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haha yeah wow
wow that was mean, my boys all growned up.
remember when gonzostyle was actually a funny and cool guy who wasn't pretentious and actually cared about people instead of now being a the playground bully with his "boys" who gang up on people just because they don't want to stick their heads up his ass like his boys do?

ah...memories - gonzostyle, what ever happened to your stories that I read about your beloved mother and your antics around her?
you're just upset because you can't find the humor in how Gonzo has molded CDIH into a messageboard production of the movie The Warriors. I mean, he's from Coney and everything!
sidekick = lapdog
Keyser Soze Wrote:sidekick = lapdog

nice to see you know where YOU stand.... Now sit....roll over..... good boy!!!!
oh no you didnt, girlfriend!!!
Who is this shortnfugly?
cuando tu piensas de qien to sabe in su viva, es posible para aprender qien estoy yo!

Oh wait - you're not really spanish, you just play one on TV I forgot. Nevermind!
Try to find a spanish speaker, not babelfish, if you want to impress.
okay pendeja...if you say so.
my list of who shortnfugly might be:

sean cold (probably not though)
VG (doubt it)
or someone who still posts here but is a pussy who needs to conceal themselves under a pseudonym.
the way you have been continually disgraced in the last 2 weeks i am surprised you havent gone into hiding.
you keep clinging to my supposed disgrace because its all you have.
Arpikarhu Wrote:my list of who shortnfugly might be:

sean cold (probably not though)
VG (doubt it)
OAS, not bitter enough and not the right targets. he'd be attacking gonzo more

seph...not really the bitter type, and he occiaionally will show up in a chat and be fine with us

vg...i doubt it, too, especially with the way she was ran off, why would she go and do the same thing?


oas...why? plus, he said stuff about people trying to get into the pants of the girls thing, which was always part of his gag. i say its someone else, just i dont know who
Quote:supposed disgrace

aint nothing "supposed" about it. from your petulant AIM melt down, your shaming in polls that you created, and then your complete loss of perspective with kens poll, the evidence against you is a slam dunk.
LMAO - Arpi actually has Keyser cornered with truth..... Let's see what keyser says next, shall we? My money is self-deprecation, a change of target/subject, or just outright angry denial.....

And for the record Arpi - I AM SPARTACUS.....

Does that answer your question?
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