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sure it does. we all believe you
ive got the warm and fuzzies!!!
Keyser Soze Wrote:write me an essay 100 words or less why you would make a good mod and ill consider it.

so far you make no compelling arguement.

this is all Ken needed to sway me.

Ken'sPen Wrote:Keyser's last girlfriend left him suddenly... and suffered the Bends.
that was very funny.
Arpi and Ken have Keyser, Gonzo and I have HedCold. We all need a punching bag from time to time.
whatever helps you deal with your insecurities.
look, sexy man, this is my opportunity to use an emerging talent in wit and humor against my arch enemies known as beautiful people, and therefor I must sacrafice my closest e-friends for the sake of the cause
dont hate me because im beautiful
my vote was cast because you let yourself get caught up in these petty beefs with the likes of Ken Arpi and so forth are beneath you. plus that spiffy blue skin is not available at this time
a) you're right
b) jack won't allow me to install it
i bet jack's just saying that to push your buttons
Using jack as a scapegoat is so 2002
either way, its true....he wont let me do it.
cause we dont want the board going down for a day again.
small price to pay
yeah if the skin actually ended up being installed.
who cares what Keyser's skin looks like...
just know that I am under it.
Keyser Soze Wrote:ive got the warm and fuzzies!!!
that was just me peeing on you.
he's a golden god.
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