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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - What bothers you about

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: What bothers you about
crx girl
Newbie! vg Y's me
ugo girl
Limey Mothercocker
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 4:39 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
i'll have to get back to you on this one...

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. --Victor Hugo
regardless of my status, i am a nice person. no really, i am, i swear;) crack hitler belongs to me :)
need me? try: [email protected]
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 6:30 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00
(1) Well, I won't mention any names, cough, GonzoStyle ;-), but some of the mods would be right at home in the Taliban. Fairness and a certain amount of civility should be a prerequisite for the job. It isn't and it shows!

I'm a moderator for two other forums and can tell you that a message board lives or dies by whatever tone its administration puts forth.

Deletions, locked threads and bias are sometimes the norm and they shouldn't be.

(2) The whole adoption thing is retarded and only serves to further create an aura of elitism. This is a message board inpsired by the most casual of radio shows, yet this joint takes itself way too seriously.

(3) Status - need I say more? Probably not, but I will anyway. What could be a fun and even endearing part of this place has become little more than a way for mods to insult certain members. I'm not saying that some don't deserve their status; they probaby do, but a moderator should be above such pettiness.

(4) The lynch mob mentality. People, think for yourselves. How many times have we seen one post followed by 20 "dillions" or other such responses? What's the point? To make a fellow board member feel like the biggest asshole possible? A better alternative would be to simply play the silent game. Nothing says "this-is-a-lame/stupid/meaningless-thread" better than zero responses.

(5) Post counts; who cares? They only go too show that some among us have way too much time on their hands.

Of course, on the plus side, Froy has definitely built something of merit. We're also lucky enough to have some very sick & funny fucks posting here. And even the mods, some of whom I know I've taken to task, obviously care a great deal about the board.

My suggestions are meant as constructive criticism, with the hopes of making a good place even better. I hope they're taken as such!

posted on 10-13-2001 @ 8:24 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Plus as far as the gatherings go i agree we need more of them. I would like to see atleast 1 or 2 a month and not brother joe gigs and enough with unnofficial parties they are parties they are board parties that is that. The parties helped this board more than any other factor cause people got out and met eachother and it created bonds.

I could not disgree with you more. You also mention that when this place was all about internal board stuff and not outside bs this place was rocking. Well, the outside lives of the members, through parties, became the internal board shit. Mods fighting Mods, members attacking other members through third party info about what a certain person did at a party. Cliques were formed. All happened because of these get togethers. Then you get all the inside jokes that only a small few party go-ers will get.

Get togethers were bound to happen...who knew they would run the board

I hope he tells us to burn our pants...these things are driving me nuts! Hold on there maestro, there's a "New" Mexico?

This message was edited by Spuds_Buckley on 10-13-01 @ 8:38 AM
Coming Soon!!! The Grand Opening of The Junkyard Bar & Grill!
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 8:28 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00

i enjoy a turn in the barrel

I'm sure Magus will be glad to lend you his, or maybe share it with you:P

By dropping all grudges does that mean you'll be letting dolphin touchers back?

11 Sep 01: A day we will always remember, a day those bastards will never forget!!
Support the troops!! Lights on when driving!!
The sky is blue
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 9:02 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Oct. 00

  • Some of you could stop kissing my ass and realize I'm just one of you.
  • This board is about Opie and Anthony.
  • I dunno what to say here but it gave me a third star thing.

Wanna be the coolest kid on your block? Get an 'I love Froy t-shirt!' Add it to your sig today!
Email me at [email protected]
Teh cute.
Look at that. You could bounce quarters off of it. Incredible.
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 9:38 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 01
Obviously, I dig this board, and since I don't have any strikes, this isn't about me. I've chatted with plenty of board members, but I feel bad for a few who suddenly have a strike and say "WTF?" because they can't think of a damn thing they've done wrong. When someone doesn't post an inane thread, fuck up good threads with stupidity, go out of their way to piss off a mod, or share their own truly distasteful "humor", why are they getting strikes? And if they know anything to begin with, they aren't going to ask a mod in fear of getting another. I think there should be a clear cut list of what earns you a strike. No one should get a "Touch" b/c someone stubbed their toe on the way to the p.c. and in a foul mood, decided they didn't like this person's sig.

One Nation...Indivisible.

Graduated Summa Cum Laude from FollowThisLogic's
Droog Academy

"The first Jewish guy I ever really loved was Christ.
And then came Louis Black."
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 9:57 AM      
Registered: May. 01
I think that rather than try to figure out what is "wrong" with the board, maybe those in charge should figure out first what the goal of the board is. Is it a place to:

a. have fun
b. discuss the show
c. become part of a community
d. trash people
e. post as much as humanly possible, whether or not you have anything to say
f. see who can create the best sig
g. have intelligent and not-so-intelligent conversations

What is the highest priority? I'm sure there are more options, but none are coming to mind at the moment.

I've only been a member since May, and I was told to be careful about what I posted so that I wouldn't get tooled on. Good advice, but I think maybe I took it too far and didn't say a lot of what I wanted to. Now, when I've decided that I'm going to speak my mind, there really aren't too many topics available. I'm not one to just jump on the bandwagon and comment just for the hell of it. If I have nothing to say, I won't say anything.

I didn't see the board in "the old days" so I have nothing to compare it to.

As for the "spin-off" boards, I don't think they are in any way competing with this one. I think people just like variety. Also, as in life, if you're not getting what you need from one source, you look for other sources to fill that void. Further, how does one go about "stealing" members? I don't recall agreeing that O& would be the only board I would visit. That said, remember the old phrase, "imitation is the most sincere form of flattery."

As for the get-togethers, I think they are a good idea. They give people an opportunity to meet the faces behind the names and create more of a community (of course, if this is not a goal, then nevermind). That being said, I attended two events, one official, one unofficial. I have to honestly say that I had more fun at the unofficial one. It was much smaller, no cliques and everyone seemed to have a good time. At the official event, very few people even acknowledged my presence (granted, I was VERY new at the time). I'm not the most out-going person in the world (probably most of you reading this don't have a clue who I even am!), so it would've been nice if some of the vets (and Froy, since this is his board – uh oh, now I'm in trouble) had made an effort to mingle a bit more.

I really don't think chat has very much effect on the board (sorry to disagree with you Mr. Slash). I always look at the board prior to going into chat and once I'm done, then I'll go in. Even chat has been pretty lame lately. No one seems to have anything to say. However, maybe due to the fact that it occurs in "real time", it seems to be easier to get to know people in chat. I don't know.

Maybe the board will pick-up, maybe not. But I'm still here and I'm still reading, and will continue to post when something interests me.

I think that's enough for now.

Graduated from the Brokenjaw school for newbies
Cranky Ass
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 11:58 AM      
Registered: Feb. 01
I think Deniro said it best in Copland....

"I gave you a chance and YOU BLEW IT!!!"

You guys had a huge community here, but you had to get all elitist and shit. This is a message board to post and have fun. Maybe its not too late, heres my suggesstions...

  • Only ban people for spamming. You need to open up the boards to all sorts of opinions whether or not you like or agree with them. How fucking boring is a room full of people kissing each others asses?
  • Remove all statuses, nobody cares if you don't like someone, its your own petty bullshit problem, don't rooonen it for everyone else.
  • Remove all post counts. Let the posts speak for themselves and their own merit.
  • Paying dues is bullshit. Its a message board, not a fraternity. Post and have fun.
  • Fuck nicey nice. Say what you want, but the only consequence should be in replies.
  • Only edit and delete spam posts. Let people speak their minds.
  • More democracy, less dictatorship.

These kinds of threads won't change a thing, but it would be cool if I was wrong.

Gonzo and Wyze great posts. I agree mostly with Wyze. Gonzo too bad you realized all this now, if you only knew then what you know now. I could have predicted this would happen with the way anyone new posted here got treated. Would you want to return, if you were even still able to return and weren't banned, after getting harrased by some dweeb behind a keyboard? Theres nothing wrong with tooling on someone, i encourage it, but don't pull rank and censor. Thats just lame.

Too little, too late guys.


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God Bless America!!! Support Firemen, Red Cross, United Way, Salvation Army, Save The Children and everyone else helping restore peace.
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 12:09 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
I think we can all agree has certainly
changed a whole lot. Most people feel that it
has turned for the worse and I feel that way
too. I remember the days when this board was a
hell of a lot of fun and it certainly has turned
for the worse. Here are some problems I have.

1. Some people have a gigantic ego. They need to
get of their pedestal and realize they aren't
any better.

2. Adoption-A few people are newbie whores. Some
just really want to help the newbies and others
just feel that it will elevate them to a higher
status if they have 20,000 newbies. Other people
just scream ADOPTION. Well maybe you should ask
them to e-mail you or maybe you should explain
it to them since they know what they hell you
are talking about.

3. Start spreading around your posting. We have
a problem of concetrated posting in a few
forums. There's 50 threads in OT but just a few
in GD or some other forums. Granted I am guilty
of this myself but to tell ya it should be more
than 1 person trying to do it. I'd post more but
there aren't that many threads that are
interesting. Once in a while there will a really
good thread like Member Movies and everybody
will post a lot in it because they are yearning
for something to interest them. I hate to say
this but on some mods will says "Post
Early, Post Often". If you start trying to
generate something by posting people will call
you a post whore quicker than ron jeremy can
cum. Granted post whore jokes are
funny(especially about me) and I even
participate in them. When people post a lot you
call them post whores. When people slow down
their posting you say why aren't you posting
more? Make up your mind people.

4. Certain unnamed people strive so hard to
acheive their goal of being a mod. It helps
create a competitive atmosphere here and that
helps reduce the fun factor on here. You people
aren't here to fight with each other to become
the next mod or whatever it is you want.

5. The Nicey nice shit. We should cut newbies a
lot of slack but this entire attitude is helping
a lot of members in their decisons to leave.

I may be right on this and I may be dead wrong
but it's just what I thought. A lot of members
have left or comtemplating leaving several
times(like myself) and I think this thread was a
good idea.

Resident Board Socialist
Email me here or IM me at stickysituation2 or pinkorag
Webmaster of the Undergound Unofficial I Hate WhackBagKid Message Board
I currently have brought no one into the International
wow, my name looks odd without 5 lines of type below it in bold and purple and red
Red Wings Captain Cecil
JBA~Remove the Pick & Click NOW!
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 12:32 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
i'm really tired of people complaining about this place being a dictatorship(this thread, a few others, chatroom.heard it many places).you know what?it is, and always will be.froy OWNS the board, he runs it, he can do what he wants.if one day he's thinking "i'm gonna ban anybody who doesnt fall down on the floor, grovel, and praise me as their lord and savior at the next party", he can, because it is HIS board.if he decides to edit/delete something, he can, because its HIS board, and he can do what he wants.he decided to give mods power here, and they are basically the same thing...if froy says it ok, they can do it.this place is a dictatorship, and it works fine.maybe a bit of democracy might be nice, like holding some kind of ellection for new mods, but the power people have is right, good, and not abused.most of the time, mods usually only delete stupid threads, edits are justified, and there are countless people i've seen that should be banned, or should have been banned earlier then they were.i dont mind the censorship here, dont like the way its run here?leave, and have fun over at candyland

i may be a little catholic boy, but i'm still HLJC 4 LIFE!

This is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because

posted on 10-13-2001 @ 12:47 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

you dont like the way its run here?leave, and have fun over at candyland

In all seriousness, isn't that really part of the problem? I have been posting on the board since January, but was lurking for some time before then...and I have seen the change. When I first decided to post, I remember wondering if I was going to get torn a new asshole...and to be honest I kept checking back on my post a few times to see if anyone was mean before I would even post again...but you know what? Even if someone had been mean to me, I would have still come back. The banter on the board back then was amusing and addictive... The board has lost it's addictive qualities...I'm no longer really tempted to post at work unless I am bored at work, isn't the first site that I open anymore when I sign on (although that could have a lot to do with 9/11), and a lot of the people who used to be here haven't been replaced by someone who can fill the void that they have left. As much as it might be the people on the board however, I do also think it has to do with the show recently too...I don't listen everyday anymore, partially because of school, and partially because I feel that they have lost some of their edge...I agree that if O and A gave us a bit more to talk about as well, the board would definitely pick up. And maybe there wouldn't be anything wrong with recruiting new members from other boards....we could post an invite to members from lets say a Don and Mike board to come join us if they would like as well.... I don't know...just my random rambles....

"I know every one of you, I know the sea of torment, doubt, despair and unbelief." -Walt Whitman

av8er's taint with wings.
The only person to have a 20 double post
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 1:11 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
You know what?...this subject has been brought up many times in the past.
It didn't change anything then, and I doubt it'll change anything now.

I don't enjoy everything here, but but for the most part it's a fun place to be
as long as you don't give a shit what others think about you and be yourself.

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"Ahahahhahaha...How sweet...Fresh meat!" - Robert Englund
"Could you bend me over the console & say that?" - Jim Norton

King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 10-13-2001 @ 1:51 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01
There are two constants in this world. Problems and change. I agree that there are problems that need correcting, however it does disturb me a bit when people act like this place was flawless a year ago. Since this site has started there have been problems, those problems merely change with the times and circumstances. No matter what I or any of the mods do, there will be problems, and not everyone will be satisfied. Change however is a slow process in many instances. I could take everyone's advice or suggestions, and it still would not eliminate the troubles that can and will arise. Some of the things that you have mentioned there are reasons for, and are indeed far out of my control or those of anyone else here. This is not to signify that there aren't actions being taken to make a better place, or that there aren't plans and ideas in the works to correct some of the obvious faults. But I do wish people would remember that no matter how much is done, we will never be able to suit everyone's tastes, it is impossible to make everyone happy, this is not a eutopia, nor will it ever be. If you can accept that, and take the bad with the good, you will find there's more to be proud of than not.

I believe in the Faith... that can save me.
I believe in the hope and I pray...
That someday it may raise me... above these badlands
The Sleeper
Being a Minor is a Threat
to my Social Life
PoseUr i ahve 2 threads at teh top, i feel like maynard
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 2:10 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
As av8er said, there was a thread just like this in Februaury or March. The same issues were brought up then. I can understand a lot of the old vets waxing poetic about the heyday of October thru December or even earlier when everyone just got to know each other and it was all new and exciting. But since then, I really do not see much that has changed. I looked at some threads in March and it was the same "Happy Birthday" or "Chat Threads" that we have now. But overall, I think you people are nitpicking and as Froy mentioned, when your problems are solved, there will be more problems that arise. I have some problems with but they are problems that I have always had. I do not like posting every news story or "chat" and "game" threads. But they have always existed and if people enjoy them, who am I to say they cannot exist. Ultimately, you guys are talking about the board's past as if it was the golden years when it wasnt really that different. It was different then because it was new and exciting, now it isnt so new anymore. But the only solution for that is to go back in time and that just isnt possible. I am probably in the minority but I like the board now just as much as I ever did. Maybe its because I do not overanalyze or maybe its that I am just thankful that the board is still here and provides me with so much enjoyment.

The Dark Enforcer/Angry Stoned Pimp
New World Order Secret Police Chief
Proud Inventor of the "Cream Cheese, Peanut Butter and Jelly" sandwich
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 2:22 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
Ok...let me just start off by saying when i first got here, I fucking loved this place. Now that almost 8 months has passed, I have to say... I STILL LOVE THIS PLACE!
As for me making Gonzo's list, my not posting as much has not been by choice...hell once the summer ended I didnt have as much time on my hands to have fun over here. That doesnt mean I still dont love this place or plan on leaving any time soon. I never left...I never will.

On another note I will admit the Nicey Nice board sometimes is a good thing. Sometimes cutting a newbie some slack is a good thing, but sometimes they just deserve to be DILLON'ed and tooled on for a couple pages.

We are all definately forgetting why this board was put here, this is the Opie and Anthony message boards. Ill be completely honest, some
people just copy and paste news stories for some reason or another. Its just fucking stupid. Dont come here for news, dont go to CNN for dick jokes.

Check back later for more.

I have adopted thegirl and NjBytch. Any problems with either of them should be reported to me. I have no slots open, but if u wanna kill some time u can still, Email Me or IM me
Graduates of Austin University: 7 and counting
Cluster F
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 2:32 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Ive been on this board for exactly a year (a year and 2 days to be precise), and ive enjoyed my time here associating with people who have the same interests as i do. I have noticed the changes along with the rest of you. I totally agree with Froy in saying that the board was not flawless a year ago, and will never be flawless. Many of you people have posted criticisms about that i also feel the need to talk about.

1. The aspect of adoption...there was no such thing a year ago as adoption. It is a retarded concept that, at first, had good intentions, to teach the "newbies" the ropes of the board. But now, all it is used for is for a catchphrase, and for people to put in their sigpics trying to look cool (not all people, but some).

2. The term, Die Get in the Coffin, and other catchphrases. As with anything else, it is funny, but in moderation. Its unbelievable how many people say that here, and you know what, i cant even blame just the veterans or regulars. The newbies try to be cool because they think that if they dont bash someone that they dont belong.

3. The idea that there isnt supposed to be heated discussions about things, especially in General Discussion. You look at General Discussion, and i think the most heated discussion in the last month was whose side would you take, Dice or Mohr. And that was not as heated as i hoped it would be, it turned into just another poll qestion. In other GD threads, a veteran, not mentioning any names cause its not my place to, will post something, and if a newbie, or even a regular didnt like what the vet said, they would get bashed for it unmercifully. Now, you notice that not many newbies or common regulars post in GD anymore, because of that so-called fear. In sports forum, its different. I'll refer back to the Crack Committee discussion that i had with Gonzo a few days ago (who is a mod by the way.) We originally disagreed on an issue concerning the Mets and Yankees, and while the argument was rather tense at times, it still got resolved and we got to an understanding with each other. Did we change each other opinions on the topic? No. But did we have a good discussion and lay out all of the points? Yes. That is why there is still some life on this board. Unfortunately, not everyone would be willing to do what Gonzo did.

All this being said, i dont think that this board is going under. It's just struggling to get a defining identity.

AIM: GMoneyBagz

Crack Committee

Objective 1: Root for Yankees to exit from playoffs
Objective 2: Root for Braves to exit from playoffs
Objective 3: Root for the A's to win the World Series
Ok, I know this is all a ploy, but, I'll play anyway.

Dylan? BAH! I've heard BETTER!

posted on 10-13-2001 @ 3:18 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jun. 01
Being a Newbie in Psychopaths clothing, I felt compelled to reply to this topic. It is not my goal to offend anybody so please do not take it that way.

I have been a lurker on this board since the day O&A have mentioned it on the radio. I would peer in here and there and catch a good chuckle or two on occasion. Did I register & join then? No way Jose! I knew a lot of bashing went on here and I really didn’t have the time to devote to proving myself (for lack of a better word) worthy of being here, at least that was my thought at that time. What is with the Bash-fest, anyway? I can understand if somebody has truly earned it, but bashing just for the sake of bashing says more about the Basher than the Bashee, but hey…that is just my point of view.

I do enjoy posting here and most of my posts are in silly chat threads but, that is where I first started to feel comfortable here. Most of the intellectual topics started here are by posters that have tendencies to bash new posters so I just keep my 2 cents out of it . Maybe when I feel a little more comfortable I will participate in those topics.

People are crazy and times are strange
I'm locked in tight, I'm out of range
I used to care, but things have changed
Sean Cold 3:16
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 3:44 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Like I said earlier, I will not attack any member here who had the ballies to speak their minds or single any member out period. If nothing else, i am at least a man of my word. But, i will adress some points that I disagree with, if you have a problem with that, well, too bad, you can retort to this when you are done.

Some people fail to see the point of me starting this thread. I never said it would be the salvation of the board or that we would be able to change things as a whole. This topic may have been started before but usually it got nowhere except for a good ole Kid bashing. Also, I fail to remember a Mod starting one and I thought by having it done this way and the way people walk on eggshells around me, it might carry a little more wieght. Which is one of the problems actually and one I am rather tired of adressing. I am only a mod of a message board. I did not use this position to futher myself or to abuse people in anyway shape or form so blow that smoke up somebody else's ass. Truth be told, I was alot meaner before I became a mod and I am even worse in blah blah blah. Go ask the people who know me if I am full of shit. My attacks have been warrented for the most part so please come up with something new for the reason I suck.

As for the members leaving, let me say this. I totaly understand that shit happens but when you have a former mod from this site being a underhanded scumbag and recruiting his membership from here, that I have a problem with. I know people will post wherte they want to, and eventually CorpseLiarPunk's board will crumble, but he has made it personal by lying to those he calls friends by saying he was leaving here to get his life together and shit. He threw out all this bogous bullshit and meanwhile, he was rcruiting almost his entire roster and feeding on the dislike and problems from here. One of the reasons this fucker left is cuz he got all pissy that we put Seph in the UFC and overlooked him. Now if that is not childish, tell me what is?

Since I am rambling about this ass F, let me speak on the adoption shit. The adoption thread was hatched by Corpse as his last ditch attempt to be noticed to be a mod. This dicks name was Corpse for fuck's sake. He had blood and mutilation in all of his sigs. He tried to play himself off as a tough guy and yet he wants people to get adopted and nurtured? Give me a fuckin break. It was a lame ass idea then and it is a lame ass idea now. Most of the productive members here, sans Seph, were never adopted period. People will, should and expect to be tooled on. It is the nature of this beast.Mods VS Mods? It has happened before and will undoubtingly happen again.

Let me end off with something I discussed with Froy earlier. I never said this place was utopia last year, but it was for shit sure more intresting.The goofs, the fights, the strife and gonads could not compare to now. Most importantly, it was fuckin fun. Fun has been replaced with grandstanding and posturing and other inane bullshit. If you don't think so, that is fine, you are entitled to disagree with me, this is what I think personaly.

And That's The Bottom Line......

E-Mail Me

The Answer is no, I do not like you.

2 tired 2 give N F
One of the Teen Tomatoe Boys is Retarted... Guess which one I am!!!
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 3:52 PM      
Registered: Jan. 01
Ok...I'll just throw in my 2 cents and see what comes out...

I joined the board in January as the infamous TTB and as a newbie who came in just before the adoption policy was bashed and ripped a new a-hole within the first few days of posting. TTB joined the board knowing this would happen...the nicey-nice way isn't as much fun...but it is necessary because some people can't recieve a good tooling...which leads me into my next point...

Overly sensitive people. Some people take what is said on the board too seriously. Unicron says his little It's just a message board and he's right...and Magus posted a little rant about how we're like a family here. The family feeling was definatly around on 9/11...but it's fading. Next point...

Factions and Clicks...Factions are funny and I haven't caught any flak cause I'm not in one...but Clicks aren't funny. There are a large number of them and I don't feel I belong to any of them. Now clicks are just human nature it happens every where but it affects the way a possible good posting newbie views the board. Because then he has to try to attain that level of "coolness" and be part of that click in order to be accepted.

For example, and this isn't directed at anyone in particular, the SU guys...I go to school in GA (don't go there CLS) and I listen on SU occasionally, I posted a thank you and I got two semi-mean replies...It's as if SU is a board unto itself. AGAIN THAT IS NOT A BASH ON THE SU GUYS IT'S AN EXAMPLE.

Now if the SU guys have a problem with me saying that where can they take it...Fight Club?? I don't think so...Fight Club has DIED! I haven't seen a good fight in ages...I remember when if you weren't watching a fight in fight club there wasn't anyone else to talk to...I will galdly get in the ring with someone for some friendly fighting(and I'll probably lose) but what the hell it's all just fun and games right?

Also, syndication have hurt the board in an indirect manner. We have nothing to talk about in GD because they have nothing new...everytime a new market opens they go about rehashing old bits...and because we've already posted the hell out of it we don't talk about it...but we can't control what goes on on the air we can only deal with the board...

The grudge thing will be my final point...I have none...but there might be someone who holds one against me...I ask for their forgiveness for whatever I did to wrong them or tick them off and say now..."Why can't we all just get along?"

If I have more I will say it but for now I'm done...

**edit** I just thought of something else...why not start a news forum that way OT doesn't get flooded with pointless news stories and the people who post them can still do it...I think that might be a good compromise...

And I find you here,
Through your eyes everything's clear,
And I fall inside your arms,
but I'm alone for now, alone for now...

This message was edited by 2 tired 2 give N F on 10-13-01 @ 4:11 PM
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 3:58 PM      
Registered: Oct. 01
I agree with Slash that
The Lovey Dovey Fucking Attitude STINKS!!!
I am a newbie(that term is fucking gay!)and although you could not care less what I say(like I give a shit!), if what you post is too long to fit in this message box it will cure insomnia. Throw some fucking gas on the fire!!!

posted on 10-13-2001 @ 4:14 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 00
I guess since my name has been raised a few times here I should respond. I don't have a large coherent argument on this complex issues, so I'll just throw out a few talking points.

1. I should make clear my own actions, since they were brought up earlier. I did not join because I was unhappy here. Or because I thought this place sucked. I became a mod there as a favor to a friend who used me to help end a bitter personal dispute that I was a neutral party in that was threatening the existence of the burgeoning board. I stay on because I enjoy the people and discussions there. It's a nice small community. A community that, I should add, likes to live in peaceful co-existence with this board. That board is focused on Ron and Fez and this Board is focused on Opie and Anthony. Obviously, there is overlap of topics and members, but I want to be clear that it is not another Candyland. We strive daily to avoid being a place of refuge for's castaways. We are all part of the FM Jeff empire, so we should all get along.

2. All I can say about the state of this board (and I read and post daily) is that it is often boring. I don't want to sound snobbish, but sometimes it's just lame. The discussions about the show are dumb and I don't come here to read the news. I'm sure lots of fun is going on in the chat threads and that's great. But it doesn't seem to go any farther than that. That's the brutal truth. And I place the blame for that on myself as much as anyone else. The problem is, how do you fix that? I have no idea. So, I am utterly useless.

3. More parties more gooder. I know certain moralists want to avoid another bang party, but the parties always liven up the boards. Even if they cause personal tension. For my money, the personal fights are some of the coolest threads and you all know it.

4. I realize that a forced nicey-niceness doesn't help anything, but being a little less public with the moderating will help. The strike system just scares people out of trying to be funny. I'm well aware of how much time and effort the mods have to put in sometimes, but doing the chastising thru email and IMs might be less fun, but for the betterment of the board. I'm not saying that mods should be nice to rabblerousers, but a little more forgiving to mistakes. There weren't strikes or tosses in the days everyone wants to return to, so maybe it's a small cause.

5. Merge with Give people other reasons to type in the URL. I don't know the politics around this, but you asked for opinions, so there it is.

While I think it's great to discuss likes and dislikes about the board and to strive to improve it, I tend to think it's ultimately fruitless. The Board is not a machine with gears and levers and pulleys that can be replaced or improved. It's a sort of amorphous blob that moves forward or sideways or backwards on it's own inertia.
Cancer Mike
Moonlights as "Cancer Michelle"
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 4:35 PM      
Registered: Jul. 01
Maybe its the alchohol talking, but my one problem with the board is that everyone kisses Froy's ass a little too much!

I guess I'm banned now, take care all.

Peace Out, YO!
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 4:41 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I personally feel that the board has been too nice. The fun was saying something stupid, getting bashed, stepping back and realizing that what you said was stupid, and then laughing about it. If you couldn't handle being corrected, then your attitude sucks and you shouldn't be here.

This was a board with an attitude. That is how O&A decribed it. It was much like the show before syndication: "We don't give a fuck. Like it or not, you'll come back, and if you don't, well you not our target audience." Now the show has gotten somewhat softer and is trying to appeal to new audiences..... I think the board has done the same. We are so afraid of hurting someone's feelings that we now act like the South Park kids on Ritalin. Where is the spirit, the attitude, the personalities?

Eff you newbies who complain about being called a newbie or the archaic tradition of celebrating post counts. It's like a Freshman complaining about being called a Freshman by Seniors in a high school. It's part of the culture and you will grow through it. You're complaining that we don't accept you immediately, well, I've seen too many fresh-meat die that I don't even ask what their name is anymore.

Oh, and about kissing Froy's ass, Fuck the little 14 year old shithead. I loathe the Froy.

She tastes like a gyro.

I loathe the Froy.
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 4:51 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
As of late, I've had mixed feelings on Adoption.

It started when I myself was adopted. All things considered, my adopter was a fucking nutcase. Diceman Saotome was my adopter. The vets know who he is, but let me break it down for the newbies. Some of you have been told how bad Fingerbang was, even more have witnessed the shit of people like Cacasmootches and Balloon Not. He was up in that level, just as bad if not worse. He did absolutely nothing for me, as he had his own ass to worry about. has a great ability to sniff out scumbags, and they did their job fine with Diceman. He was harrassed in every posts, deservingly so i would find out later on. Eventually, tht shit spilled out onto me. I was forced to defend myself constantly because i was associated with him. When he was finally banned and exiled to Candyland, all his enemies turned their eyes toward me. I admit, i would have done the same thing. I had a shit adopter, and i was still a newbie, and this was before the "nicey-Nice" era.

All in all, i turned out fine. I was able to regain the trust of Diceman's enemeis, and make new friends. Eventually, i was given permission to adopt. This is where my trouble began. I honestly tried my best with my adoptees, taught them everything i learned with my trial thru fire. But because of the simple nature of this board, people leave, newbies more than Vets. Out of the 10 or so people i adopted, only TeenSlut and Austin still post. Is this good? i dunno. In the end, Adoption only helps those who plan on staying. You cant really guess who is staying until they post more often, and by then they dont need the adoption. Austin and I had our problems in the past, and it led to the temporary revocation of my adoptor status. After i got it back, i swore to myself i would choose my adoptees better. Case in point, the poster known as "~FallenAngel~". Numerous times, he asked me to adopt him, but i kept refusing because i wasnt exactly sure if i would be doing the best thing by adopting him. By the time i decided i should adopt him, he had already become a good contributing member, and didnt need my help. I have full confidence that one day he will be a respected Veteran like many others.

Adoption, in and of itself, is a good concept. It's designed to help those who know the board help those who are new and finding their way thru the board. Implementing it is another story all together. I can't tell you how much time i've wasted on people who i adopted, only to have them stop posting altogether. Does that piss me off? Fuck yes. It started out as something pure, but it's been reduced to a goddamn gimmick. I cant go on the board nowadays without hearing some idiot drone out "Get Adopted" at least 40 times. In fact, some of those same idiots could use adoption themselves. I dont care if you have 1000 posts, if you act like a asshole and a peice of shit for the simple reason of wanting to be a asshole or a peice of shit, you need adoption just as much as a newbie, because you obviously dont understand how this place works. You might think you are witty, you might think you're funny, you might get a hard-on for acting tough and shit over the internet. But if you act like that to a newbie for those reason, then there should be nothing stopping ME from ripping you a new asshole for the hell of it. I cant tell you how many times i've felt like going off on people, but stopped myself right before i click the "reply to topic" button because of either the "Nicey-Nice" era, or because i want to end the theory that all Veterans are assholes who you should fear/respect/hate/love/suck-up to.

Listen, all of us were newbies at one time, we know how shit is. Do i wish that the board would lose the nicey-nice shit? You're goddamn right i do. The "Tough Love" attitude bred alot more quality posters than this era ever will. You look at this place now, and people whine about one goddamn insult they get in a thread. Fight Club has been reduced to the "Your Mother Wears Combat Boots" forum, as there hasnt been a quality fight there in AGES. The Nicey-Nice shit breeds posters who are quick to the stirring, who cry to mods whenever they have a problem, who make entire threads dedicated to their shitty status. Yes, they hardcore days drove away alot of newbies, but the ones who stayed became QUALITY posters, who could do alot more for than 15,000 new jacks ever could. I come from the school of "Quality over Quantity". It used to be that if you could make it in this place and not be a complete fuck-up, you got my respect. Now? You gotta move mountains and oceans before we notice you, because we are too pre-occupied with the idiots who, at the end of the day, really shouldnt be here.

Was the old board tough? Yes.
Was it a place for everyone? Nope.
Was it more fun, did the people then make it more enjoyable and great than it is now? Fucking A.


Vengence be thy name. Death be thy Chore. Move swiftly, Move silently and cede thy Wrath.

Alkey gave me my bonus points back.
posted on 10-13-2001 @ 5:02 PM      
Registered: Aug. 01
wow when seph isn't just telling someone to die he has alot to say

anyway, being a new memeber one thing i feel is that just to say something now about someone as joke we have to add a smiley face to the end of it, or sarcasm brackets, or someone will throw a hissy fit about it. like take the comment i just made for example, its a little joke but im tempted to put a smiley face or wink at the end of it just so no one gets mad. and thats my $.01 worth

Graduate of AFDude's Academy

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