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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - What brought you to

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: What brought you to
...And now the battle between us and them has begun.


posted on 04-17-2001 @ 12:44 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
for my 3000 post i wanted to do something a little special and board related. ive never seen a topic like this before and if i have ive forgotten it but i thought it was time to do it. so what brought you to in the first place and why did you stay????

for me i joined almost a year ago after i heard it mentioned on the show one afternoon. they were talking about visiting and not because the guy who has that name registered was just an asshole looking for money or something to that effect. so i decided to put the url in the browser window and check it out. it was quiet but it looked like a cool place to be, posted a few times and got the hang of things. eventually i went into the voice chat that we had on the old board, 2 servers removed i believe and met people like wnew's girl and others who were cool people and liked to have fun. so i decided to stay for good and ive been here ever since.

you know people say things are getting worse around here, its not the same and all that, but to tell you the truth, this board is a pretty good community. sure we are disfunctional, how can a bunch of people who mostly interract on a message board not be??? and sure we dont all like each other, but it just takes threads like fez's the other day to show you that, if one of our members is down and out, other members will show their support for them and even offer to help if they can. you can't get that from some random people in a chat room. we have become a kind of a family around here and in a world where crazy shit goes on everyday, thats kinda cool. Im going to go out on a limb here and say that if for some reason the O&A show goes away, be it by choice or by force, i will guarantee that this board will still be here for us people to just bullshit with each other and carry on like we always do. and that thought is pretty cool. ive met a bunch of interesting people on here that i am proud to call friends and i look forward to hanging out with you people in person in the future. happy posting people and keep up all the good work :)

a message to the posters of
You Must Chill, You Must Chill
posted on 04-17-2001 @ 1:07 AM      
Registered: Sep. 00
well, faceman, its pretty much the same here, i registered in sept....soon after thst, my computer went on the fritz, so i disappeared til around dec or jan...went to the board party in bklyn, met the sick f's of the board, and i was hooked for good.....and i hope youre right bout the stickin together, theree are some cool peeps ive met here, like wnew girl,skank, isthatdononthephone, the list goes on.....

official drunk driver of the fuck truck....

i'm still here sean...:-)
posted on 04-17-2001 @ 1:13 AM      
Registered: Dec. 00
I've been through 5 name changes (Matt007, OldSenileGuy, MattDemmyShow, JohnHuber, FoundryMusicJohnHuber for anyone who cares) since the first time i came to the board. I saw it in the links section of the old old OLD Foundry Music, back when there was a scroll window on the left of the screen, and separale links for Filez 1, 2, etc. It was back then, and even more fun back then. Gah damn I miss voice chat....

Backstreet Boys or N*Sync?

Both of them. Locked in a house, on fire, surrounded by trick fire extinguishers filled with gasoline.

No Adopted Newbies!!
Now taking Applications...

posted on 04-17-2001 @ 1:15 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01
I of course heard it mentioned on the show, so i decided to check it out. I lurked on and off for a few months, then joined. I became an addict with my very first post.
The personalities kept me coming back. The topics and the wittiness of the members(some).

Just Jon
posted on 04-17-2001 @ 1:18 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
Last August, I was searching the net for Syndication Underground and found this site. Just want to thnk Chuck again. He truly is the Godfather of SU.


E-mail: [email protected]
AIM: JonNeedsSN
Adoptee: Could be you, if you contact me
You listen to me! While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is I am a nay-sayer and a hatchet man in the fight against violence! I pride myself in taking a punch and I'll gladly take another because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King! My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a love. I love you, Sheriff Truman.
posted on 04-17-2001 @ 1:18 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Like everyone else, i heard it on the show. It used to be that Anthony would mention 15 different Sig Pics per show done by either the Gooch or Fez that related to the conversation. It got to the point where i felt i had to post on the board to get the full effect of the show. Havent regretted a day since.

"In my veins courses the blood of the ancients... I am one of the rightful heirs to this planet!"
"What I have shown you is reality. What you remember, that is the illusion."-Sephiroth

"Jesus Christ buddy, you are WHITE! Do you live underground or something?"- Vos
Have any anime questions? Send me a E-mail or IM me at AIM: Hitokiri182
Go to foundry Chat, home of NUDE TEEN Chatters
I am Master Shredder....I am Ninja Master

I Have 2 slots open for adoption.E-mail or IM me for questions or Applications concerning Adoption.

This message was edited by Sephiroth on 4-17-01 @ 1:21 AM
posted on 04-17-2001 @ 1:19 AM      
Registered: Sep. 00
fore i forget, matt, youre cool too.we met at WWF fri....and raven, but too many to mention,..just needed to add that..:-)

official drunk driver of the fuck truck....

i'm still here sean...:-)
posted on 04-17-2001 @ 1:36 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: May. 00
Well I was cruising the NYRMB almost a year ago and Froy put up a post that was up for like 10 mins about Since I was looking for info on O&A anyway...I decided to check it out...

He hasnt been able to get rid of me since :)

hellspawn warrior
Brinstar Invasion Team
posted on 04-17-2001 @ 1:41 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00
I came to the board in the infamous "bang party" wave. I couldn't believe that O+A wold devote so much time of the show to a fan-run message board, so I had to lurk for myself. There's nothing better after a had day at work than to chill with you guys and laugh a little.

The true enemy of creativity is good taste- Greg Hughes
Doc Smith
I Love Anthony Zinni
posted on 04-17-2001 @ 1:51 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
I was crusing around Foundry, saw the link for a South Park site. I went there, saw there was a board...and the rest as they say, is history.
I miss that voice chat too, it killed bandwidth though. Ah, the days of

Skeet Slambone
posted on 04-17-2001 @ 1:55 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
I found the link on FoundryMusic Waaaay back. I came to the site, registered, forgot I registered and didn't come back until last November. I lurked for a bit and the registered a new name. I think I came in right before that one huge boom of users. I was part of the mini-boom which preceded it.

posted on 04-17-2001 @ 2:04 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 00
I came to the board back in August. I was looking for any kinds of things on O&A, and I stumbled upon this site. I just felt right. Everyone here was very cool, and it just seemed like a lot of fun and it is. I have meet some very cool people here that I consider friends, and have nothing but the board to thank.

[sarcasm]I hope my sig pic doesn't offend you[/sarcasm]!

FU Buttmunch

"Think before you write" - Froy

E-Mail Me

Mi1o Yambag
posted on 04-17-2001 @ 2:05 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I came in with the bang party wave, but, to be honest, i had no idea about it until i got here and read some of the posts. in fact, at that time, i couldn't listen to o&a, as i'm too far away.

in my travels looking for SU, i came across the board, put up the obligatory 'feed me' post, got flamed and just lurked for the next two months. finally i got the balls to post a little more, and as soon as the board changed servers two months ago, i became a regular poster.

as for the matter of the board's current state...i like it. like face said, we're like a tight knit--if a bit dysfunctional--family. and thats what i love about this place. honestly, if someone told me that i couldn't come to the board anymore, at this point, i wouldn't be able to stop.

Smoke Weed Everyday

My adopted junior yambag is Ants in My Pants
posted on 04-17-2001 @ 2:10 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
I heard ant talk about it on the show then registered last september. at first I hated this place JMB was on my ass alot. but I stuck it out. I think the thing that kept me here was the love of the show. CBH's sigs made me laugh alot too.

Angelo from da Bronx
posted on 04-17-2001 @ 2:33 AM      
Registered: Dec. 00
Listening to the show, heard it mentioned on their, and decided to join the board. Thats basically it.

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F N Moron
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P®oJë©T M@¥hέm
I Mod VG's ass!
posted on 04-17-2001 @ 3:08 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I think I found thru a link from Foundry, but it may have been thru (I used to search for all kinds of South Park stuff)
I started lurking the board periodically but never signed up. If memory serves, at the time you could post as a "Guest" and didn't have to actually sign up {does anyone else remember this} ...anyway, I originally signed up frigginmoron but only ever posted twice...which I think {like Mi1o Yambag} were the "asking for a bashing" type questions... I vauguely remember going into the Voice Chat once or twice, but not saying much...if anything...I lurked around until the (what is this...) Bang Party ( speak of?) until I decided to post again, only problem is I had forgotten my password & was to stupid to click the "I forgot my password" option, so I signed up again as fugginmoron in October 2000. I was "fuggin" until right around New Years, then went with the moniker FN Moron...& that's who I've been since...

As far as what keeps me coming back here...well, I've done alot of the "Official" & "Un-Official" Board Stuff, XFL Tapings & Games, the last Road Show, etc... & met alot of sick pups from this board as well as a few from the O&A show...all of which were totally cool...

Professional Slacker
To look at all of my photo albums click my sig pic
or just Visit this Website
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Currently overseeing the lurking of Sluggo667

This message was edited by F N Moron on 4-17-01 @ 3:09 AM
posted on 04-17-2001 @ 3:22 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70

He hasnt been able to get rid of me since

And we wouldn't let you go without a fight, but if the fight involves mendi i'm bringing a pipe.

I found this board in late june or early july i dont remember for sure, of last year. I did an O&A search on yahoo. I accidently went to the other site. I remember seeing the names froy and opak and IP. I read the messages and the board was super slow something like 350 or 400 members back then.

I came back once a week about, but for some reason i guess nervousness or maybe cause i thought it sucked i dunno, i didnt join.

O&A went on vacation in august for a week. Before thhey left they mentioned the board again. After a couple days of worst off i came on the board and saw a post about howard i forget who did it i think MyTjoe (RIP) and i joined up and i was a newbie dick. I figured i'd prove myself by doing a war and peace size rant on howard...."yeah they will think i am so cool, cause NO ONE ever though to do this before."

I joined under a different name which was taken by another user so i gave it up and took GonzoStyle. Couldn't have made a better fuckin choice. and No i will not say what the other name was cause i use it once in a while hehehehe.

I was pretty much mellow when i first joined i will not say that i was the sick fuck of the board immediatly. I got myself out there with my sig pics at first like gooch and fez but neither was a member yet. I did a new sig pic every other day...that worked out well. Then after the bang party i called in to defend the board after NJdude called and before Upuauat called in. I got some props from opak which made me wet.

I went to voice chat that same night and anthony came in and we had a blast did some voices for him. I met bunches of people in voice chat i did some great voices on the microphone. So i went from sig pics, to voice man, to bbit man, to kid toucher, to all out sick fuck, to sick fuck with mod powers and it has been a hell of a ride.

There is so much rich history in this place it is not funny. I could talk hours and hours about the history of the board.

A small idea in froy's head that started with just a fans dedication and through all of his hard work and dedication now look.

Froy really is an idol too me, how many fuckin guys would have given up 6 or 8 months ago? For those who werent here for the "after bang party" fiasco it was bad and that was the first strike, so don't think it is bad now. Then it was bad, now it is rosey.

Have you come here for forgiveness
Have you come to raise the dead
Have you come here to play Jesus
To the lepers in your head

She-Mail Me Here

posted on 04-17-2001 @ 4:23 AM      
Registered: Dec. 00
I came in December with the rest of the South Park crowd from THH, although I never posted there, but decided to start when it moved, when everybody else left I decided to hang around, mainly just lurking now but posting occassionally, although there is not a lot going on in the SP section these days, this section is usually a good read.

posted on 04-17-2001 @ 4:44 AM      
Registered: Jan. 70
yeah the SP section is really slow, how pathetic is it to have to be a mod there hehehehehe..........hey wait!!!

start posting in SP and make me look good.

And the earth becomes my throne
I adapt to the unknown
By myself but not alone. I ask no one
And my ties are severed clean
The less I have the more I gain
Off the beaten path I reign

She-Mail Me Here

posted on 04-17-2001 @ 5:35 AM      
Registered: Apr. 01
Old hellhole board went into trash, so I came here.
posted on 04-17-2001 @ 6:57 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Heard it on the show and started hanging around. Enjoyed ripping on people and getting ripped on (before the kinder gentler board). There are some really good people here, so it keeps bringing me back.

Oh yea, can't forget. Great place to meet babes. That old gag.

o&aswallow Recognized His Destiny Early.
Too Many Hotties, Not Enough Horny Goat Weed

It at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do suck seed. - Curly Howard.
posted on 04-17-2001 @ 7:18 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
Back in August 2000, after attending the wild and wacky celebrity softball game I came here to see the pics that were posted here of all the fans at the game. As a result of coming here I met the hick fireman of my dreams and tons of great people. This board has def been thru alot of stuff good and bad, but it was def worth sticking around and making such great friends :)

E-Mail Me
posted on 04-17-2001 @ 7:41 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
I came for the fame, the notariety, the promise of future riches...oh wait, wrong board...oops.

Much like most everyone else, I heard the guys talk about it on the air, checked it out, registered back in September and became an official boardaholic.

Vive la revolucion!!!

E-Mail Me

"What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach...So, you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants, well he gets!
posted on 04-17-2001 @ 8:32 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00
I came for the constant abuse.

Flock of Moosen's Bodyguard
Anger problem?
What anger problem?
I hate the fucking mud!
posted on 04-17-2001 @ 8:42 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I think for me it was the first time Froy and Opak went into the studio and plugged the board. That's when I really became interested and checked it out.

"What are you speaking? German Brian?
German! Jermaine! Jermaine Jackson! Jackson 5! TITO!"

My graduated adoptee: BACKDOOR BUNNY
Proud graduate of NJDude's School of Rock

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