Full Version: Word up! -- son of word up - Play until it hurts
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Is anybody home?
Disco still sucks
Ding Ding!
Ping Ping
ping pong
Spit in green panties
(the size is)
Jolly Green Giant
green cooter juice (the panties were white)
<center>there once was a woman named dot
who lived on pig shit and snot
when she couldn't have these
she ate the green cheese that she scraped off the sides of her twat!!!</center>

Edited By LZMF1 on April 09 2002 at 5:51
This from the man from Nantucket
piece of tail
Quote:This from the man from Nantucket

kind of ironic isn't it?
the retard is late again
trip to planned parenthood
Dropping babies on their heads isn't good.
That's only in the third trimester
better late than never

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