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so should the questions randomly be changed to statemants, then randomly changed to exclamations, much like the randomness of such shows like whos line is it anyway?
My taste in threads is better than all y'all's combined. Lick my bottom.
Quote:so should the questions randomly be changed to statemants, then randomly changed to exclamations, much like the randomness of such shows like whos line is it anyway?
WEll now you just fucked THAT thread up too. Talking about it ahead of time makes it not random anymore.

oh like you never used a talked about idea for a games thread before
Quote:My favorite threads are threads that develop a topic spontanteoulsy rather than have it be forced on us. Not to pat my own back, but look at the thread I started in the Cell. A completely stupid opening topic that developed into an interesting overall thread. Look how this thread developed into something completely different that what was originally intended. This to me is exciting. Randomness is more fun that setting guidelines and having to abide by them throughout.

That was a fun thread.
Guidelines and rules are too rigid (for me anyway).
That's why I usually find the game threads boring. The guidelines are too strict. The word-association one is pretty funny. I guess it all depends on personal taste.
Well Sleeper, I find that thread to be less filling.
But it tastes great
No really, it's less filling.
My threads are kinda like a Guinness Stout, lots of head and they'll get you fucked up pretty quick.
Quote:I guess it all depends on personal taste.
and thus the essence of this thread.different people hate the games, others love them, others play some but not others.questions and word associationi never liked, but i was, on, one of the main fuck you contributors.the carol thread was one of my homes during its 3 day run, and i still long for another round of maynardball(hint hint).games are up to the people who like them, not the rest of the board.if i start a game where everyone has to come up with an anagram for the last member's name, who are you to stop me, and if you start a game where you have to change a few of the last person's posts and completely change what they said, who am i to stop you?
You mean like a night with Shelle?
speaking from experience? ya kid toucher. :p
Sometimes The Sleeper reminds me of Jeff Goldblum's character in "Jurassic Park". I know this pointless to mention here, but it has the randomness he likes and I thought it should be said. Thank you. I will go and suck somewhere else now.
i fucking hate guarddogs
This is where I saw the leprechaun and he told me to [glow=red]burn[/glow=red] things.
just because potatoes have eyes doesnt mean they can see
While Arpi might be the funniest, there's no question that HyBriD is the smartest poster here.
What is beauty to someone, is ugly to someone else.

Just as a good thread may suck to you, yet it may be "golden" to someone else.

Chat threads can not be helped, they are needed to somehow cut chatting in other threads. I been around long enough to know that. Also I know that no matter how great a thread is, with the number of opinons we have collected here. The number os "styles" of posting almost any thread will eventually turn into a chat thread.

But to understand that, we must define a chat thread. The whole point of a board is to "chat". We may at times take a serious topic and make a wiseass comment. There is nothing wrong with that, thread hijacks are a fact of posting on a board.

Chat threads that are hijacked by the same people over and over again is the problem. When you have the same 3 or 5 people turning half of the threads in a single forum into their own personal AIM convo, then there is a problem.

Other than that, chat away. But no one can trully say what, how, where and why to post. One word replies and pointless posting is the only rule that I can trully set forward as a Board no-no.
Fuck you! You hated Carol.
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