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Alkey 5 Need Input! - IrishAlkey - 05-15-2003

I have it set up so the site automatically goes down when SLASH and Ken are signed in at the same time. Smile

Alkey 5 Need Input! - Black Lazerus - 05-15-2003

First i want to start by saying this .
most people can't be honest in there personal lives so there is no chance in hell they will be honest on a web site.

1. more color schemes

2. more women with wows. Shit

3. More ethnic diversity (but if you can't take a racial joke the get the fuck out)

4. More strip club outings mother fuck baseball games. ( fucking paella)

5. More Blonds

Alkey 5 Need Input! - tinymike - 05-15-2003

Alkey - As I see it, we should thank you for putting this place up and anyone that doesn't like the way it's run can go someplace else. With that being said and since you asked,

Things that would make this site better:

1. WOW pics that actually show up
2. Less inane repetitive posts (ie. - in this thread.....)
3. Farrrrr less homosexual banter from certain members. I personally don't really need to see that memberX fucked memberY after dinner in the village or that memberY missed memberX cuz he's not here.

My two cents for what it's worth.

(and am I the only one disturbed by the fact that Manilow not only knew who danny terrio is but actually had a picture ready of him to post?)

Alkey 5 Need Input! - IrishAlkey - 05-15-2003

I agree.

It seems that we all used to put more effort into what we posted. Now, we're just throwing anything out there. I'm guilty of this, too. I dunno'.

Should I delete Barry? It's a start.

Alkey 5 Need Input! - kindred - 05-15-2003

Quote:It seems that we all used to put more effort into what we posted. Now, we're just throwing anything out there. I'm guilty of this, too. I dunno'.

But that is how message boards start. Give it time. didn't happen overnight. It took time to build and time for people to feel comfortable enough to dive in and post. Who cares if it's only a "lunch" thread or a "in this thread"...that me be the post people feel most comfortable participating in.

Give it time. Don't over analyze it. Let it happen.

Alkey 5 Need Input! - Six-Pack - 05-15-2003

-While I would say that a mission statement for an internet message board may be taking it to far (I highly doubt that there ever could be a mission or direction set here that could be accomplished) Some unambigous, clear cut ground rules would be nice (ie-No hi posts, whatever, etc., would also help the quality)

-Bring in a tech support forum for those of us that are computer literacy challenged (ok, so its just me), so someone can help us out. Some sig pic hosting sites would also be appreciated.

-On a technical side, KP is right, there are times when the site just refuses to load. Also, consider how much traffic the site can handle in the future (at 5 new mems a day, that's 150 in a month, 1800 a year).

-Sig pics--If you are going to ever have limits on them, plan ahead to see what they would be and institute them now. It would be easier to tell 400 people to change their sig pics, than it is to wait a a year, realize you have to set a limit, and tell 2000 people that the pics they've been using for over a year are no longer acceptable (plus, that flip photo thingy of Alkey is just too disturbing to exist).

As for quality, there will be some dead times while the board is still small, but it will come together when there are more members to contribute.

SLOATS--You left out the part where you plan to capitalize on it all big time by putting up some lame website, only to fail miserably and lose nearly everything.

Alkey 5 Need Input! - kindred - 05-15-2003

You could always try the adoption program since that worked so swimmingly.

oh, and those [sarcasm][/sarcasm] things.

Alkey 5 Need Input! - KensPen - 05-15-2003

Let the record show that the term "mission statement" and it's implied formality were meant to be humorous in nature.....

sometimes shit evolves...
I had a lot of fun with GIP making ASStute comments,
but no one else really chose to play...

I agree with the give it time,

I also agree with kindred in that over analysis and critiquing of posting styles leads to a LOT of silence.

Alkey 5 Need Input! - Flock of Moosen - 05-15-2003

In my opinion it's clearly the chat threads. What chat threads you ask? Hmmmm, let me see. Oh, that would be just about every damn thread that's started on this board.

When FTL first told me about this place I was excited because frankly I missed the old haunt. What I didn't miss about the old place though was the moronic threads and the normal threads that turned into nothing more than a chat between 3 or 4 people. What's the matter, AIM broken?

Don't get me wrong, some days are still fun here, but it's like why bother even trying to start a serious thread if the rest of you are going to destroy it within 5 posts.

Alkey 5 Need Input! - BARRY MANILOW - 05-15-2003

Quote:Should I delete Barry? It's a start.

What'd I do? I thought we were all just having fun?:confused: