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You just touched my ass!
it was an accident!!!
lush Wrote:You've been in the backseat of my car...but that's about it.
is that code for, gonzo fucked you in the ass?
she was talkin to you I think mr. backseat.
No, that was you but if that makes you happy, sure.
oh yeah i have. i remember, we were at red rocks one night i think.
I'd love to ride her in her "backseat" but I dont frequent red rocks, george had me evicted.
I think Trish was trying to hit on you.
who is she talking to now??? im so confused!!!!
sorry, eddie keeps interupting. Yes you. Although, Trisha hitting on Eddie has happened, right?
oh yeah, trish was definitely hitting on me that night.
Eddie now hates me more for remembering that instead of when we had that meaningful conversation years ago.
i dont think this was mentioned yet but the balls are a seriously important part of oral sex. gotta make sure those boys are properly attended to.
lush Wrote:sorry, eddie keeps interupting. Yes you. Although, Trisha hitting on Eddie has happened, right?
I like to imagine it has, it keeps me going.
Like my celebrity fantasies...
So I'm curious....who in this thread has gotten any oral recently ?
george is gonna unleash his sexual prowess and awe us.
TheGMANN Wrote:So I'm curious....who in this thread has gotten any oral recently ?
look at you being all cool cause you have a girlfriend who lives in this country
Look at you being all cool because you have a girlfriend that exists
I paid for a pack of gum with a debit card the other day.

So I would probably be ridiculously turned on by someone paying for pizza with one.
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