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Body fluids are the best part, jeez...what the fuck.
I rub my body in coupons, not sperm
DOUBLE WHAMMYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry you bottle body fluids to season your drinks with.
Don't diss my Fanta mixer.
I hear cum goes great with pineapple juice.
I heard that too but I'm not willing to try it at happy hour.
you also make guys wear condoms when they fuck you, happy killer.
STD killer.
only minorities and fags get stds.
GonzoStyle Wrote:you also make guys wear condoms when they fuck you, happy killer.
Whatever, I don't like the Aids or other diseases that make your body fall apart.
I give oral without a condom, as it should be, but otherwise I won't fuck you without one. I'm crazy like that
I take you make sex with niggers and spics then, white people don't get stds unless they mix with the mud people.
I don't fuck without a condom unless i have lab results saying they're clean..
I've never had sex with a darkie...ever.
Do wiggas count?
race mixers!
I said never!

Ok, one spic.
No reason to drag George into this.
George has never dipped his brown penis into my vag!
........that you know of
I know this for sure. That's why we are still friends.
I'm not really friends with people I've had sex with.
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