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Well im not one for sappy words. BUT. Posts well done sean,gonzo,seph and maynard. Not that my posts or comments mean all that much to anyone. LOL.

WHOA!! Gotta go....somethin' is fryin up real good in my bug zapper.
i hate sean
Quote:It means you should bend down and give me a ride like no other.

Arpikarhu Wrote:i hate sean
The irony of this post is almost painful.
i keep getting those stupid runtime errors that ask if i want to debug it. is it just my comp or is something with the site?
Only problem i'm having Is, I get real dizzy when the page loads up, and then shoots to the bottom for the quick reply.
I figure dramamine will help.
I think it's the site

You can disable that if you want by going into your advanced settings

For those not l337, that means go to Tools --> Internet Options --> Advanced Settings Tab. If you disable script debugging and disable "Display a notification of every script error" you won't get that little dialogue box that asks you if you want to debug
Zootybang Wrote:Only problem i'm having Is, I get real dizzy when the page loads up, and then shoots to the bottom for the quick reply.
I figure dramamine will help.
:lol: Me too! I feel like I'm sea sick.
For now, until i find the code to change the pages loading to the bottom automaticly, on the bottom of every post is a red link that will take you straight to the top.

I should have a smiley table working shortly.
Everything's looking great Sean. Thanks for the temp fix for the page load thing. That will help. I've been wearing out my scroll button on my mouse.
Sean...You are most definately the man.
Thanks for all of your hard work, take a fucking break GAWDDAMNIT!!!

<img src=>
Look like the monitor rays have turned Sean into a brotha. Sean Afrika in the hizzouse!!
I'm a little late on this but I felt the need to add my 2 cents for what it's worth. After the shutdown of STM, I was sooo psyched about CDIH, and I still am. Finally a place where dementia and retarded humor had a home.

First off, Sean, Maymay, Gonz and everyone else that has put your undaunted effort into this site, I applaud you. Great job! It may have it's bugs but Sean, you never fail to keep us updated with what's going on and why. This is the one thing that I, personally, appreciate the most. The lack of secrecy as to what's going on. You have always been honest and open with us and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that we appreciate it. It means a lot to have know what's going on.

As for the thing, it's so fucking complicated I don't want to get into the site or the mods or what went on or why. I will say this, however, that a few people have made comments about my involvement with OTL and Sean, if you don't mind, I want to clear this up right now. Yes, I have a column on OTL. It's a revival of a thread I started a long time ago on I enjoyed that thread. It lent to my pyschotic creative side (as unfunny as some of you may think it is). I write for OTL because I enjoy the nature of what I write. That's it. Nothing else. I have no investment in the site. I have no alterior motive for writing that column. I write it cuz I enjoy it. I also enjoy posting my shit on this site as well. Some of you, for some odd reason, think that there is more to it then that. A modship on, financial gains from investments, or whatever other useless brainless thought you may have.

NO! There is no alterior motive. I've said to alot of people, even though it's a running joke with some retards, I don't want to be a mod on I never have and never will. And even more so in light of what's been going on. Anyone that questions that, well, that's your personal problem. Not mine!

As for the possible merger, I'm glad it was decided against. it would have ruined the nature of this site. The open nature of our posts and discussions here is one of the things I enjoy. People aren't afraid to post threads or speak their mind. That lends to the quality of the posts being much higher. As for anyother message board, whether it be or, to me at this point is a commercial break. When the cgi errors occur or the site is down, my attentions goes there. well, not rf anymore cuz a certain mod with a broom stick up his ass doesn't seem to understand Teh Grumpy. But again, that's his problem, not mine. I don't mix the boards up. What goes here, stays here. What goes anywhere else, stays there.

Once again, great job on the site Sean. I've said it to you privately and I'll say it publically here. Anything I can do to help, just say the word.
Bottom fucking guys rawk!! Thanks for all the hard work just to keep us bunch of fucking retards happy and in a confined location, its better for the general population this way.

The psychotic midget makes one great point above when he says that what goes on here stays here! Amen to that! We're here because we "get it" and don't feel the need to have to pussy down our comments for fear of hurting someone's any of us have feelings...puh-lease.

Also, props again to the big man, Sean, for being upfront and letting us know what the fuck is going on with the site. At least when it tanks...we know why.
I kinda miss the CGI errors. It was a like a roulette wheel sometimes, and I felt rewarded when I got in.
Let me just say that this site fugging rocks. Love you all, you guys are pretty much like my coworkers...but I can actually stand most of you. You make me laugh at this miserable job and I thank you all for that.

I know I don't act like a mod most of the time, I just like to slack off and fuck around. Thankfully, Sean made this site just for that, and i was definitely surprised he made me an asst. admin (especially considering I know probably less than most of you about all this shit. It is fun to be in control though....But if you see me pulling any serious power plays, slap me around immediately, I don't want to end up like that and really don't think I will... So thanks Sean for working your ass off, and having some faith in me, especially to keep certain info to myself(see, I can keep my mouth shut :bouncer: ) You have my full support, always.

We may plan stuff in advance without your knowing, but at least we don't tease the shit out of you, hinting about stuff that will never happen or work.

One last thing, this post
<marquee><table style=filter:glow(color=green)>Needs some cool code </table> :fuggin:</marquee>
I seem to be having a continuing problem when I reply from the office through a highspeed connection. I will hit add reply and the message never posts. It just sits there, with a Done message at the bottom of the screen. I have to log out and back in to post the message again. I never have the problem on dial up. Any ideas? can't be leaving us such an open-ended question OAS, can ya? Looks like someone forgot to take their nap
Sean, I just wanted to add that you have my support as well. Although I am a newbie to both Cdih and this great group of people, I can see how much effort and love you have put into making this site enjoyable for everyone.

Also, I'm very glad that you didn't merge with I like being able to show my *Stern Pride*. Smile
So far, so good, this time last week we were getting that CGI limit like mad.

I again ask everyone to please use the quick reply box. I will leave the add reply buttons, the usual ones, for a few more days in case peeps just don't know what to do. Yes, as scary as it may seem, people will still fuck things up and that is ok.

Even though I wasn't expecting this to turn into a props thread for me, I do want to thank everyone who spent time replying like an adult and expressing your feelings.

Except for Arpi, of course. But, then again, I don't give a flying rat's ass what he thinks really. I am glad to hear he hates me though fo now I don't feel quite as bad for dispising him and his parents for allowing him to come into this world in the first place.
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