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Why live in past when the present is already here?
yes but the past for us can be the present for someone else out there!
You fucked GRK!
when the fuck did jack become involved with boredplanet? Have I been gone that long...
we're gobbling up messageboards, people!
IrishAlkey Wrote:You fucked GRK!
I'm setting the record straight for the archives, I didn't lay a... well a finger maybe but no insertion ever took place with that sweet girl.
it's like Monica and Bill
at this point for all the trouble its caused I should have at least actually fucked her.
but then you would give them the ammunition to take you down!!
I woulda dropped a load at least.
give her a lil ammunition. I see what you're saying. I get where you're coming from. Ya know whatta mean?
Gonzo Wrote:Dru, you're fuckin cool though I still hate you for not inviting me to your b'day party.
i really do not know what i was thinking
The Jays Wrote:give her a lil ammunition. I see what you're saying. I get where you're coming from. Ya know whatta mean?
I actually drop a lot of ammunition, it's a complaint I get.
from your face, or from other women?
This is so sad. By sad I mean in the kinda pathetic way. Not the opposite of happy way.
HOw can this be pathetic?

So people may have left, and some active posters just don't put as much time in any more. Wel, we've all been growing during these years. There's people out there on the internet who are going through their own messageboard golden age, and others who might just be exactly like us, mere board refugees. But we' ourselves have changed, so it's just the board going through its natural course.

Besides, people willl eventually start dying, so, we ought be prepared for when the board literally dies.
Isnt the board always kind of dead once the weather gets warmer ?

Oh....and I never had it out for Gonzo like he so eloquently put it. It was just a little good natured ribbing.
I'm running the campaign.... GMANN FOR MIP 2005
I'm sure gonzo hates me and was just being nice leavin me out.
Purty > GRK
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