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hopefully the scoring debate won't matter but if it does it would be the troy palamalu INT of death pool 2006
Don Knotts is dead at the age of 81.
Ron Howard did it.
kirby would have been a mint of a pick
dana reeve is dead too
she had lung cancer. You people aren't paying attention when you make draft picks.
no whammies ever again....

<a href="">Peter Tomarken dies in plane crash</a>
that's a real nice list you got there


Bill Graham
Dick Clark
Fidel Castro
Albert Hofmann
Abe Vigoda
Kirk Douglas
Bob Barker
Ed Koch
Charlton Heston
Osama bin Laden


Noam Chomsky
Terrell Owens
Charles Manson
Oprah Winfrey
Michael J Fox
Axl Rose
Mario Lemeuix
Liz Taylor
Michael Jackson
Willie Nelson

Sir O

Gerald Ford
Jerry Lewis
Jack Kevorkian
Dick Cheney
J.D. Salinger
Nancy Reagan
Dubya's Daddy
Dubya's Mommy
Paul Wall


Gloria Stuart
Sidney Lumet
Art Modell
Phyllis Diller
Pam Anderson
Jack Palance
Bob Feller
Hugo Chavez
Matthew McConaughey
Bob Grant


shelley berman
muhammed ali
jon voight
carol burnett
mickey rourke
alonzo mourning
don zimmer
keith richards
saddam hussein
bernie mac


Lady Bird Johnson
John Kenneth Galbraith
Ingmar Bergman
Sid Caesar
Estelle Getty
Nelson Mandela
James Earl Jones
Lena Horne
Shelley Winters
Kirk Douglas


1.andy rooney
2. gore vidal
3.boris yeltsin
4.Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
5.Boutros Boutros-Ghal
6.Robert C. Byrd
7.Art Linkletter
8.Helen Gurley Brown
9.Nancy Reagan
10.Walter Cronkite

Correct: 1
Minus 100 rule: 61


Howard Stern
Saddam Hussein
Bea Arthur
Julia Child
Alan Alda
Jack Palance
Betty White
Grandpa Al Lewis
Ernest Borgnine
Dick Van Dyke

Correct: 1
Minus 100 rule: 18

paper boy

Fez Whatley
Bam Margera
Art Garfunkel
Morley Safer
Larry Bud Melman
Woody Allen
Jimmy Carter
Tommy Chong
Michael J Fox
Joan Rivers

bloody anus

Yogi Berra
Willie McCovey
Ralph Kiner
John Wooden
Road Warrior Animal
Beverly Cleary
John Cleese
Robert Downey Jr.
Courtney Love

the jays
John Madden
Robert De Niro
Al Pacino
Susan Sarandon
Stephen King
Peter Falk
Gloria Vanderbilt
Jerry Stiller
Frankie Valli
Jake "The Snake" Roberts

pat summerall
scott hall
Ellen Albertini Dow
walter mondale
paris hilton
red auerbach
eddie curry
the fridge
augusto pinochet
elizabeth II

2 tired
Murphy, Julius
Dudley, Marion
Elizalde, Jr. Jaime
Neville, Jr. Robert
Smith, Jr. Clyde
Staley, Steven
Ford, Tony
Hughes, Tommie
Salazar, Jr. Robert
Kincy, Kevin
Sosa, Pedro

Jan Michael Vincent
Paul Newman
Margret Thatcher
Loretta Lynn
Mark Felt (Deep Throat)
Don Shula
Chuck Berry
Nick Nolte
John Goodman
Jerry Lee Lewis
diceisgod Wrote:paper boy

Fez Whatley

that was a close one.
i hope arpi wins so he can post some convoluted reason why he doesnt care
You guys are just lucky that the 2-time death pool champ, didnt participate this year.
why didnt you participate?
Adolf was in charge.
and who's fuckin' fault was that?
he was too busy playing the blame game
zarqawi will be tough to beat. i gotta hope for pam anderson or matthew mcconaughey to die off (this would be bittersweet) to stand a chance at 2-peating
if only keith richards had actually cracked his head open when he fell out of that coconut tree instead of just winding up with a subdural haematoma
Keyser Soze Wrote:i hope arpi wins so he can post some convoluted reason why he doesnt care

i cant win since i renounced my picks and my participation in this contest long ago.
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