Full Version: Word up! -- son of word up - Play until it hurts
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schizophrenia is my friend
You're never alone
i always feel like somebodys watching me
what was that?!? Confusedcare:
footsteps in the hall
::hides in closet::
::door flys open::
Confusedcare: :::ahhh!!!! you scared me!:: ::pees in pants::
{Sad} my last date
$80 on dinner..... then she told you she was a call girl and you now owed $300 for the "date."
a bargain :ha:
Happy hour
hot wings
2 for 1 margaritas....

Ughh Ladi, you're making me want to go to Applebees.
drinks with those little paper umbrellas
and slices of pineapple
you 2 are making me thirsty!!!!

time to break out the tequila and a blender.

Edited By LZMF1 on April 09 2002 at 9:27
Remember not to put your finger in the socket

chocolate ones from johnny rockets
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