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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - FU To Jewish School teachers

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: FU To Jewish School teachers
No real… its cool to wear childrens Band-Aids.
I'm not a Cockblocker, I'm a COCKSUCKER!
posted on 01-14-2002 @ 1:10 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

i knew what it meant, but i know someone used it high school once and it pissed off a rabbi prompting the kid to be suspended or something

lmao, that's kinda funny. last year i wa in israel and someone was talking to my friend, and the conversation seemed to be going ok, but then she spit that out, and the guy just walked away really pissed!! i guess you had to be there, but she said it as thou it was "how was your day".

posted on 01-14-2002 @ 1:23 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01
Thank you, thank you.
The only thing I remember from hebrew school is "Ani rowtze ba-bieet". I hope I am spelling it right.. I used to say it all the time in hebrew school, that's why it was the only thing I remember(besides my hebrew name). :)

Shane Falco in The Replacement on the last play of the game: "I wish I could say something classy and inspirational, but that just wouldn't be our style. Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory... lasts forever."
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AIM: RonRon5477

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