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stop whining, cabin boy.
i'm not a cabin boy anymore, nor am i whining, bitch.i'm now captain cecil, and tus am happy {Smile} {:p}

Edited By fbdlingfrg on April 07 2002 at 12:24
errrrrrr..........i have a license to out...........:thumbs-up:
but you are also genital warts
Quote:i'm not a cabin boy anymore,

now we just call him "hand job boy"
i am not a cabin boy.i have become a cabin man
see if anybody gets that reference...

Edited By fbdlingfrg on April 07 2002 at 2:15
you are such a jackoof
no, you are the jackoof, amante estúpido del orangatangs you're a monkey.
i never claimed that either of us was a monkey.translate it again, skidmark
yo no soy espanol
No soy español, tampoco. Pero puedo inmóvil leído le, y puedo utilizar un website del traductor, asno mudo.
Fbdlingfrg es muy grande maricosa.
Él no dice siempre cuánto él goza el aspirar del dick?
This, my friends, is a lovely example of a thread hijack.
A mi me gusta suspirar el dick.
Ven aca querida
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