Full Version: What I watched this weekend
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I liked the british porn, I wonder if you can get that somewhere.
Britain maybe?
I don't go to germany for my german snuff films, wtf!!!
I watched BLADE 3 with Dru last week. It was ok.

And on a side not I wanna apologize to Jays for my cheap shot. I just dont know what came over me.
I wanna see blade 3, another party involving dru I was not invited to!!!

I'm starting to get the hint.
I bought Blade 3 but haven't watched it yet.
give it to me!!!
i watched blade 3 the other night it wasn't as bad as i heard it was. Blades comic sidekick stole a bunch of the scenes.
Dru wanted to turn the lights off and cuddle.
& pretend that you were ryan reynolds
I thought so too once I saw him without his shirt on in the movie.

God I really need to do some situps.
She only called you because I was in Florida. You are her back-up plan.
Ryan Reynolds is no Josh Duhamel.
either/or - i'm fine
lush Wrote:She only called you because I was in Florida. You are her back-up plan.
you wouldn't have watched it anyway. we have to sneak in our action movies when you are busy.
Remember the Punisher?? Do you really want the same joke in both ears again?
I watch intellectual films like License to Drive.
lush Wrote:Remember the Punisher?? Do you really want the same joke in both ears again?
i really did miss that when i watched it again in grenada
i watched family guy with a room full of new college graduates, and my mum. we ate icecream cake and played cranium. it was pretty funny though. the other show, eh.

oh, i saw hitchikers guide to the galaxy, for 6.25! i thought it was decent. although they omitted a lot of stuff from the books. i know, it's a lot of book, but the movie was under 2 hours and they ended up kinda changing a lot around for the ending. it could've had more. but an enjoyable movie all the same.
My tivo crashed during my vacation and it didn't tape either of the shows that I wanted it to tape the last two weeks (Lost and Family Guy)
lush Wrote:Remember the Punisher?? Do you really want the same joke in both ears again?
Great minds think alike.
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