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Keyser's accusations that I am a fat dickless wonder, really really hurt.

and while I cannot help the underendowment that I was born with, I can work on my weight....

I am not pledging to aggressively diet and get down to my ideal weight....
once I find out what that is.....

I need a trainer,
a psychologist,
and a cheer squad....

applications are being accepted.
try some self esteem for starters
Don't eat when you're angry.

Which is probably fairly often.
that post is dripping in irony.....

your self esteem has been on a milk carton for a month.....

I hope Hoon agrees to train me.
Ken'sPen Wrote:your self esteem has been on a milk carton for a month.....

truer words have never been spoken
I probably can only qualify for the Cheer Squad.
i'm comfortable with who i am, you're not comfortable with yourself OR who i am. so who has the self esteem problem?
I would like to nominate Hoon for your personal trainer, Ken
I am not comfortable with myself... this is true,

because you pointed out that I was slightly overweight, and I was forced to agree... Rather than love myself and my flaws, I have decided to address this issue head on, and get in shape.

For this motivation, I thank you.
i need to lose some weight to Sad
You can join the fit club dude....

on my team.. or start a team of your own.......

after I kick Keysers ass we can step onto the giant scale and see who wins!
stfu about the weight gain shit dammmit... I just quit smoking.
Im in no position to train anyone to do anything except kick ass in mine sweeper.
112 is my best time....
pony up bitch.
.. and just that quickly, the student becomes the teacher.
the best on celebrity fit club is when they still manage to gain weight, and then they get all upset
You two should just have a sword fight with your cocks and get it over with, fags.
The Willie Ames freak out gets alot of play - but my opinion is that Jani Lane drinking himself to death is the comedy climax.
Hoon Wrote:.. and just that quickly, the student becomes the teacher.

c'mon... what is your best?
hey Keyser... since this seems to fall under your area of concern, what is the ideal weight for a 40 year old 6'2" with a medium/large build?
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