Full Version: Hoon is a fucknut, but he's entitled to his wrong opinion
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Hoon Wrote:You're all from new Jersey.
Who gives a shit what you people think?
You split an electoral vote with Rhode Island.

When you become relevent and get to have 1 vote for yourselves.. gimme a call.

You've already been bitchslapped, but whatever, I'll bitchslap you some more.

New Jersey has 15 electoral votes, Rhode Island has 4.

New Jersey has 375% the electoral votes of RI. We split a vote with RI, Alaska, Wyoming, and Montana, and still have two to spare.

You idiot.

And if states didn't automatically get 2 electoral votes, there'd be more. Wyoming, Vermont, and the Dakotas.

I wish you were smarter.
Adolf Wrote:I'd rather live in staten island than jersey, that place is just awful.

wow, you really are an awful human being.
Jersey is a wasteland and a landfill full of smelly trash, thats just the people, not the actual landfills.
those are just the staten island guidos that migrated here.
Ok I may have overstated things, staten island is actually worse than NJ.

So let me rephrase:

I'd rather live in queens than in jersey, that place is awful.
thats better.
Sir O Wrote:
Hoon Wrote:You're all from new Jersey.
Who gives a shit what you people think?
You split an electoral vote with Rhode Island.

When you become relevent and get to have 1 vote for yourselves.. gimme a call.

You've already been bitchslapped, but whatever, I'll bitchslap you some more.

New Jersey has 15 electoral votes, Rhode Island has 4.

New Jersey has 375% the electoral votes of RI. We split a vote with RI, Alaska, Wyoming, and Montana, and still have two to spare.

You idiot.

And if states didn't automatically get 2 electoral votes, there'd be more. Wyoming, Vermont, and the Dakotas.

I wish you were smarter.

Damn. And all this time I REALLY thought Rhode Island and New Jersey shared and electoral vote................... I'm so ashamed.............
Apparently Fair and Balanced means never fact checking...
Hoon = Rupert Murdoch
did i have to include sarcasm brackets around my last post?
this is why debate with radicals is useless.

let's talk about my ab's.
most people blame their posting failures on others. very liberal of you.
Quote:let's talk about my ab's.

Man.... I'm so curious about his abs now.

I wish he had finished his sentence. What!? What do they possess? Trophies? Property in Antigua? The ability to spell and understand basic grammar?
maybe he's a hockey fan and meant to say Habs.
any clue as to why he added an apostrophe s?
it adds to my curiosity.
i meant to put the apostrophe after the s..
because my abs are an entity all their own.

when i do sit up's, sweat dribbles down them like a liberals iq right before elections.
Quote:this is why debate with radicals is useless.

How is defending the very foundation of this once great country, radical?
All we're doing here is throwing talking points back and forth. It's boring.

You want to claim you've won. Go ahead.
It's really no big deal. I've learned that fighting isn't worth it if there isn't any money in it.
who is that in your avatar?
looks like someone I went to highschool with.
Ken I think its Phil Helmuth the cry-baby poker player.
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