Full Version: Pink Floyd
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Pages: 1 2 3
Fuck I'm the only one who voted, they are going to know my vote.
I see, interesting.
Indeed it is. But there should be another choice like "some of it"
some of what?
Like, they're good but I'm like "Pink Floyd, Fuck yeah!"
but what was the question?
At this point, it doesn't matter. I have no point, sort of like in life.
but you still answered!
Now no one will ever know what I voted. It is now a secret ballot.
so you're saying that you will try anything once except sleepers cock.
i voted yes.
GonzoStyle Wrote:so you're saying that you will try anything once except sleepers cock.
i grew up on them. the wall was the sing along tape on family road trips. that and queen.
I see.
darkside yes
wish you were here
very much yes
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