Full Version: Death Pool 2006
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how bout Gerald Ford
sir o had ford
sir o is dead.
i got jipped with sadaam
im stealing him for next year!
damn you!
you aren't the first
Saddam could still eek in this year.
he can eke too.
doh, i had gerald ford last year
they're droppin like flies, even Lionel from the Jeffersons is dead!!
the first one or the second one?
there is only one, imposters do not count!!!
they both sucked.
But he was gonna be an electical engineer!
Goatweed Wrote:they both sucked.

I love Lionel mainly when he would fuck with Archie on 'All in the family'.
but that was a different show.
Therefore, it does not count
thanks for the assist.
Lionel's up there with Archie having a laugh
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