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This board is Great. Thanks for having me. WB since 03. It is getting quite clutterred with tools. i had to dig pretty deep to find this place. thanks again.
[Image: p25604b.jpg]
you are a mole, go away.
that's not cool, horshack
[Image: the%20mole.jpg]
We have broken the space-time continuum.
And probably the prime directive.
goats turning into flock, I can sense it.
bite your tongue
WoW This is the Dark side.
[Image: Rage.jpg]
is it everything you hoped for?
Yes. the iB code buttons are great.

<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'></span>Orioles 1st place
[Image: Rage.jpg]
we aim to please.
fuck you and baltimore you fuckin n00b
Nice streak . To bad it's against the worst teams in baseball. June will be a true horror show. You guys had a great run, maybe the best of all time but

It's over Johnny.
You are an Admin so I will refrain from any
obsentities. Good day sir.
i like this guy!!!!

fuck the yankees!!!!
chewonmysac Wrote:You are an Admin so I will refrain from any
obsentities. Good day sir.
no need, keep them coming
why would it be worse to curse at an admin than at someone else? if cursing were against a board's rules, it would be bad everywhere
this guys a little shellshocked from wackbag, you don't look at an admin funny over there let alone use the word opie or anthony in vein.
why cant you talk about them being on their way back to the heart after circulating through the body?
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