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what is this rocky V that you speak of? my collection ends at IV.
I have download about 20 of Chomsky's talks over the past month. He is the greatest Philadelphian ever, dare I say greater than even Rocky and Ben Franklin.
David Barsamian does incredible interviews with Chomsky. He has a few books of just interviews that are really good. One that comes to mind is: Keeping the Rabble in Mind.

There are three books, which can be purchased as a set, which are basically Barsamian interviews:

1. What Uncle Sam Really Wants
2. The Prosperous Few and the Restless Many
3. Secrets, Lies and Democracy

What Uncle Same Really Wants is a great primer to Chomsky

“[The corporate mass-media] serve to divert the unwashed masses and reinforce the basic social values: passivity, submissiveness to authority, the overriding virtue of greed and personal gain, lack of concern for others, fear of real or imagined enemies, etc.

“The goal is to keep the bewildered herd bewildered. It’s unnecessary for them to trouble themselves with what’s happening in the world. In fact, it’s undesirable — if they see too much of reality they may set themselves to change it.”

— Noam Chomsky

Edited By Gooch on 1112132307 is the best resource on the net
he hates america
Chomsky's love for America is seen in his unsparing quest for truth.
Yeah, I watched the first season of family guy till 7am
Gooch Wrote:Chomsky's love for America is seen in his unsparing quest for truth.
Yes, and Michael Moore loves Corporate America for the same reason.
Take a week off (if you're not already still unemployed, lay-about) and read, listen, and absorb everything he has ever uttered. You'll be smarter at the end.
Andrew Sullivan the homo says that Chomsky hates America and that's enough for me.
remember when peter took the mystery box instead of the free boat, that wacky peter.
and everyone else took the boat!!! what a lovable idiot he is.

yeah family guy returns tonight.
american dad still sucks

but i rented the bourne supremacy & napoleon dynamite

bourne supremacy was pretty good
Napoleon Dynamite was fuckin horrible and people who praised it are even worse.
drusilla Wrote:american dad still sucks
i sat through the first ten minutes, thinking that the pilot was a bad example. horrible!

the new family guy was pretty good, though. right on par with some of the old episodes.
I watched my cum drip off the lips of an 18 year old softball player.
What was his name ?

I don't know many males who play softball below the age of 26.
I saw Van Helsing - it was pretty lame.
The GI Joe thing in family guy RULED.
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