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foiled again
Haha, Both of you were 0wned by Sleeper!!!
I'm just upset that sluggo stole my joke.

whaddya mean I stole your joke?
Why would I do that?
usually your jokes suck.
Quote:whaddya mean I stole your joke?
Why would I do that?
usually your jokes suck.
I know, which is why I can't see why you and Fez are stealing them today. HooHoo Robin!
If you miss the quick html links, and don't know how to do something that you see on the board, do the following


Read yourself silly
First of all, all you have to do is type the UBB/IB whatever code {quote} {/quote} NOT HTML
<blockquote> </blockquote>

Quote:MayNERD posted:

So, I figured with all the pot I smoke I was killing alot of my memory. So I started taking ginko biloba hoping to restore the brain cells I've been killing. So now the two just cancel each other out.

That would be true if you actually had any brain cells for the pot to kill in the first place.

If you are going to be a big baby and cry about a joke I made making fun of your intelligence, without personally knowing anything about you because I never met you, then please add it to the list of things I am not to joke about in the Listening to anything good? thread in Noise pollution. Thanks in advance.<font color=white>

Edited By SLASH on April 05 2002 at 7:48
what forum do you have the list of things i'm not supposed to make fun of Faceman about because I don't know him personally?
Sorry, you'll have to figure that one out on your own, little guy.

Look at me taking Keyser's satisfaction away. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Spoil sport.
ok, i fixed the sarcasm button. Give it another shot.

<button type="button" onclick="document.bgColor='pink'">Sarcasm</button>
ooooohhhhh! pink is pretty
Nice sarcasm button.....are those available in mylocal hardware stores? Or is this a COMPUSA kind of purchase?
are you being sarcastic? I guess it worked.
why is it only a one push deal? make it do more!! make it do more!!
Bravo Teh Sleeper
It worked....and it was teh coolest. But Hed is right...make it do more!
Quote:why is it only a one push deal? make it do more!! make it do more!!
You want it to jerk you off or something?
as intriguing as that sounds, just making it change more then one different color will do
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