douche bag and they should have killed you Hannibal Lecter style. A lobotomy while you were conscious would have been wonderful...Having you eating yourself would be worth lots and lots of money. Or we could have chained you into a chair facing the corner of a fucking room and told you that your would get yur fucking head ripped off with a rusty Chainsaw.

America is too CIVIL, DIE GET IN THE COFFIN. Timmy, you were saved with the lethal injection

posted on 06-13-2001 @ 4:15 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70

I think we learned from the Simpsons that any criminal can get out of jail, Sideshow Bob did it many many times and if it wasn't a fucking comedy Bart would have been killed.

lmafao, wow a basis made on a cartoon show storyline, well bravo sir. I applaud you on that.

As far as what painter is saying, i understand what you are saying and i respect your opinion. But the collesium was not a means of criminal execution, i agree they were barbaric people. But their nature was not what destroyed rome but their leadership and when caesers made themselves gods.

I agree being blood thirsty and sick in killing can be a downfall in society. But to just humanely kill someone like mcveigh is bullshit.

Ponder this one, if a criminal knew he would be tortured and would endure pain worse than hell a hundred times over. Would he second guess commiting that crime? McVeigh probably woulda gone through with it cause of his beliefs. But the regular joe, i believe murder rates would go way down.

Like caning, we view it as inhumane BUT most kids who commit petty crimes say they would NOT commit those same crimes if they had to face a caning. It isn't gonna kill them but it will teach em a fuckin lesson. When you fucked up as a kid and got an ass whoopin you never did it again.

Look at china who uses canings, their population is 4 times that of the USA and they have less than a quarter of the amount of crime we do. Explain that one to me...

Bottom line to kill for enjoyment and entertainment like the romans did is wrong. But to be inhumane is not, it is not a spectacle but it is meant to be a lesson to those who commit crimes.

Let's not fall over ourselves with this one, think clearly here.

People say that I'm a bad influence
I say the world's already fucked, I'm just addin to it
You probably think that I'm a negative person
I don't promote violence, I just encourage it
Fuck it, you only live once you might as well die now

She-Mail Me Here

Kid Touching Corps
posted on 06-13-2001 @ 1:32 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01
In the words of George Carlin "Two words that will curb crime in this country: Public Crucifictions."

But serously, I am in full favor of the death penalty, but I believe there must be some changes made. First, no more of these billion dollar, years and years and years of appeals. In old Russia, as soon as you are found guilty and sentenced to death, you are escorted out of the courtroom into a chamber and told "Dont turn around." Thats when the bullet pierces their brains. No appeal, nothing. Granted this sucks if the person was really innocent. So another thing that must be administered is DNA evidence as mentioned above. Its not perfect, but it is a start. My biggest gripe is the amount of time it takes to put these f'ing criminals off the streets. Defense Lawyers are all saying: "The constitution states that all are entitled to a fair and partial trial." What everyone else fails to remember is the constitution also says "Justice will be swift."

As for Timmah, this guy's eyes definatly needed to but shut permantly. But there is a reason why I thought it would have been better not to prick him. If he would have been sentenced to life with no parole, he would have lasted one afternoon in prison. A skinny white boy who killed a shit load of children? He'd walk into the court for recess and 5 minutes later the autopsy guys wouldnt be able to tell where the blood and semen end and where his corps begins. There was absolutly no reason why this sick fuck should have died humanly. Fuck the brother and sister fucking, jew hating, bible kissing middle america who thinks otherwise. Tim is dead and the world is a better place.

Thanks for the sig pic Sephiroth.

"Gimmy the bat, faggit"

Adopted by Sephiroth
Harmless Teddy I wish Maynard was still posting here so I could implant my head up his ass.
Needle dick, bear salesman. I think I'm a revolutionary. Actually, I'm a one trick pony.
I enjoy C&BT
posted on 06-13-2001 @ 2:20 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01
i am opposed to the death penalty. i think its
hypocritical to say that killing people is wrong and then turn around and execute people. all mcveighs execution did was play right into his hands. now he is considered a matyr by the rest of the fanatics who share his twisted beliefs.

Arpi Karhu Kauppias Forever!!!
graduted by CRXGIRL

Master of the Air Guitar !!!!
Harmless Teddy I wish Maynard was still posting here so I could implant my head up his ass.
Needle dick, bear salesman. I think I'm a revolutionary. Actually, I'm a one trick pony.
I enjoy C&BT
posted on 06-13-2001 @ 2:24 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01
sorry to double post but i had another thought.
i feel that if you vote for the death penalty you should be forced to watch all of the executions.
it is very easy to advocate something and then be able to distance yourself from the actual outcome by never having to witness the results of your advocacy.

Arpi Karhu Kauppias Forever!!!
graduted by CRXGIRL

Master of the Air Guitar !!!!
posted on 06-13-2001 @ 2:44 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

Look at china who uses canings, their population is 4 times that of the USA and they have less than a quarter of the amount of crime we do. Explain that one to me...

Cuz we're better than you stupid Americans.

"With just a touch of my burning hand
I send my astro zombies to rape this land
Prime directive, exterminate The whole human race
And your face drops in a pile of flesh
And then your heart, heart pounds
Till it pumps in death
Prime directive, exterminate
Whatever stands left"
-The Misfits

Have any anime questions? Send me a E-mail or IM me at AIM:Hitokiri182
I have adopted SilentHill2 and NAMBLA Prez as my newbies. Any and all problems should be reported to me.


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