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Yeah, but Arpi sis funny. You sir are not.
Ctrl + Q

Edit: Nevermind

Edited By The Sleeper on April 05 2002 at 3:33
Quote:Yeah, but Arpi sis funny. You sir are not

maynerd attempted to add his nerdy html to this post but was thwarted

EDIT-I made teh funney. -May

Edited By Maynard on April 05 2002 at 3:41
<div id="quote">yo</div>

YAY!! I figured it out.
[ quote ] your quote here [ / quote ]
"[ quote ] your quote here [ / quote ]"
Quick HTML is for losers

< div id="quote"> your quote here < /div >


Edited By The Sleeper on April 05 2002 at 3:44
Quote:"[ quote ] your quote here [ / quote ]"

""[ quote ] your quote here [ / quote ]" "
i think i jumped the shark with this one

Edited By Arpikarhu on April 05 2002 at 3:45
Yes, you're finished.
"Yes, you're finished. "
you have no idea
apri sucks taint
you can do this too
is that toolbar thing gone forever or is it coming back?
I was told it would be back....but who fuckin' knows. We could start the "who liked the tool bar" thread and make it one of those nifty polls!
It figures. There is a change. We lose the quote button, but the page doesn't automatically jump to the bottom anyomore.

Instead of praising that change, people just cunt about the quote button
You are so regal. May I kiss your toes? Bring you grapes? Fan you? Or shall I call for the master's jester and a midget to entertain you, sir?
WEll, it works out like this. YOU PEOPLE ARE NEVER FUCKING HAPPY! WE have added shit for you which we thought would make the board a little cooler. But you bitch about it. Then we take it down to fix it so that it doesn't break the AOL users computers, and you bitch again.

FUCK YOU ALL. Go suck some ass.
I'm straight. May I suck on some meat flaps instead?
galt's got a point there.ever since i've been here, this site has been upgraded constantly, not counting that period where there was no site for a week.every time a new feature came, it was great, but there was a negative thing, and THAT is what people talked about."hey look, tons of smiles, but i have cgi errors constantly" and 3 cgi threads.then, "yay, cgi is gone, and we have all these cool features in quick html, but I KEEP BEING BROUGHT TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE!FIX THE SITE YOU STUPID FUCK!I'M TOO LAZY TO CLICK THE TOP BUTTON, SO FIX IT!", and now "weeee!no more going to the bottom!but i wont post an appreciation thread, i'll just bitch and moan of about the quote button being gotten rid of and the temporary loss of quick html.i too lazy type out my own html or even the easy codes for quotes but i CAN complain"
shut the fuck up and be happy for what you do have

edit-i typed for too long, and maynard posted a shorter version before i could finish this.yes, i spent 7 minutes writing

Edited By fbdlingfrg on April 05 2002 at 5:19
Thank you fbd.

If you guys really want, we don't have to do ANY upgrades to the site. Instead of use working to make this place a little cooler, we have decided on something kind of major. I can't really discuss it right now until all of the details are hammered out, but there will be an announcement about it in 72 hours.
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