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Next Week the MythBusters will see if placing Keyser in an air tight glass room does in fact create a vaccum tube.
ok..that made me laugh.
for what its worth, this is my favorite keyser shrine that ken has built in my honor.
Keyser sucks so much a cesarean delivery was necessary, as he was shrink wrapped in uterus.
you cannot stand "next to" Keyser... you simply enter his event horizon.
It is physically impossible for Keyser to Belch or Break Wind.
Keyser's last girlfriend left him suddenly... and suffered the Bends.
it is always high tide when keyser is at the beach.
god you suck.....

there is only one river in the world that runs from South to North, and that's because Keyers is "in Denial".
no sound enters or exits keyser, which is why he communicates via message board.
Keyser never showers, he just cleans his lint trap.
Keyser once visited Bermuda,
253 ships and 37 airplanes reappeared.
farmers can always tell when Keysers been stealing corn from their field, by the crop circles.
you don't actually ever get to meet keyser, you just fall into him.
6 to 4 against Keyser.......

I will expect him to step down and yield his modship to me shortly.
he is silently praying that all of these negative polls and the memory of him shaming himself will quietly go away.
this one will be hard for him to refute....
as no "average" option exists, it was a simple thumbs up or down vote......

and at 10 votes cast, he can't whine about multiple screen name votes being cast....

he simply sucks

as the results show.
he is furiously signing up new names to swing this vote.
I think you are right,
a "good" vote magically appeared since last I looked.
would you care to explain how that is possible? i dont see a new user listed in the index.
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