The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board
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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - How talented are Opie and Anthony?

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: How talented are Opie and Anthony?
posted on 02-01-2002 @ 12:22 AM      
Registered: Dec. 01
I am post 1000. This thread was good while it lasted

Useless things to know about my life:

1) I got a warning for trespassing and indecent exposure
2) I got locked in a closet while hooking up
3) My dog is a she-male
4) I WOW a lot
5) I am a plug whore and a pioneer
6) I can handle alcohol well (supposedly)
7) More gooder things on this site Visit this Website

and lastly, just to answer the thread question.....
opie and anthony are pretty talented.

Complaints? Too bad!

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Displaying 1001-1001 of 1001 messages in this thread.