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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - DSL And Cable Modem users - Please Read

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: DSL And Cable Modem users - Please Read
DR. Buster Hymen
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 1:16 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Seph, Do you know of any tricks to help us poor dial-up folks???

Where I live, I can't get DSL because I have a digital splitter in my line, and there will be no Optimum-On-Line as promised by Cablevision for at least 2 years. In fact, because of the digital splitter, nobody in this neighborhood gets over 26.4K service.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. A big FU to Verizon & Cablevision for their shitty service!
:( :( :( :( :( :(
DOC Buster

DR. Buster Hymen
"Spread Your Legs & Say Aahhh"
[email protected]
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 1:20 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

apparently my speed has decreased, from 19 times faster to 15 times faster, by downloading that patch,, what the fuck?

I talked to you in IM's about this. First, use the stored registry file you made to return your old settings. Then, select the second patch for windows 98, this one.

There are 2 patches available if you have Windows 98. I guess WBK showed us to use the second one, and the importance of creating a save file.

Here is my Email Address. Here is my IM name. It's there for a reason. Please use it. Oh god, I'm so lonely...........

posted on 08-25-2001 @ 1:23 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00

Webmaster of the Undergound Unofficial I Hate adolescentmasturbator Message Board
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posted on 08-25-2001 @ 1:27 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

Seph, Do you know of any tricks to help us poor dial-up folks???

Where I live, I can't get DSL because I have a digital splitter in my line, and there will be no Optimum-On-Line as promised by Cablevision for at least 2 years. In fact, because of the digital splitter, nobody in this neighborhood gets over 26.4K service.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. A big FU to Verizon & Cablevision for their shitty service! nope. Sorry.

Here is my Email Address. Here is my IM name. It's there for a reason. Please use it. Oh god, I'm so lonely...........

posted on 08-25-2001 @ 1:34 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Jan. 01

Where I live, I can't get DSL because I have a digital splitter in my line, and there will be no Optimum-On-Line as promised by Cablevision for at least 2 years. In fact, because of the digital splitter, nobody in this neighborhood gets over 26.4K service.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


It's just "I love you" can mean a lot of things, like "You'll do till someone
better comes along", or "I can't describe how I really feel but I know I'm
supposed to say this", or "Shut up, I'm watchin' TV"...

Yo, I went up to a thug gangster and he was like, "Yo, motherfucker
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 1:35 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
maybe satellite?

dont know if it sucks or not

Webmaster of the Undergound Unofficial I Hate adolescentmasturbator Message Board
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DR. Buster Hymen
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 1:39 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Oh well, I was hoping that you wizards might have some ticks up your sleeve.

I have heard about the satellite service-Sunstar. Haven't really heard how good it is. Anyone have it? I'm not even sure if it's in the area yet.

OK, no streaming video for now. That'll really suck with the new Stinky Cam!!! Thanks anyway, guys.

DOC Buster

DR. Buster Hymen
"Spread Your Legs & Say Aahhh"
[email protected]
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 1:50 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I haven't heard of that one. The only two I know are Starband and DirecPC. Out of those two I recommend Starband. You average speeds of 200-300 Kbs.

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posted on 08-25-2001 @ 1:54 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01
I would think that if you could get a satellite signal where you's available.
do you see any of your neighbors w/dishes in their yards?

Sluggo667...Neighbor of the beast...
UH...I forgot what I wanted to say...
DR. Buster Hymen
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 2:13 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00
AM, you're right. I was thinking of Starband.

And no Sluggo, nobody in the neighborhood here has satellite DSL service. That's why I'd like to know if it is even worthwhile to look into. I know that Starband requires a view of the southern sky; it beats me if I even have this.

I had also heard of a service that the phone co. was working on using fiberoptics instead of copper transmission. Anyone hear anything about this?

Doc Buster

DR. Buster Hymen
"Spread Your Legs & Say Aahhh"
[email protected]
SLASH's New Buddy, but shhh...
I am not allowed to tell anyone.
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 2:23 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01
Yeah the satellites are pretty much south west.
When I tried to get sat. tv the only place in my yard would have been at the roadside edge on a 10' pole...Not happening.

Sluggo667...Neighbor of the beast...
UH...I forgot what I wanted to say...
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 10:28 AM      
Registered: Aug. 00
Question - doees this increase the speed of all downloads? Will stuff come through Aimster more quickly or does this just increase the speed that pages load and stuff. (he said load - huh huh)

Original SWILLER - Affiliate S.T.O.N.E.R.
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 10:36 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

Question - doees this increase the speed of all downloads? Will stuff come through Aimster more quickly or does this just increase the speed that pages load and stuff. (he said load - huh huh)

Let me put it like this.

After i got my modem to hit 3mb/s, it took me 12 minutes to download the entire movie "Hannibal", all 2 hours of it off of Morpheus. Does that answer your question? :)

Here is my Email Address. Here is my IM name. It's there for a reason. Please use it. Oh god, I'm so lonely...........

FN Moron
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posted on 08-25-2001 @ 10:38 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Holy F... I went from 13X's faster to 68X's faster... now i gotta go try d/l-ing something (sizable) to see if it actually makes that big of a difference...

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Professional Slacker
I should get paid for this crap...
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 12:40 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Will this work with the T1's in the colleges? And also, being lazy and having no knowledge of the computer, can you post exactly how you got to that patch. Does it come up on the first screen or do you have to search for it.

"Now the seasons over, and I feel it gettin' cold. I wish I could take you to some sandy beach road, we'ed never grow old. Ah but baby you know thats just jive, but tonight's bustin' open and.... I'm alive!"~Bruce Springsteen (Thunder Road Est. 1973)

Well I got this guitar and I learned how to make it talk

This message was edited by FoundryMusicDoug on 8-25-01 @ 1:13 PM
Is Don on the phone?
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 4:10 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
Thanks for the tips, and for two kewl sites-you da man!

posted on 08-25-2001 @ 4:24 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
you f*ing rock. I'll treat you to an eggaroll next time i see you.

** Speed 3498(down)/983(up) kbps **
(At least 69 times faster than a 56k modem)

"What are you gonna do?Release the dogs?! Or the bees?! Or dogs with bees in their mouth so that when they bark they shoot bees at you?"
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 5:30 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I'm a little unsure about this whole thing. Are you a single stand alone pc hooked up to your cable modem or are you on a network?

while we are on the topic of cable modems...I currently have dsl with Earthlink 1.5/128 and I am NEVER down. Is cable as stable and will I always have a connection around 2-3 megs?

ps...satellites ok, enormous ping times though

Kiss Me I'm Duff

This message was edited by Spuds_Buckley on 8-25-01 @ 5:45 PM
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 6:28 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
I suck. This thing doesn't work for me. I went from 15x 56k to 5x. Help me. Please.

"Now the seasons over, and I feel it gettin' cold. I wish I could take you to some sandy beach road, we'ed never grow old. Ah but baby you know thats just jive, but tonight's bustin' open and.... I'm alive!"~Bruce Springsteen (Thunder Road Est. 1973)

Well I got this guitar and I learned how to make it talk
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 7:01 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I'm sharing a cable modem with my pop, he's got the direct connection, I'm networked into it.. here are my stats

Before: 646 down 99 up 12x faster than 56k
After : 1413 down 88 up 28x faster than 56k

I'm a little concerned about my upload speed DECREASING!! Although that's only a little slower. I'm gonna try it on my pop's computer and see what happens.

Message to those concerned with my smoking habit.... mamma didn't raise no quitter.

Nay. We are but men. ROCK.
The man with the plan.
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 7:52 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
All this little tweak does is set a few values in your registry. Before you touch the REG file, the values do not even exist in your registry - Windows simply uses its own defaults. Once the custom settings are in, it uses those instead.

The major change here is the TCPWindowSize. This controls the number of bytes that can be downloaded without your computer answering the sender. In other words, when you download a file, your computer will periodically send a packet saying that all is going well, and to keep going. The tweak simply increases this interval. I don't remember what the default is, but the tweak sets it up so you can download 256kbytes before it sends up a packet.... that's awesome. That's also where you get your speed increase, since you're not wasting time and bandwidth sending these packets...

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Syndra has graduated and will one day take on droogs of her own.
One position available. Come and get one in the yarbles.... if you have any yarbles.
posted on 08-25-2001 @ 9:51 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
For those of you noticing a speed DECREASE...

Try the test again late at night - as has been said before there are a myriad of reasons why your connection might be slow.

If you are trying to get a speed measuring when there is a lot of network congestion things will seem slower than they are.

You can try the test a couple of times and pick out an average if it makes you feel better.

I think most people do get a speed kick after these registry values are created/edited though.

So in other words, don't do your initial test at 2am and then do your post-patch test at 8pm the next day. Remember that the testing location is California, so adjust for the three hour time difference as well.

"Look how hot they're getting. And that's an old picture," Anthony says.
posted on 08-26-2001 @ 3:30 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
just installed the 2nd patch, the one i shud have downloaded and got these results:

** Speed 684(down)/447(up) kbps **
(At least 13 times faster than a 56k modem)
** Speed 2686(down)/808(up) kbps **
(At least 53 times faster than a 56k modem)

Webmaster of the Undergound Unofficial I Hate adolescentmasturbator Message Board
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posted on 08-26-2001 @ 11:17 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Holy Rubber Dog Shit Batman!

Before: DL 636kbps UL 768kbps 12X faster than 56K
After: DL 3601kbps UL 815kbps 72X faster than 56K

Thanks for the tip!


posted on 08-26-2001 @ 12:54 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
thanks for the info did this last night 61x faster than 56k

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