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LOOK!! All my "N"s are capitalized!!!
posted on 05-23-2002 @ 2:05 PM      
Registered: Mar. 02
Lord Magus: I feel better to know that im not the only one to read all the books.

posted on 05-23-2002 @ 2:55 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jul. 01
1. Yoda fucking rocked
2. I was wondering why they gave Anikian that robot looking arm at the end
3. I could not stand that every one called Anikian "Ani" I do not remember anyone calling him that in Episode one.
4. We see that Jar Jar was the start of the Empire, is there any way I could hate this character any more.

wow, my name looks odd without 5 lines of type below it in bold and purple and red
Red Wings Captain Cecil
JBA~Remove the Pick & Click NOW!
posted on 05-23-2002 @ 3:39 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00

Really quick, as far as Lucas never using and refuting other Author's stuff... 2 things negate that. Due to a title published between A New Hope and Empire called "Splinter of the Mind's Eye" and the fact that this title went completely off track of where the story was going after Empire was released, Lucas now reviews and authorizes ALL Star Wars fiction before it can be published to ensure continuity (ie: Skywalker's always a whiner, etc.. etc..)

read it, sucked ass.anybody who'se never heard of that book, avoid it


Maul's lightsaber was stolen right from the Sith Wars Graphic Novel series, originally the only double bladed lightsabre to ever exist belonged to a Sith lord named Exar Kun from said series.

yeah, i read those.i forgot about the double saber in 1, and i also just remembered now how the sith were set up in the master/apprentice ONLY fassion in one of the comics.they used to have an empire, but after naga sadow started a war with the republic, they went into hiding with only 2 people at a time, so i'm just wrong with the lucas=anti book


As far as Jedi's bodies disappearing when they died, it has nothing to do with being a Jedi Master, Neither Obi-wan nor Vader were "masters"
Yoda, Obi-wan, and the redeemed Annakin, all ALLOWED their bodies to die. Yoda and Obi-wan sacrificed their bodies so that their spirits could guide Luke through his trails with vader, and, well, the redeemed Annakin WAS Luke's father and would probably want to at least observe his son for a while. In fact, even Palpatine was able to perform the same stunt, though he used it to transfer his life-force to new clones of himself in order to prolong his life, in fiction that followed the movies.
from multiple books, they disapear for being masters.pick up "tales of the jedi:redemption", a newly put together makes this point FIRMLY in the end, and the point was made a few times in other and yoda died, from a saber and from old age, while the emperor LEFT his body and became pure life force only for the purpose of entering one of his clones.he didnt die, while yoda and obi did, although we could argue for and against for days on end


My life has been a fascinating series of amazing exploits, about which I have many profound insights. But frankly, none of it is any of your business, so butt out!

this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because

Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 05-23-2002 @ 5:03 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Um... Obi-wan ALLOWED vader to strike him
Obi-Wan IS not and WAS not a jedi master (hey, guess what, read the book "A new hope")
Yoda STOPPED to hold onto life (hey, guess what.. read "Return of the Jedi")
Vader was most certainly at NO TIME a Jedi Master, and he too relinquished him self to death.
In all 3 cases the individuals were conciously aware of their upcoming deaths (no matter the CAUSE) and prepared for it spiritually.
If you haven't read them yet or in a while go read Shadows of the Empire, they touched on this there, and then read the Dark Force Rising series, Luke has a clear insight as to why he was able to see Ben, Yoda and Annakin after their deaths at one point in those novels.
Granted, this may only be in reference to their spirits being able to communicate with Luke and NOT their bodies disappearing, but there is quite frankly still one fatal flaw in your argument, and that is the fact that neither Vader nor obi-Wan are Jedi masters. period.

And before you continue this debate, just make sure you keep aware of the fact that your talking to someone who has ate, lived, and breathed "Star Wars" for more years than you've been on this earth. That's not to say I'm automaticly correct, but you do need to take into account that I've got probably at least 10 years of study on top of you.

No! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"You don't know what it's like, you don't have a clue

If you did you'd find yourselves doing the same thing too!!"
posted on 05-23-2002 @ 5:20 PM      
Registered: May. 02
I just saw the movie and thought it was great. It didn't have Robert Deniro level acting but none of the movies have. I think people expect a little too much out of these movies. The special effects were great. The last 45 minutes is one of the best climaxes I've ever seen in a movie. When the old movies came out they weren't very well reviewed either, especially the first one. This is a movie that all the critics will probably say is great 10 years from now. Oh the hypocrysy. Anyways I give it a 9 out of 10.

wow, my name looks odd without 5 lines of type below it in bold and purple and red
Red Wings Captain Cecil
JBA~Remove the Pick & Click NOW!
posted on 05-23-2002 @ 5:30 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
here we go again...


Um... Obi-wan ALLOWED vader to strike him
Obi-Wan IS not and WAS not a jedi master (hey, guess what, read the book "A new hope")
Yoda STOPPED to hold onto life (hey, guess what.. read "Return of the Jedi")
Vader was most certainly at NO TIME a Jedi Master, and he too relinquished him self to death.
In all 3 cases the individuals were conciously aware of their upcoming deaths (no matter the CAUSE) and prepared for it spiritually.

obi and yoda both died by something else.yes, obi let vader hit him, but he was still killed, body dead and spirit escapes.also, if obi isnt a master, then why does everyone call him "master obi wan" in clones?yoda let go of life BECAUSE HE WAS OLD AND WOULD HAVE DIED.he could have stayed on for a little while longer, but he let death take its toll.and what does vader have anything to do with it?his body stayed when he died.the luminous beings is simply dead people, as neither dllr nep nor herian i'ngre could use the force but both were the ghosty thing when they died(see "requiem for a rogue"). but the possibility of the disapearance and the knowledge of death's coming is possible, but it stands that the masters disapear and the regualar jedi dont, as said by nomi sunrider in redemtion "Vanished... But how? Only a Jedi Master---"(she goes on to talk about the dead jedi master, the only jedi master who could not touch the to guess who, magoo?)


My life has been a fascinating series of amazing exploits, about which I have many profound insights. But frankly, none of it is any of your business, so butt out!

this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because

i know better than to ask for a status from you mean ol' mods
Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag Emo Fag
I shall call him mini-FTL
posted on 05-23-2002 @ 6:09 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
ok i am in NO way as well versed in the star wars shit as you two are but...


if obi isnt a master, then why does everyone call him "master obi wan" in clones?

after watching clones a few times on my comp, i noticed the only people who called him master, it was a title of respect, not as in jedi master. for instance, the people on kimino call him master jedi, but my reading on that was like somebody calling him 'sir'. Its only been 10 years since he became a jedi, and i'm pretty sure that he's just a jedi knight like luke was.

I'm never speaking up again, it only hurts me
I'd rather be a mystery than she desert me
Oh I'm never speaking up again
Starting Now...
wow, my name looks odd without 5 lines of type below it in bold and purple and red
Red Wings Captain Cecil
JBA~Remove the Pick & Click NOW!
posted on 05-23-2002 @ 6:19 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
luke became a master sometime between 9 and 11 years after a new hope.i'm not sure when he became it, but he was a knight in the thrawn trilogy(9 years) and a master in the jedi acadamey(11 years).10 years is just about right, and i seem to remember hearing yoda and palapatine saying "master obi wan".could be wrong, though

edit-checked the book.palaptine said "master kenobi" when nominating him as the protector, and yoda addresses him as "master obi wan kenobi" when he's talking to the kids in saber practice.also, only a master is allowed to train jedi, so he has to be a master if he's training


My life has been a fascinating series of amazing exploits, about which I have many profound insights. But frankly, none of it is any of your business, so butt out!

this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because

This message was edited by fbdlingfrg on 5-23-02 @ 6:25 PM
Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 05-23-2002 @ 6:30 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
double check the context.
First off, check the end of Episode one. The council appoints obi-wan the status of "Jedi knight" for defeating maul, and he is allowed to take Annakin as a padawan THEN. All that is required to have a PADAWAN (not to train jedi, but to take a personal apprentice) is to be a Jedi Knight.
Secondly, in reference to context.. all Jedi in episode 2 were referred to as "master etc" EVEN Annakin at one point. This "master" reference is the same thing as refering to Knights of England as "Sir", it is indicative of their status AS jedi, not their status AMONGST Jedi.

No! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"You don't know what it's like, you don't have a clue

If you did you'd find yourselves doing the same thing too!!"
wow, my name looks odd without 5 lines of type below it in bold and purple and red
Red Wings Captain Cecil
JBA~Remove the Pick & Click NOW!
posted on 05-23-2002 @ 6:50 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
i admit defeat on obi wan's mastership during clones, but who is to say that he doesnt earn master by the time he dies?after all, him, yoda, brand, and od binar were the only fully trained jedi who made it through the jedi hunting without turning to the dark side


My life has been a fascinating series of amazing exploits, about which I have many profound insights. But frankly, none of it is any of your business, so butt out!

this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because

Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 05-23-2002 @ 6:56 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
All post Jedi fiction, errata, game supplements, trivia, video games, card games, etc, SPECIFICLY refer to Obi-Wan as a "Jedi Knight", NOT a "Jedi Master". Actually, to be even more specific, since Obi-Wan died in A New Hope, all post "A New Hope" etc refers to him specificly as "Jedi Knight", not "Jedi Master".

No! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"You don't know what it's like, you don't have a clue

If you did you'd find yourselves doing the same thing too!!"
wow, my name looks odd without 5 lines of type below it in bold and purple and red
Red Wings Captain Cecil
JBA~Remove the Pick & Click NOW!
posted on 05-23-2002 @ 7:10 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
fine, you was only a knight, but everything else says the lack of body was a makr of a master.and you never answered my little trivia question...who was the only jedi master(body gone) who was unable to feel and use the force?

edit-a few hints.a)said master trained vima sunrider(vima, not nomi).b)said master once could use the force, but things happened that make him unable to ever touch it again


My life has been a fascinating series of amazing exploits, about which I have many profound insights. But frankly, none of it is any of your business, so butt out!

this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because

This message was edited by fbdlingfrg on 5-23-02 @ 8:17 PM
Lord Magus
I have Cool-Mod-Powers and can read the Cool-Mod-Forum, then I drive home in my Cool-Mod-Car UFC
posted on 05-24-2002 @ 12:21 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
As far as your question is concerned, don't have a clue.
I didn't say i knew everything there was to know about Star Wars, I just said I knew a whole hell of a lot, and basicly said that if I opened my mouth on the subject I more than likely knew what I was talking about.

I also said in reference to my argument on the issue of Jedi bodies disappearing
"Granted, this may only be in reference to their spirits being able to communicate with Luke and NOT their bodies disappearing"
But, unless Obi-Wan is declared a Jedi Master in episode 3, (which is perfectly conceivable) he remains a Jedi knight for the entirety of the storyline and that puts a big hole in your argument.

And I'm not going to play the trivia game, because it doesn't prove anything other than who knows more trivia, and is about as babyish and petty as kicking dirt in each other's faces.

No! I am NOT a Goth Dude!!
"You don't know what it's like, you don't have a clue

If you did you'd find yourselves doing the same thing too!!"
wow, my name looks odd without 5 lines of type below it in bold and purple and red
Red Wings Captain Cecil
JBA~Remove the Pick & Click NOW!
posted on 05-24-2002 @ 1:02 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
you're no fun...first, you shoot my arguement down to shreds, and now you refuse to let me feel vindicated

and what the hell was this thread about to begin with?anybody know?


My life has been a fascinating series of amazing exploits, about which I have many profound insights. But frankly, none of it is any of your business, so butt out!

this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because this is the song that doesn’t end, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, but they’ll continue singing it forever just because

Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 05-24-2002 @ 1:23 AM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00

anybody know?
Obi-wan kenobi?

"It appears my wee wee has been strucken with rigor mortis."
Friday May 24: CBS: Baseball, 10- First Monday...NBC: Dateline, Basketball...FOX: Dark Angel (R), X-Files (R)...ABC: Home Videos (R), Videos (R)...UPN: High School High...USA: 9- Friday...IFC: Insomnia the original...
LOOK!! All my "N"s are capitalized!!!
posted on 05-24-2002 @ 1:47 PM      
Registered: Mar. 02

We see that Jar Jar was the start of the Empire, is there any way I could hate this character any more

I think that was done on purpose. After all the negative reactions Jar Jar got, it was fitting to have him to blame for the entire fall.

FN Moron is an indian giver!!
I had my cool status for about 10 min. then it was gone. GONE!
Agent WD40 Licensed to Kill
My spoon is TOO BIG. (finally)
WORD UP KIDDIES! This is Poop Dog, the gangsta specta of defeat!
Hanger-on to the JYDs for LIFE
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P®oJë©T M@¥hέm
posted on 05-24-2002 @ 1:59 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 01

2. I was wondering why they gave Anikian that robot looking arm at the end

because he had it cut off... didnt you notice when luke cut it off in return of the jedi he had a mechanical hand?


3. I could not stand that every one called Anikian "Ani" I do not remember anyone calling him that in Episode one.

yes they do. shmi, qui-gon, and padme all call him ani in ep. 1. maybe more but i dont remember. maybe watto.

$$$ FREE MONEY!!!$$$
JYD-4-LIFE! woof!
Black Rock Coalition
Do you have a basketball in your car?
posted on 05-26-2002 @ 2:54 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: May. 00
i finally got a chance to see it and i think lucas could have done better.

Britney Spears "Crossroads" has more engaging dialogue than this flick. At least toward the end Nat. Portman looked great. (bare midriff and pert nips)

Most of you probally realized this, but did the Cgi seem very out of place? To me it did! For example you could tell that yoda was cgi in one scene and a puppet the next. I think he rushed this without making it look seamlessly.

I cant wait for III to come out though.

Maybe i should try some one anakin's lame ass pick up lines.

The Yoda saber duel was god!


Norton's Victim
posted on 05-27-2002 @ 2:41 PM      
Registered: Jan. 02
I got around to seeing episode 2 last night, and I wasn't overly impressed. Sure, the last hour was kinda cool and seeing where Boba Fett came from was alright, but it really was a bad movie. The original Star Wars had an awsome plot and incredible acting. Lucas should give up on it already. The only saving grace to the last one is that EVERYONE, but Obi-wan, Yoda, and Anikin will die. All of them. The next one is probably going to be the most depressing movie every made, but I have a feeling that Lucas will find a way around that.

“The window burns to light the way back home. A light that warms no matter where they've gone. They're off to find the hero of the day. But what if they should fall by someone's wicked way. Still the window burns. Time so slowly turns. And someone there is sighing. Keepers of the flames. Do ya feel your name? Can't you hear your babies crying? Mama they try and break me. Still they try and break me. 'Scuze me while I tend to how I feel. These things return to me that still seem real. Now deservingly this easy chair. But the rocking stopped by wheels of despair. Don't want your aid. But the first I've make. For years can't hold or feel. No, I'm not all me. So please excuse me. While I tend to how I feel. But now the dreams and waking screams. That ever last the night. So build the wall, behind the crawl. And hide until it's light. So can you hear your babies cryin' now? Still the window burns. Time so slowly turns. And someone there is sighing. Keepers of the flames. Do ya feel your name? Can't you hear your babies crying?” - Metallica
"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty." - John F. Kennedy, 1961
Dhalsim-Style Hand to Hand Specialist
posted on 05-28-2002 @ 2:14 PM      
Registered: Mar. 02
I know it's been said again and again in this thread, but it hasn't been said enough. The dialogue was AWEFUL. Atrocious. Embarrassing. Further, Lucas should be ashamed that he spent, what, 80Mil on effects, and about 20 bucks on a script. Yes, it can be accepted to some degree, but when I'm still cringing from the dialogue five minutes ago, it really detracts from my enjoyment of the fight scene, etc, at hand.

Yahoo sucks.  Just picture a baby flipping you off here.
It wasn't lies, it was just...bullshit.
posted on 05-30-2002 @ 2:34 PM      
Registered: Apr. 02
Holy shit- there seem to be some hard core O&A influenced Star Wars fans out there.
Very interesting discussion that you have going on here. I saw the movie and fucking loved it. I must admit to being heavily under the influence of psychedelic substances at the time which most likely influenced my opinion. I also saw it in digital format which enhanced the effects and made them seem completely incredible.

I agree with common opinion here that the droid factory scene was stuck in there for the purpose of a video game. I was so fucked up at this point in the movie that it was hard to focus on all that was going on. It did seem a bit 'busy'. Same goes for the big jedi battle. I just downloaded the flick last night and plan to check it out at the theatre again minus the hallucinogens.
As of now I gotta say that it was pretty fucking good. The love story wasnt that awful. You guys are right about the dialog- this series is not known for brialliant dialog.
viewaskew (kevin smith board)
Portugese Liberation Front- Liberating Status' everywhere from the Tyranny of Portugal
I will die a traitor's death
posted on 05-30-2002 @ 2:58 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Sep. 00
Another comment I'd like to make about episode 2 (And episode 1) is that there were no memorable ships. X-wing, Y Wings, Millenium Falcons--we all remember those! But in the new trilogy none of the new ships have stuck with me, they just look very plain.

"It appears my wee wee has been strucken with rigor mortis."
Thu May 30: CBS: Price is right, CSI (R), Agency (R)...NBC: Friends (R), Frasier (R), Will (R), Shoot (R)...FOX: Arachnophobia...ABC: Line(R), line(R), Millionare...UPN: Smack...WB: Kennedy Ex, JKX, Charmed...AMC: Temple of Doom...Encore: 10:15- SCANNERS...
Picks: Scanners, Enc 1015
Dhalsim-Style Hand to Hand Specialist
posted on 05-30-2002 @ 6:59 PM      
Registered: Mar. 02
I totally agree about the ships. The naboo shiny things are...too shiny. They LOOK like CGI, instead of a ship that's been to a thousand worlds and has gotten bumped and bruised.

Yahoo sucks.  Just picture a baby flipping you off here.
It wasn't lies, it was just...bullshit.
posted on 06-01-2002 @ 1:54 AM      
Registered: May. 02
Am I the only one who experiences deep depression knowing that I'll never get the chance to fuck Natalie Portman?

"You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?!?"
posted on 06-01-2002 @ 7:45 AM      
Registered: Jan. 02

For example you could tell that yoda was cgi in one scene and a puppet the next.

As far as I know, Yoda was cgi during the whole movie....I remember Lucas saying the most difficult thing he did was trying to make a cgi character looks a bit like a puppet, because that's how people remember Yoda from the originals

Trust Me!

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