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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - It fells like someone kicked me in my balls......

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: It fells like someone kicked me in my balls......
OPM * chick
posted on 03-13-2001 @ 6:22 PM      
Registered: Mar. 01
DGW sup buddy how's it goin'? I told a few friends about ur situation + even though they thought the kilt part was funny as hell, they agreed that once a cheater, always a cheater.

My ex bf cheated on me with a chick who decided 2 go dyke a lil while after they made out. This goes to show that you get what you give so try 2 get over ur girl + soon some1 will come along and f*ck with her heart 2. And don't let this sh*t turn you bitter, love isn't always a b*tch.

I've Got A Vagina With Teeth.
Dragoon Battalion
My friends call me Weed
posted on 03-13-2001 @ 9:13 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
GW -

Ok, I'm late for this discussion, but this happenned to me (sort of) many years ago, and much like you feel, i thought this was the absolute worst thing that could ever happen to me. To make a long story short, a girl who i was this close to asking to marrying me (in my wise-old age of 19) had decided to break up with me, claiming she needed space. Come to find out, she needed space to date some lame dude that she had been seeing on the side since I was in college classes most of the time (she was still in high school). I ended up going to her house unannounced to work things out, and there he was.
Did I beat his ass? No. Did I want to? Hell yeah, but out of respect for her parents, I didn't wanna do that at the house, etc., and to be honest, seeing him there was kind of what I needed. I was all concerned about getting back with her, changing if I had to, basically doing whatever it took to make it work - but once I saw that there was someone else, I was like "F her" - mind you, we were together for 4 years, not 7, but still, time is but a number, its the emotion that hurts, not the length of time you put into being with a person.
So what happened? I moved on, dated a lot of women, learned a lot about them, sex, and life. If there is one thing I've learned in life, it's that it's too damn short. Maybe it was just drunken sex, or maybe she was looking to test herself, or maybe she was looking for closure with your situation - could be any or none of those. if you think you can live with knowing what you saw, and how you felt, and she's worth it, then go for it - if not, I would walk away, as painful as it sounds, but it can be done.

As a side note to my story, that same night, since I was immamture @ 19, I went to my friend's house and borrowed his air-pump BB gun....drove by at like 2AM, took one shot at her car (drive-by), blew out a side window, but the newly-installed alarm her father put in didn't go off, so I went around the block, took another shot, got the other side window, alarm rang, and I went home with a smile :) not the best thing to do, i agree, but even thinking of it now, kinda makes me feel good.

"Groupsex - it does every-body good"

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