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Quote:Except for Arpi, of course. But, then again, I don't give a flying rat's ass what he thinks really. I am glad to hear he hates me though fo now I don't feel quite as bad for dispising him and his parents for allowing him to come into this world in the first place.

admit it, you want to fuck me soooooooo bad!!
Quote:admit it, you want to fuck me soooooooo bad!!
I think he wants to kick in your fucking teeth. But hey, in some cultures, that's LIKE fucking.
Well all I have to say is, this just fuckin rocks.
But I have one question...

I use aol(yeah yeah yeah I know , take my PC in the bathtub with me) every time I open a thread I get a pop-up asking me if I still want to run script on the page. If I click no, all I get at the bottom of the page in the quick post option is the post box. I don't get any of the features like bold, italic, blah blah blah. Just thought I would mention it. But I am not complaining because this is the most user friendly message board I have ever posted on. Great work Sean.
haha, you are a tool
BJ, Doc posted the fix for that before.

Quote:For those not l337, that means go to Tools --> Internet Options --> Advanced Settings Tab. If you disable script debugging and disable "Display a notification of every script error" you won't get that little dialogue box that asks you if you want to debug
a little heads up...i found one of those "please wait while we do something" screens is still around, when you update your profile(and sorry if i double this like bj did...i just got a CGI, and i'm not sure if it went through)
Quote:Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request. The most probable cause is an enormous CGI usage generated by this website. Please try again later.

well things are really cooking now.
Quote:I kinda miss the CGI errors. It was a like a roulette wheel sometimes, and I felt rewarded when I got in.
This line made the goddamn thread. Bra-fucking-vo.
Sephiroth Wrote:
Quote:I kinda miss the CGI errors. It was a like a roulette wheel sometimes, and I felt rewarded when I got in.
This line made the goddamn thread. Bra-fucking-vo.
I agree, very fucking funny.
OK, now, while we had some great fuckin changes put through, this server just fuckin sucks major donkey dick. I am going to try one more thing with them and then i am swapping servers. Anyone can suggest a server but don't forget our content issue.

It looks like time for server number four, troops. Unbelievbable in my eyes.
Sean Cold Wrote:OK, now, while we had some great fuckin changes put through, this server just fuckin sucks major donkey dick. I am going to try one more thing with them and then i am swapping servers. Anyone can suggest a server but don't forget our content issue.

It looks like time for server number four, troops. Unbelievbable in my eyes.
you suck at picking servers
Wow, you just made me happy McB joined up you slimey piece of rat shit. I hope he annoys you just one quarter of the ammount you seem to annoy everyone else.
How about Infopop? It's only like 1000$ a month, but you can make that up pretty quickly with a couple of official CDIH parties.
i've heard quite a few things about older brother's used about 5 board with it, and he says that they're great, little or no problems, and very user friendly
Brokenjaw Wrote:Well all I have to say is, this just fuckin rocks.
But I have one question...

I use aol(yeah yeah yeah I know , take my PC in the bathtub with me) every time I open a thread I get a pop-up asking me if I still want to run script on the page. If I click no, all I get at the bottom of the page in the quick post option is the post box. I don't get any of the features like bold, italic, blah blah blah. Just thought I would mention it. But I am not complaining because this is the most user friendly message board I have ever posted on. Great work Sean.
If you use AOL you deserve to lack these features, in fact if you use AOL you might want to consider killing yourself in the same manner mentioned previously to reclaim your image viewer.
The Sleeper Wrote:How about Infopop? It's only like 1000$ a month, but you can make that up pretty quickly with a couple of official CDIH parties.
I know, how about a Christmas party and like we can swap secret Santa gifts and like I can get a fake bottle of Viagra and some Oil of Olay as my gift mind.
OAS Wrote:I know, how about a Christmas party and like we can swap secret Santa gifts and like I can get a fake bottle of Viagra and some Oil of Olay as my gift mind.
:points and laughs:

HAHA, you're old!
The javascript errors everyone is getting is just an unfortunate fact we have to deal with. It is a different error on every page, but most sites even and most sites have these JS errors. They do not affect the performance of the site and they are errors on IB's side because they wrote the code. To fix these errors is not something we can figure out easily since it is different for every page you load, IB is pretty new software and they are still experiencing some problems.

Sean and I installed some hacks over the weekend, well actually sean installed the hacks and I played with his cat. Then I sat down and contributed by changing "colour" to "color" then I felt vindicated. We installed several other hacks which also ran into some problems, Sean is still figuring them out. One of them is adding the smiley's to the bottom of the "qucik reply box"

I know it is frustrating and trust me I know I am greatful that you are all so patient as well as Sean is. I personally kinda knew how hard coding a site like this was. But I was overwhelmed when I actually watched and helped this weekend, it is first off strenuous and a lot of work, more than I could ever imagine. So once again I have an even greater respect for the work sean puts in. I also am very scared to be around him when he gets confused over a code, the bruises still have not healed.
The thing that makes me laugh is this. When I went to for the last time to tell post in the "Here's the Deal" thread Ant posted, I called Froy on the drop the OA name thing. His reply was "I get enough grief over OTL." and "How many people would really follow me to a new name." (Alright, I'm paraphrasing, but you get the idea.) Basicly, he replied to my post by lying.

Sean, I haven't had so much fun on a message board since the early days of

All we need now is a place to hang-out. Leave Bar 9 to Bro Joe and friends. WWF? Nah... Any other ideas for a hangout local?
Quote:All we need now is a place to hang-out. Leave Bar 9 to Bro Joe and friends. WWF? Nah... Any other ideas for a hangout local?

How about "BAR"?
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