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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - OK New Jerseyites, Can You Please Help Me Understand???....

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: OK New Jerseyites, Can You Please Help Me Understand???....
Doc Smith
I Love Anthony Zinni
posted on 07-08-2001 @ 10:39 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00

there are alot more bader cities then that.
Well, I guess we don't have the greatest school systems here in Jersey... ;)

Hey, I like the fact that there is always something going on nearby, simply because this place is so crowed. You can get to urban areas, rural farm areas, parks, the shore, the Delaware, all within a few hours. I just think it's a nice mix of everything...and we all have that great attitude

From cowardice that dares not know the truth,
From laziness that is content with half-truth,
From arrogance that thinks it knows the whole truth,
Deliver me

This message was edited by Doc Smith on 7-8-01 @ 10:45 PM
posted on 07-08-2001 @ 11:05 PM      
Registered: May. 01

Oh, and DOGMA is by far Kevin Smith's BEST movie!!!

Oh, HELL no!!! Mallrats is his best movie, hands down. Funniest, and with the best cameos, too. That was the movie that Silent Bob learned his Jedi Trick in. Anyway, did you people forget something? I am surprised no one mentioned it, although I am sure you Jerseyans want this black mark removed from your history. Hey Froy, got any Bon Jovi albums? Heh heh.

Hell, I like you! You
can come over my house and fuck
my sister!


King Shit
*board owner*

posted on 07-08-2001 @ 11:06 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Feb. 01

Hey Froy, got any Bon Jovi albums?

Not one. I hate Bon Jovi. He's an insult to Jersey.

Is my train in vain, has my soul gone to waste
Am I just a victim of, a victim of my lost faith
wow, my name looks odd without 5 lines of type below it in bold and purple and red
Red Wings Captain Cecil
JBA~Remove the Pick & Click NOW!
posted on 07-08-2001 @ 11:11 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
bon jovi really is.i'm ashamed that he spent two years at the high school i go to

thanks to fez for the pic
Officer Joe Friday
posted on 07-08-2001 @ 11:18 PM      
Registered: May. 01
Bon Jovi was to me what the Backstreet Boys and N Sync are to some kids today. You sing the songs when you are 8 but are then ashamed as hell of it later on. It could have been worse though, it could have been Menudo or the New Kids.

And damn you bastards you are getting me all sentimental about New Jersey now. I swore it would never happen.

One last thing, it goes Mallrats, Clerks, Chasing Amy, Dogma. I have a good feeling about Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Looks hysterical judging by the internet trailer and the one I saw before Scary Movie 2.

But there's also this: there are over 5,000 men in this city, who know that being a policeman is an endless, glamourless, thankless job that's gotta be done.

I know it, too, and I'm damn glad to be one of them."
posted on 07-08-2001 @ 11:22 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00

Jersey is short, tough, and looking for a fight

Thats right...if we got in a war with the rest of the states, we could rule the country. Thats why the Brittish were too scared to fight any battles here during the Revolutionary War.

And there is one Total unique thing that no other state has. (thit will only mzke sence for the people from Jersey)...Uncle Floyd!

AIM: PaintballOpAnt19

Im A Racist Prick.
I'm Gunna Find You Petrizzi..And Eat Ya.
Kid Afrika
posted on 07-08-2001 @ 11:26 PM      
Registered: Jan. 70
Ok seriously, New Jersey is like a Roach Motel. People get sucked in, and never leave. There is sooo much culture and diversity in NJ that I've never seen anywhere else.

I moved here in 88 and swore I was leaving in '90 to go back to Texas.... I'm still here. Everything you could ever want is within a 2 hour drive...Philly, New York, etc. It really is a great place to live. Even with all the traffic and overcrowding.

Me and you, yo mama and yo cousin too,
rollin' down the strip on Vogues.
Comin' up slammin' Cadillac do's."

Officer Joe Friday
posted on 07-08-2001 @ 11:27 PM      
Registered: May. 01

And there is one Total unique thing that no other state has. (thit will only mzke sence for the people from Jersey)...Uncle Floyd!

Is he still alive? And is this something to be proud of? Although when I was kid I wanted to send him a drawing and get it on the show.

But there's also this: there are over 5,000 men in this city, who know that being a policeman is an endless, glamourless, thankless job that's gotta be done.

I know it, too, and I'm damn glad to be one of them."
posted on 07-08-2001 @ 11:40 PM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Yea hes still alive, no its not exactly something to be proud of, and yes he still has his little show

AIM: PaintballOpAnt19

Im A Racist Prick.
I'm Gunna Find You Petrizzi..And Eat Ya.
Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 07-08-2001 @ 11:43 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Well.. to put it simply...
New Jersey IS the "Garden State"
It's doesn't claim that name without reason.
The majority of what out of Jersey people, and people who mainly WORK in Jersey experience, are the highways and business strong areas. I'll be the FIRST to say they suck. BUT somewhat over 60% of New Jersey is Farmland or country. I will also admit that large portions of those areas are almost backwater.. but most of New Jersey is quiet, well maintained country land.

No! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun!"
I Rooned It
posted on 07-08-2001 @ 11:51 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Garden state my ass!
New Jersey should change their name to the Asphalt State.

Living in North Jersey my whole life I can say that this state is nothing to brag about. It is overcrowded, dirty, and the people are fucked up! Where I am from there are either snotty spoiled yuppies or common white trash (that being Roxbury), I am the latter uncase you want to know.
The best way to judge a state is to compare it to the rest of the US. Everyone I know, from Cali., Mich. or Fla say that NJ is too stuck up of a state and self obsessed. They can't imagine living so crowded together with little forests to go camping in, or paying too high of auto insurance. I recomend everyone from NJ to travel around the rest of the country and get a dose of humility.

In my opinion I see that the farther away a person lives from NJ, the nicer, more down to earth they are.

Afterall, what does New Jersey have to claim? All it is right now is a large outside studio for the Sopranos. Not to mention it is just dead space that lies between Phili. and NYC.

But you know what, I've lived here for 20 years, so I am immune to the state. I can't wait to go to grad school in Cali some day.

"Melodrama from you is as uncommon as an oral bowel movement."--Randall from Clerks

"One of Tequila's shots!"
posted on 07-09-2001 @ 12:07 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

Mallrats is his best movie, hands down.

I beg to differ. Clerks beats it in my book.

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It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees-Emiliano Zapata
posted on 07-09-2001 @ 1:40 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Iroonedit, it isn't for everybody. I still find, when I go away for any length of time, coming back just FEELS right! You should try leaving the Northern part once in a while. There is sooooo much good stuff between NYC and Philly.

Heaaa fishy fishy fishy fishy. And it went, wherever I, did go!
posted on 07-09-2001 @ 2:02 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00
Quickest route to jersey-Get in toilet,Flush,and hold on.
Just kidding.In all seriousness,jersey has got some really beautiful areas.Then again,i was born and raised in the bronx,so what do i know about beauty.Spend a day or two in point pleasant and you'll change your mind.

And to all those dissing Bon jovi,fuck off.And this is coming from a guy who listens to slayer,overkill,pantera,and anything else that physically hurts your ears.If you had a girlfriend in the very early ninties in the bronx,you'll know EXACTLY where i'm coming from.

God loves's everyone else that thinks you're an asshole.

Posting regularly,yet still a lowly lurker.

posted on 07-09-2001 @ 2:22 AM      
Registered: Nov. 00
I think they put something in the Water... Not to mention the Rediculous amounts of Strip Joints in NJ.. :o)

posted on 07-09-2001 @ 2:39 AM      
Registered: Feb. 01
Oh Geez-Uncle Floyd! On what station was it, UHF 68?
Anyone remember the satire "Passaic River"?

& does anyone recall who made an appearance on Floyd's show?
None other than, yes, you guessed it---

I don't like them and never did, but everyone has the right to their musical choices.

I prefer to claim Zakk Wylde as one of Jersey's own. He grew up in the same area as Bon Jovi too...

Dante: Any balls down there?
Jay: About the biggest pair you ever seen, dingleberry.

"`You'd better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It's unpleasantly like being drunk.'
`What's so unpleasant about being drunk?'
`You ask a glass of water.'"
posted on 07-09-2001 @ 11:22 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00
The only reason I knew Bon Jovi was on the Floyd show is because of Behind the Music. Otherwise, I wouldnt have. And Bon Jovi Sucks!

AIM: PaintballOpAnt19

Im A Racist Prick.
I'm Gunna Find You Petrizzi..And Eat Ya.
posted on 07-09-2001 @ 11:35 AM      
Registered: Jun. 01
Speaking as someone that has lived in 8 states (I'm 27) and has visited the rest (except Hawaii and Vermont), NJ is not even in my Top 10. However, since I am in the pharmaceutical business, it is the best state to live in. If you think insurance is high here in NJ, you should try living in NY. My car insurance dropped by half when I moved.


posted on 07-09-2001 @ 11:43 AM      
Registered: Sep. 00
What's so great about Jersey? Everything ...

Being a Jerseyan isn't about location. Jersey is a state of mind ... we're used to being picked on about everything - our attitudes, big hair (80s children will get it), the highways, the cities, etc. Thusthen, we developed our famous "Fuck you" attitude.

But you'll never get what's so great about Jersey until you open your mind.


[email protected]
posted on 07-09-2001 @ 11:44 AM      
Registered: Oct. 00

If you think insurance is high here in NJ, you should try living in NY

Insurance is high here. Infact, its the highest in the country, so I dont know what you're babbling about. New York is actually lower.

AIM: PaintballOpAnt19

Im A Racist Prick.
I'm Gunna Find You Petrizzi..And Eat Ya.
Xtreme Skiing Assualt Force
Split Personality #1
posted on 07-09-2001 @ 12:09 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
I have lived in vermont, spent lots of time in san diego and visited most every state in the country except fla, hawaii and alaska, and must say that I am going to be a jersey kid forever. Its got everything you want, and if we don't have it, its real close by. As for the attitude, I had a sticker as a kid that read...welcome to new jersey, not go the fuck home...

AIM: SkiT4you
First Member of the JWO
posted on 07-09-2001 @ 12:12 PM      
Registered: Jun. 01

Insurance is high here. Infact, its the highest in the country, so I dont know what you're babbling about. New York is actually lower.

Not if you are in the NYC area. My premiums dropped by half when I moved from Staten Island to North Brunswick, NJ.


posted on 07-09-2001 @ 12:14 PM      
Registered: Sep. 00
And furthermore, Jersey is part of the reason that O&A got syndicated. Any questions?

[email protected]
Drunken GW
I Pissed on a Church to get this Status.
posted on 07-09-2001 @ 1:43 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
All states have flaws, but how many have as many plusses as NJ.

Garden State...every have a jersey tomato?? How about Jersey white corn? Case closed.

Recreation....between all the different sports complexes. Giant Stadium, home to the Jets and Giants. CAA, home of the Devils. The Yankees and Mets are well within driving distance, and there is always oour great Transit system. MSG is a 40 minute train ride for me.
Fishing and hunting are mafor plusses of NJ. South Branch of the Raritan river in West Jersey is about as good as it gets when it comes down to trout fishing. As far as hunting, you have deer, bear, turkey and duck hunting seasons.

Environment....You can live in a city atmosphere or you can reside in a country atmosphere. Each only being an hour away from each other. The Jersey shore is a plus, maybe except for some of the "bennie" haters.:)

You probably can't find a more diverse state when it comes to population. I know some say this is a negative but in all, all people are good in heart, no matter what your background.

There's much more but I'm sure everyone stopped reading awhile back.

If it smells like fish its a good dish, If it smells like Cologne leave it alone.
wow, my name looks odd without 5 lines of type below it in bold and purple and red
Red Wings Captain Cecil
JBA~Remove the Pick & Click NOW!
posted on 07-09-2001 @ 1:45 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

There's much more but I'm sure everyone stopped reading awhile back.

its amazing how well you know us

thanks to fez for the pic

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