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they're on now!!
Post whoooooah? :lol:
I turned in on just in time to here "The Simpsons are going to Brazil...."

Why are they going to Brazil?
cunt-boy? ikea-twat?
they're going to brazil because Lisa did one of those adopt a kid and she doesn't know where he is so they all travel to Brazil- stupid fucking plot. That plot in and of itself is so lame it's making me angry. as for humor, this episode has had a couple of ok moments but all in all pretty lame. And this season actually showed some sparks awhile back.

Luckily I can always fall back on Futurama.
I just screamed out "oh god this is awful." This is sickeningly bad.

But next week is the marijuana episode!

<table style=filter:glow(color=green)>Attention, hippies!!</table>

Phish on the Simpsons next week!!
so, how hard are you, thinking about that? down boy Confusedpits: <font color = white>

Edited By crx girl on Mar. 31 2002 at 8:35
:fuckoff: Stop mocking me.
Quote:Post whoooooah?
me, never!!
it had some funny moments, like when homer told bart to forget spanish. FORGET IT!
HyBriD Wrote:it had some funny moments, like when homer told bart to forget spanish. FORGET IT!
there were a couple of 'smile' moments (moments that make you smile) but the rest of it was just so stupid and lame and awful that I am still in disgust almost an hour after it finished.
"I would have written to you, but I didn't know what state you lived in." :lol:
ok, so the simpsons is sucking lately, but have no guy will be on this thurs!!! YAY
Cunt-Twat Wrote:ok, so the simpsons is sucking lately, but have no guy will be on this thurs!!! YAY
two repeats but Family Guy is still Family Guy.

Robot Jesus is Way cool
i'll take 2 repeat family guys any day
i thought it was when the brazilian kid starting doing the mamba and then was chased by monkeys
What did you think of the Phish appearence? Did it all just seem really random? I fucking loved every minute of it.
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