Full Version: Hey, can someone make me a mod?
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Shit, I won't even do anything. I just want my name in color like basically everyone else here (except Arpi), I'm tired of the plain black...
I vote yes. Anyone else?
can i be a mod, too? i'm already a curator...whatever that does
no, this is about Sir O!!!
No, make FBD a mod too!
hm, I'd have to think about that one. Again, let's see what the others have to say.
Aw come on, just make everyone except Arpi mods.

You think we'll actually do anything?

(Well, don't make Hoon a mod.)
and explain what the hell job i'm not doing with my curator-ness
the only reason you're a curator is because you guys saw there were user groups, and decided to click a button and join. I, as leader of all curators, let you all through. thus, all curators are my minions, and you shall do as I say.

Now bring me my robe slippers and aids
Jeez Louise.

Just make everyone a Moderator at this point.

Except Arpi it should go without saying.
you people fear me. i am godzilla and you are tokyo!
We could all be mods once we start doin that whole pretend to be a site that we're not thing. This way we can screw with the noobs.
being a mod is overrated.
it is in your case
So true, so true.
what would you possibly do differently?
i would do something, which seems to be more than you have.
go for it.
mod me and i will
make me one too.
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