Full Version: This is the thread that will save the board...
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I started it.

Sleeper and Galt will type funny things.

Bliss will ensue.
I believe in you.
I did this because of your kind words, my muse.
Just need to strike upon the ground to get some sparks. All you need is the match.
Anytime now...

Wow, this is the first time I have more posts than you. I feel sort of superior to you. It's an odd and unusual feeling.
I waited for all things to turn to shit before passing the torch.

I'm a prima donna.
I use to think that prima donna was "pre-Madonna", and thought it referred to someone acting like Madonna before she took on the name Madonna.
I thought that up until five minutes ago when I put the word into and its reply was "did you mean 'prima donna'"?
prima donna makes me think of prima vera, and now I'm hungry.
Go eat.

I'll stay here and continue with the saving stuff.
<marquee><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>pRoJeCt M@Yhem</span></marquee>
My genius knew no bounds in the olden days!
this thread > spoo
I'm not sure if that's a compliment.
silera needs to post here too for the magic to happen
Her arms aren't long enough to reach across her stomach towards the keyboard.
its funny because its your fault
you killed the board with your penis. it seems only fitting.
he started out with an FU to his we know the true reason why, because in one day, his dick would destroy the world
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