Full Version: If this is the end then let me say
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I swear I thought of hybrid but then I went to get some cigarettes and forgot to mention him by the time I got back. I forgot a bunch of people though like slash... yeah he had a couple posts overall a complete fuckin weirdo like howard hughes minus the money and fame.
Quote:I swear I thought of hybrid but then I went to get some cigarettes and forgot to mention him by the time I got back

smoking is bad for your lungs. you should quit, for our sake, lambykins.
oh yeah, I forgot again.

Hybrid.. he's much better than painter and av8er
i hate you!
Hybrid funnier than joe soprano ever was!!
Quote:3 user browsing this forum
>Gonzo >**The Brain**>Hybrid

I love how the negro logs in once he finds out his name was mentioned but of course he has to log in anonymous so he can be incognito.
A Goodbye thread? How very Lent-ish of you.

Quote:Brain always liked the guy, wish he'd have posted here more but he never did for whatever reason no matter how many times I invited him, oh wells.
If you don't leave, maybe I'll post more. Alternatively, that can be considered greater incentive for you to go.
Lent invented the goodbye thread like puffy invented the remix, though I never said I was leaving anywhere in the thread. Like I have said for the last several years, i'll be the last one off this burning ship.
i'll jump off and on five more times before it goes down
Gonzo Wrote:Lent invented the goodbye thread like puffy invented the remix, though I never said I was leaving anywhere in the thread. Like I have said for the last several years, i'll be the last one off this burning ship.
Oh, so CDIH is sticking around for a while?

Cool, my job is done here. See y'all again in 2007!
Gonzo Wrote:Lent invented the goodbye thread like puffy invented the remix, though I never said I was leaving anywhere in the thread. Like I have said for the last several years, i'll be the last one off this burning ship.
and i will be standing right next to you, my love.
haha hybrid wasnt mentioned!
We're not shutting down. First, we have to find someone to archive our archives of archives.

Besides, we can still make it work. I'm just looking for something funny to post.
if anyone can, its you!
I'll archive it!!!
and where will you put it?
On Bored Planet.
and when that dies?
I'll have to get back to you on that one.
we could come up with an FAQ including board history and relevant member bios.
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