Full Version: Hoon is a fucknut, but he's entitled to his wrong opinion
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Arpikarhu Wrote:can you assholes take this bullshit out of my project thread.

I will desacrate this thread until someone agrees to write me up...
or I learn how to spell desacrate.
this project's training wheels fell off weeks ago.
Mission accomplished.

If you keep two fools arguing over trivial matters you may do as you please. Worked for the Romans and see how well that all worked out.
I would contribute....
but I don't know anything about anybody....

and most of you have blurred into an amalgam of screen names in my mind.
Arpikarhu Wrote:can you assholes take this bullshit out of my project thread.

[Image: thumbsup.gif]
Danked = Killjoy
Goatweed = flex
last word
Goat will have to show me how to split threads like this. I couldn't find that option.
Danked Wrote:Goat will have to show me how to split threads like this. I couldn't find that option.

done :wink:
this kinda thing was once done BTS

but now since the mods and admins outnumber the regular shmoes,
you just rub our noses in it.
You're all from new Jersey.
Who gives a shit what you people think?
You split an electoral vote with Rhode Island.

When you become relevent and get to have 1 vote for yourselves.. gimme a call.
i'm from New York, fucknut.
new jersey has 15 electoral votes...its in a tie for the 9th most in the country
don't confuse Hoon with Facts,
be they Socio Political, or Geographical....

NYC and LI are Jersey, and don't dare tell him otherwise.
A liberal New Yorker.
Sheep like you are a dime a dozen.
fbd Wrote:new jersey has 15 electoral votes...its in a tie for the 9th most in the country
But at one time you were #1 in the country for having the gayest governer!!
Hoon Wrote:A liberal New Yorker.
Sheep like you are a dime a dozen.

I subscribe more to the Jeffersonian classical liberal school of thought, fuckface.
McCain laughs at both of you tools.
I'd rather live in staten island than jersey, that place is just awful.
If you strangle a bitch for just 20-30 seconds too long no more boom-boom's forever. The left to right, liberal to conservative spectrum is just as narrow a window.
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