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Arpikarhu Wrote:
Quote:supposed disgrace

aint nothing "supposed" about it. from your petulant AIM melt down, your shaming in polls that you created, and then your complete loss of perspective with kens poll, the evidence against you is a slam dunk.

what AIM meltdown?

i won my posting quality poll, the be all and end all poll according to ken.

so......yeah. you were saying?
You didn't win the poll. You altered the poll to favor yourself. At least be honest with yourself if not with everyone else.
i never touched that poll, just ken's hawt poll.
yeah sure....and black is beautirful, the check is in the mail and I won't come in your mouth.....
prove it.
don't have you. you've already proven your worthy of the badge of shame.

Why don't you go see what other little buttons you can play with on your screen?
if you don't have the balls to stand behind your words, they're worthless.
says the kettle to the pot.....
what'd it say?
Quote:what AIM meltdown?

the one the night you cried about being celled.

Quote:prove it.

you are so fucking pathetic that it is pathetic.
ha, i have no idea what AIM meltdown you are talking about. you'll have to refresh my memory.

and yes, prove that i did anything to that poll, because i didn't.
you have a proven track record of altering polls. you have zero credibility when it comes to that subject.

a portion of your aim meltdown is in the cells. you can read it there, but you already know what it says.

face it, you have been outed for the crappy poster that you are, and no one is defending you, no one. almost everybody has denounced you.
this must have been a very painful 10 days for you.

now post that you dont care.
but what did the kettle say!!!
teas ready! TWEET!
the only person who needs to know i didnt alter that poll is me. it doesnt matter if you believe me or not.

i won bitch!
the only thing that you have won is the knowledge that most everyone on this board thinks you suck.
you're upsetting the kettle!!!
kettle will be fine. I'll pour arpi a cup tea after he's done with Keyser. It'll make him feel better.

Gonzo - Would you like a butter cookie with your tea?
what kind of tea are we talking here, english breakfast, chamomile, regular? Then you choose the proper cookie.

but seriously, what did the kettle say?
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